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Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter III. Adult cartoon story.

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21st July 2010

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter III. Adult cartoon story.

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter III.

Continue of adult cartoon story “Harry potter and the accidental casting“.

Ginny sat down on her bed and rubbed her tired eyes. It had been a long day. She stopped rubbing her face and stroked her hands together. The dragon skin gloves, which were an essential safety feature for herbology, care of magical creatures and occasionally potions, did not agree with her skin and were making her hands rough, dry and aged. Her fingers resembled her grandmothers and it seemed to be spreading upward toward her wrists. All the woman in her family had skin that was easily irritated by dragon hide, her mother had told her on her first day, ‘a little moisturiser an a good nights sleep will sort out any problems.’

Did she have any? Ginny could remember her mother buying a tub of moisturiser with the dragon hide gloves, but she hadn’t used it because her skin had never been irritated this badly. Ginny had worn her gloves for short periods, but today they were practically attached to her wrists. She had worn them for Herbology, Care of magical creatures and Potions, each lesson followed the other and such lengthy wear had taken its toll.

Ginny dived into her trunk and rummaged through her clothes. It was a real mess, very few of her garments were even folded. Her roommates had commented that she was quite messy, but that wasn’t totally true. Ginny was messy for a girl; but for a person who grew up in a house with seven men, her six brothers and her father, she was really quite neat. Her mother kept a decent house to say so many boys lived in it and had made a decent impression on Ginny.

There it was, a large blue glass jar stuck between a bra and a pair of socks. *Lady Malkins Moisturiser* the yellowed label read. Ginny smiled and pulled it from the trunk.

The thick grey liquid within smelled strongly of lime. Ginny read the instructions, you had to be careful with magical remedies, even when you’d grown up in a house full of them. Read the rest of this entry »

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