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Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 14

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1st May 2012

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 14

The next chapter of  toons porn story about Alice.

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 14

Continue of  “Alice in New wonderland” story

Alice sat by the shore of a beautiful shimmering lake. The water was crystal clear and she could see small fish darting about underneath the surface. The warm sun shone down and a gentle breeze made the long grass shimmer. Compared to this, the events that had taken place only two days ago seemed like a whole lifetime away.

The person she had rescued, Chester Kat, sat in the shallows of the lake, washing his body and nursing his wounds. Alice wanted to do a similar thing with her own cuts and bruises but she as far too relaxed to bother with all that fuss. Even the fact she had no clothes and had been forced to walk around naked for the last two days couldn’t bother her anymore. Read the rest of this entry »

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24th April 2012

Family Guy XXX story: Growing friendship

Family Guy XXX story: Growing friendship

“Meg, Meg Griffin is that you?”

Meg turned around to face whoever yelled her name and smiled widely. Jeff Campbell, a few months ago her father had saved Jeff’s dad, Dave, from drowning at the beach. Dave had been so grateful that he had invited them around for dinner, then they all had discovered that the whole family were nudists.

She hadn’t seen much of Jeff after an embarrassing and quite disturbing game of Yahtzee with her parents. After seeing her parents naked Meg just couldn’t look at him in the same way. But seeing him now she couldn’t figure out what the problem had been. He was her age, sixteen and like his parents he also was a nudist. Thanks to some legal loophole in Quahog nudists could walk around in the streets. Something Meg was a little grateful for at the moment, Jeff was hot, young and fit.

Meg smiled and walked over to him. He had a bag over his shoulder with something inside but Meg didn’t care to ask.

“Hey Jeff. Long time no see.” She said with a smile. He returned the grin and bit his lip. Read the rest of this entry »

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17th April 2012

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 13

The next chapter of  toon sex story about Alice.

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 13

Continue of  “Alice in New wonderland” story

To Alice’s her left, a shell in one of the eggs cracked open and a small gargled screech sounded out from inside. A clawed hand reached out of the shell. Three fingers with black claws an inch long the flesh was covered in a fine pink fur, something it had inherited from its father.

Alice took a step away from the egg as she creature cracked its way out and flopped limply onto the floor. It moved weakly on its limbs, trying to gain strength in its legs. It opened its mouth, showing off a row of needle sharp teeth, and let out a small weak roar like a lion cub. Its large yellow eyes looked around almost blindly, it was a newborn after all. Its age did nothing to lessen Alice’s fears, especially since the other eggs were beginning vibrate in a similar fashion.

The newborn sniffed the air and even if it couldn’t see Alice it could certainly smell her. Its legs seemed to find strength and it took several uneasy steps toward her. Alice took a step back but knew she wouldn’t be safe for long. Other eggs were beginning to crack and other Krull were fighting to break free of their shells. Read the rest of this entry »

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10th April 2012

Fairly Odd Parents Sex Story: Fairly Odd Parents – The Perfect Wish?

Another cartoon sex story:

Fairly Odd Parents – The Perfect Wish?

Timmy tapped the sides of his fishbowl, waking up his fairy god parents. Cosmo and Wanda poofed out of the bowl and into the air.

“What is it sport?” Asked Wanda. “You got a wish?” Timmy nodded.

“Of course.” He said smugly. He pulled a piece of pare out of his pocket.

“I’ve been working on this for a while, to make sure that absolutely nothing can go wrong.” He unfolded the paper and cleared his throat. “I wish that Trixie Tang was here but her clothes were not. And that my door was magically sealed so that no one can come in or go out, or hear anything from within this room, but we can still get air inside and breath. And the same applies to my windows. And that my clothes were gone and my body would have the physical reaction of a person who had taken Viagra. And, that Trixie Tang wouldn’t question why she was here and finally that she was hornier than any other living creature on earth.” Then he noticed a PTO on his notes and he turned the page over and saw the last of his wish written on the other side. “And also that you guys were anywhere but in this room and the wish would keep on going until I say ‘I wish things were back to normal.’ Go on, grant me my wish.” Read the rest of this entry »

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3rd April 2012

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 12

The next chapter of  hot cartoon story about Alice.

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 12

Continue of  “Alice in New wonderland” story

Dawn broke over the horizon but the dense forest was still dark and cold. Alice sat beneath a tree holding her legs close to her chest. She was to exhausted to move anymore she had been running longer than she cared to remember. She watched her breath billowing out in thick clouds into the dark air around her.

This time yesterday she had been in a warm bed, wrapped in thick blankets and under the best care of a person who loved her. Mina, a sphinx, had bought time for Alice to escape when an enraged spider/woman, she believed the term was Drider, by the name of Aradia attacked the place where Alice had been staying. Now she was cold and alone deep in the woods, miles away from where she was supposed to be.

Alice felt the hot stings of tears in her eyes. So many people had suffered because of her. Kappu and his people had been infected because of her presence, Aradia had been driven insane with love when Alice rejected her and now Mina had suffered. What was she leaving behind to save? Nothing but wounds, scars and bed memories. Read the rest of this entry »

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27th March 2012

Addam’s Family: Perverted Values.

New cartoon porn story.

Addam’s Family: Perverted Values.

Morticia clipped the flowering heads off the rose bush. The long thorny stems looked wonderful, why did the plant have to spoil itself by growing those colourful flowers. She hummed a pleasing funeral dirge to herself.

There was a sudden rustling from the corner of the conservatory. It was Cleopatra her African strangler plant. She was making strange noises. Putting the rose pruning aside she stepped over to the plant. “What’s the matter Cleo? You can’t be hungry. You had that girl scout just last week.”

When she was six feet away from the plant its thick tendrils shot up and wrapped around her wrists and ankles. Morticia barely had time to gasp in surprise before she was hoisted up off the ground. She fought and struggled but the plant was just too strong and it’s grip too tight. Cleopatra pulled hard spreading her arms and legs wide, leaving her spread eagled and hanging painfully by her wrists. Morticia took note to do this again when Gomez was around.

“Cleo, you let me down.” But her usually loyal plant didn’t listen. “Cleo. Let me down, or no more Jehovah’s witnesses.” The vines rustled slightly but didn’t let her go.

“She won’t listen to you mother.” Came a voice from the other side of the conservatory. “I trained her too well.”

From the shadows stepped Wednesday. She was dressed in her usual long black dress with her black hair tied in pigtails. Her pale face and large blue eyes looked at her mother and she smiled like a vampire that had spotted an open vein. In one hand she held the small corpse of a squirrel. It was flat and limp. She must have picked it up off the road. She had probably run it over herself. Wednesday threw the carcass across the room and it dissapeared into the mass of Cleopatra’s vines. There was a lot of rustling as the plant consumed her treat. Read the rest of this entry »

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20th March 2012

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 11

The next chapter of xxx toon story about Alice.

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 11

Continue of  “Alice in New wonderland” story

Alice smiled as she felt the warmth of the sun on her face. The day was bright and she had to close her eyes. She’d been inside a long time and seeing only by candlelight.

The air was sweet a slight breeze made the day perfect to be outside. Alice had been brought out into a little courtyard garden with small brightly coloured flowers and a tall tree with bright pink blossoms. Petals drifted down onto her.

Alice had been dressed in a large white robe and placed onto what looked like an armchair, complete with material coverings, three wheels and handles on the back. Her caretaker, a sphinx named Mina had wheeled her outside into a courtyard garden.

A gravel path wound its way across and to the sides were different flowers in every colour in the rainbow and a few Alice thought might not. A tall tree with bright pink blossoms showered the whole garden in a light covering of petals from its flowers.

Alice sat in her wheeled chair and smiled. Mina sat by her side holding Alice’s hand brushing her cheek against it.

“It’s beautiful Mina.”

“Just like you are Alice my precious. I have wanted to show it to you for such a long time.”

Mina had found Alice inured and dying several weeks ago in the forest. She had rescued and healed Alice and in doing so, Mina had fallen in love with her. Alice knew it was quite likely that Mina was simply suffering from the same disease that was spreading all across wonderland and it was only a matter of time until she tried to take the love she was desiring from Alice by force. As gentle as Mina was around her, Alice had already gained experience of how dangerous a woman scorned could be. She didn’t want to say anything because Mina’s claws looked very deadly. Read the rest of this entry »

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13th March 2012

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 16

The next chapter of  xxx toon story about Harry.

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 16

Continue of  “Harry potter and the accidental casting“ sex story.

Harry opened his mouth to speak but couldn’t. His cock was so hard it hurt. His desire burned inside him and he couldn’t control himself any longer. He had no thoughts of stopping Hermione at all any more. Her actions and naked body had driven him wild. He needed her to continue what she was doing. It had gone too far to stop now.

Ron had no dilemma, and hadn’t for some time. His lust had risen up the second he saw Hermione’s naked body. Once she had touched his cock and allowed him to grip her breast he had surrendered himself to the desires. He was going to have her. No matter what.

Hermione gripped Harry’s dick in her hand and turned her mouth to Ron’s. There was a thick drop of precum around the head. She didn’t hesitate and licked it with her tongue. It was almost sweet and a very pleasing taste. Ron gasped. Her tongue was rough, like a cat’s tongue. Her lips soft and her movements gentle. Her hand started moving and rubbing up Harry’s long shaft. The two boys had to lean against the door to stop themselves falling to the floor. She felt the heat in her cunt burn hotter than ever before. Her juices were practically dripping off her. She started licking and sucking on Ron’s cock, feeling its heat and twitches under her attention. Harry’s cock moved with his heartbeat, practically vibrating in her palm. She moved her hands slowly up and down his shaft, which felt so very long in her small hands. It was a burning rod, hard as stone. Read the rest of this entry »

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6th March 2012

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 10. Disney sex story

The next chapter of sexy cartoon story about Alice.

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 10

Continue of  “Alice in New wonderland” story

As Aradia raised the sharp branch Alice threw a handful of mud upwards. It hit its target and slapped right into the arachnid woman’s eyes. Aradia screamed and reared up on four of her legs. Alice half crawled, half jumped over to her bag and blinded by pain and tears she couldn’t even see what she as grabbing as she dived her hand inside.

Aradia cleared the mud from her eyes and spun around to face the crouching Alice. She tossed the branch aside, now she would tear the girl-child apart with her bare hands. She raised her claws and with a primal scream dived at her.

In that second Alice whipped around with the lightning quick reactions only adrenaline could produce and slashed the dagger with all the force she could muster. She felt the blade hesitate as it met resistance but the force of her swing was too great to be stopped and it slid straight on until it dug into the bark of a tree.

Aradia’s screams made Alice clear the tears from her eyes and it brought a sharp clarity to her mind, bringing the focus she needed. Aradia’s hand was missing and lying on the floor. She was holding a bloody stump in her still remaining arm. Thick green blood oozing onto to the floor. Aradia’s thick exoskeleton only went up as far as her waist and then blended and softened into human flesh. Her arms were no exception. Read the rest of this entry »

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28th February 2012

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 15

The next chapter of  Harry Potter porn story.

Disclaimer: I don’t own the rights to Harry Potter or any of the characters. They are created by J.K. Rowling and published by Bloomsbury. No money has been made by the creation or distribution of this work or the use of any of the Harry Potter characters. Please Support Harry potter and all official affiliated mechanise.

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 15

Continue of  “Harry potter and the accidental casting“ sex story.

In the second year of Hogwarts, long before the accident that gave Harry his lengthy gift, Harry, Ron and Hermione attempted to find information on the Chamber of Secrets. To that end Hermione brewed a polyjuice potion so they could spy on Malfoy.

Only something went wrong. Hermione potion was not tainted, as she had thought, with the hair of Millicent Bulstrode, but the girls cat. Because the potion was not meant to be used on animals Hermione was stuck looking like a half-cat / half-human hybrid long after the potion was supposed to have worn off.

So Hermione was stuck in the hospital wing for weeks and weeks on end as she waited for the effects to be reversed. A slow process it seemed, because no one knew exactly what they were doing. A cure for animal tainted polyjuice had never been created before because no one had made the mistake before. So Madam Pomfrey, who had accepted their excuse of ‘trying to get extra credit by making such a difficult potion’. They all knew she didn’t believe them but, knowing she would get the truth, she accepted their excuse. She’d seen weirder things during her tenure at Hogwarts anyway.

Harry and Ron visited almost every night, bringing homework, explaining their lessons for the day and occasionally commenting on how short Hermione’s fur was getting and how much closer to the side of her head her ears were becoming. Whether these comments were true or not, they were nice to say.

They had visited almost every night, except for this week. This week Madam Pomfrey had stopped them at the door. Took their homework assignments from them with impatience and sent them away again without so much as a glance inside the hospital wing. She gave no reason and the only answers to their questions was “a delicate time.” Read the rest of this entry »

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21st February 2012

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 9

New part of cartoon sex story about Alice.

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 9

Continue of  “Alice in New wonderland” story

Alice slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a small room, dimly lit by one candle on a bedside table. Her body hurt all over in places she didn’t know could hurt. She closed her eyes and drifted back into unconsciousness.


“I would have given you pleasure beyond your wildest imagination. Instead you have chosen the way of pain.”

She lifted one powerful arm up and brought it down across Alice’s face. The young girl fell to the floor and felt hot tears sting her eyes and a throbbing agony across her cheek. Aradia reared up on four of her eight legs and screamed with rage. Alice rolled out of the way as the four legs came slamming down their sharp points ramming into the soft ground where she had been seconds before.

Alice scrambled to her feet and ran through the trees as Aradia charged toward her, the claws on her hands were raised and ready to strike a killing blow. With her eight legs she caught up with Alice and slashed, aiming for the back of her neck.

At the last second Alice dived toward the ground and rolled forward out of range of the deadly claws. She rolled herself onto her feet and ran in the direction she hoped Aradia had left her bag and the three daggers that lay within.


Something warm and wet was being pressed against her forehead. Alice flickered open her eyes and looked over to the carer. A woman with fair skin, brown hair and large green eyes. She had a slight smile on her face and a bowl of steaming water in her hands. She dipped a cloth into the water and dabbed it over Alice’s cheek. Alice sucked air through her teeth as a small bolt shot up through her face. she tried to sit up but the woman forced her back down onto the bed with obviously a minimum amount of effort.

“Rest. Just rest.”

Alice’s strength failed her again and she drifted back into the dream world. Read the rest of this entry »

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21st January 2012

Family Guy porn story: Quagmire The final fantasy

Quagmire The final fantasy


Was it a dream or was it real

As they stepped into the shower Quagmire watched as Lois’s hair became wet, water cascading all over her, dripping down her slim body. He couldn’t believe it his best friend peter Grrifin’s wife was in the shower with him. “giggity” “giggity” “giggity”, Being naked, he could not hide how hard and horny he was, and Lois’s pussy moistened when she noticed the size and thickness of it. she had heard about it’s size but now she could see it for herself, She smiled at him, putting her arms around his neck and stepping up to him.

She kissed him lightly, still smiling, dimples appearing. She brought her hand down and started stroking his massive long thick hot cock as she kissed him again, this time her tongue slid into his mouth. Glenn grabbed the soft, wet skin of her firm white ass as they made out in the shower.

Lois broke the kiss and sunk to her knees in front of him as water poured on her back and shoulders. His hard cock was inches from her smiling face as she continued to stroke him, looking at it. She shoved it eagerly into her mouth, sinking the nearly the entire length inside all at once. He moaned as the warmth of her mouth engulfed his thick organ in an instant. He placed his hand on her wet hair, watching her lips glide up and down over the full length of his rock hard cock. She pulled his dick out of her mouth and held it straight up as she lapped at his hairy balls hungrily, sucking them deep inside her hot wet mouth. Her hand stroking his cock as she licked all over his balls and his shaft. She stood up in front of him, smiling that beautiful smile of hers. Read the rest of this entry »

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18th January 2012

XXX Harry Potter story: Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 14

Another toon porn story about Harry Potter:

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 13

Continue of  “Harry potter and the accidental casting“ sex story.

Finally finding the will to take her hands off her huge cock Ginny stepped over and lay down on the bed next to Harry. Her dick was aching for attention and from the glistening juices coming from Harry’s pussy, he was ready for her too. She leaned over Harry. One hand found his breast and she started massaging it gently, lightly squeezing the rock hard nipple between two fingers. Harry closed his eyes and started moaning softly. Ginny gently brushed the fingers of her other hand through his long red hair and looked down at him as he moaned quietly and breathed heavily under her attentions. Her lips went down and found his and the two shared a deep and passionate kiss. They opened their mouths and slid their tongues over each other, both of them breathing heavily and Harry still moaning softly. Ginny’s hand moved from his breast and right down to between Harry’s legs. Her strong fingers gave his clit a gentle squeeze. Harry’s soft moans turned suddenly to a powerful yelp of excitement. His eyes snapped open and he looked at her, the flush and the sweat spreading across his face in the blink of an eye.

“More. Oh gods Ginny more.” He begged her in a soft and breathless voice. Ginny was loving this, having the control over him instead of he over her. It was usually she was was flushed and breathless right now. Harry knew exactly where to touch her to drive her wild with desire. So she knew exactly what buttons to push on Harry’s body to achieve the same effect. Harry though, seemed to be enjoying it a lot more than she ever did. He seemed to act like the pleasure he was feeling in her body was much more intense than anything he’d ever felt in his own. Which was odd because she would say the same thing about herself in his body. Maybe it was because they just weren’t used to these bodies and the exact way they felt their sensations, pleasurable and otherwise.

Ginny started to tease Harry, though she herself was just as desperate to take this to the next level and test this new dick as Harry was to try out his new cunt. She brushed her fingers lightly around the tops of Harry’s thighs getting tantalisingly close to, but never quite touching, that soaking pussy. She could feel the heat coming off the lips when her fingers strayed close enough. She wanted to go further, but she was kinky and had to indulge just one more of her little perversions before she would feel right enough to move on. Read the rest of this entry »

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11th January 2012

XXX Teen Titans story. Tamaranian Health Care. Chapter 3

New Teen Titans porn story!

Teen Titans. Tamaranian Health Care. Chapter 3

3rd part of  XXX Teen Titans story Tamaranian Health Care

Entranced by the swaying orbs as she moved towards him, the Titan’s brain never really registered Starfire crawling toward him on her hands and knees until she practically sat on his belly and scooted back until his cock was pressed between the full checks of her gorgeous ass.

Wanting to lift his gaze away from her bosom, Starfire then used one of her slender fingers to reach under his chin before gently tilting Robin’s masked face up to look at her as she lent down and sealed their lips together in a sweet, genuine kiss. It lasted only a few seconds however and before the Boy Wonder could make a move to deepen the embrace; it was over.

Apart from her sheer beauty, something else Robin noticed about the princess as she made herself comfortable on her new seat was that she was a lot heavier then he had ever anticipated. Despite the fact that she was a tall and more than generously endowed woman, she also had a slender frame that would make any world famous super modal jealous. At a guess, Robin had thought she might weigh about ten stone at the most but he quickly realized he had been shooting about at least five short and once more; the phrase, “Not human,” echoed through his mind for the millionth time.

However, that thought was quickly lost as he looked up at her; he wasn’t sure how but even when she had had her mouth full with his cock, Starfire had managed to maintain an aura of pure innocence but at that moment she looked hot enough to melt lead.


“Ever since we first met Robin…” the princess whispered, squirming slightly in his lap to ensure she had his attention before continuing, “I’ve wanted to be this close to you Robin.” Read the rest of this entry »

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4th January 2012

XXX Harry Potter story: Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 13

Another porn story:

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 13

Continue of  “Harry potter and the accidental casting“ sex story.

The lovers fell apart as their transformations took them. Ginny, who’d never taken a polyjuice before only had what she’d read and had been told to prepare herself. It wasn’t enough. Her insides started writhing like she’d swallowed live snakes. Then a burning sensation spread rapidly from her stomach to the tips of her fingers and toes. She was almost doubled over in the pain. Then came a horrible melting feeling like her skin had turned to hot wax as her body started to change. Her head tingled and hair that had previously been hanging in front of her eyes started to retreat as if it was being sucked back into the head. Before it dissapeared from view she saw the bright red hair darken and turn black. There was pressure in her torso. She saw her full D-cup breasts shrink and deflate as if she was ageing in reverse. C, B to A and then completely flat in less than a second. Her freckles vanished and her usually pale skin darkened and tanned slightly. She didn’t know what she looked like at that second, probably a flat chested girl with short black hair. But that look didn’t last, her hands started to grow in size and masculine muscles sprouted across her arms and chest. She could feel her bones stretching and growing as she increased in height towards Harry’s size. Her whole skeletal frame changed, she let her feminine curves to Harry’s own athletic and masculine figure. A deep discomfort, like an itch underneath her bones, spread across her face and she knew her appearance was changing to look like her lovers. The world went blurry, her eyes had changed and Harry needed glasses to see properly. By now she knew she looked almost exactly like Harry, with just one thing left and she could feel it beginning. Her pussy burned almost uncomfortably. Deep itching in her skin marked the sprouting of thick black pubic hair where previously her pussy had been neatly trimmed. Her clit started to swell and she felt her slit seal up. Her clit grew wider and wider until it matched the two inches in diameter of Harry’s dick. Two inches wide and three inches long it had to be a world record for clit size. Where her pussy slit had once been her skin started to become loose and baggy. All of a sudden there was a weight as she felt two balls drop into the sack. Her clit continued to grow in length, four and a half inches now. It was taking on the shape of a penis now and the skin around it was thickening, becoming the skin of a penis. Thick dark veins appeared along the length of the shaft as her new cock stopped at the six inches she was so used to seeing hanging from between Harry’s legs. The feelings of discomfort stopped and she knew her transformation was complete. She ran hands down her new body. Thick muscular and rougher than her old form. The muscles felt tight and powerful. She liked the feeling of the manly fingers brushing over her toned chest. She reached her crotch and felt her new cock and balls. The testicles felt larger and a little heavier than they did when she felt them on Harry’s body even though she knew they were the same size and weight, maybe that was because they were attached to her this time. She gripped the cock, her cock. Even flaccid like this it felt thick warm and heavy and more than a handful (in length rather than girth) she liked the feeling. She played with her new cock and balls with her new large man-hands for a few more seconds before she remembered she wasn’t alone. She looked across the room at Harry and instead saw, herself. Read the rest of this entry »

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