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Identity Crisis. Chapter V.

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22nd October 2009

Identity Crisis. Chapter V.

Cartoon porn story:  Identity Crisis. Chapter V.

On the other side, Nudist Smurf was observing the puckered hole, sliding his hands along the round mounts of the ass cheeks, and his finger along the crevice, stopping to push it partially inside the rim. He could feel the tightness of it and the resistance it offered. He spat in his hand and on his fingers and tried it again, sliding his finger slowly in, making sure he didn’t hurt his friend.

But the submissive smurf’s moan only encouraged him to go further. He pushed his chubby finger slowly, turning it around to stretch the orifice. He could feel the ring spasming around his finger and loosen, if only a little. But it was enough to make Nudist Smurf confident. He spat in his hand some more and added his spit to the drying natural lubricant the earlier blowjob had provided. And then he placed the tip of his cock at the entrance.

The gay smurf had only sucked one other cock in his life, but he was immediately addicted. He couldn’t explain it, it was like it entranced him with its smell, its taste. The length was perfect, the ball sack hairless. He could use his hands and rub Smurf all around, lick and kiss and make his mate shiver with pleasure. Smurf’s ecstasy was in the gay smurf’s hands and he was willing to put his all in making it the best experience Smurf ever had. And from the cries of passion, he knew he was succeeding at it.

And then, Nudist Smurf thrust his hips and penetrated his cock between the chubby blue mounds surrounding the eager hole. And at that moment, time stopped for the gay smurf. He lifted his head up from the surprise and took a deep breath. He had never felt anything like it before. But he knew instinctively what to do. As time resumed, he retracted himself from the cock, and pushed again against Nudist Smurf. And Nudist Smurf needed no further encouragement to proceed. He grabbed the smurf’s hips and rhythmically started to thrust in and out of the tight hole. Read the rest of this entry »

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7th October 2009

Identity Crisis. Chapter IV.

Cartoon sex story:  Identity Crisis. Chapter IV.

Smurf licked and sucked, making a slobbering noise. He licked the length of it, kissed it all around, sucked the tip and tasted the overflowing juices. With his hands, he rubbed the naked smurf, touched his chest, his thighs and even his butt cheeks. His breathing was loud and betrayed his lust for the smurf.

Nudist Smurf’s mind had blanked for a moment, the overwhelming sensation of Smurf’s touch and mouth getting the best of him. He felt his knees weakening and grabbed his friend’s head in an effort to remain still. It made the gay smurf slip the cock deeper in his mouth, for which he didn’t mind at all. Unwillingly, Nudist Smurf’s hips starting bucking, wanting to keep his friend’s mouth more and more, deep the warmth as much as he could.

The tempo increased as Nudist Smurf thrust faster into the moist mouth. He had never expected such a sensation, and had completely forgotten about where he was. The smurf could feel a tingle in his balls, the forecast of release. Smurf could see that his friend was nearing orgasm and he used his hands to help him, stroking the foreskin of the cock as he sucked the top of it. He could hear Nudist breathing more rapidly and deeply, moaning softly, lost in his world of lust. And the gay smurf wanted nothing more than to drink his love juices.

And finally he did as the nude smurf cried of relief and pleasure and came, shooting his load into the eager mouth of the smurf. His grasp on the head was tighter than ever and his hips bucked with every shot he sent. The gay smurf avidly swallowed the juices, enjoying the sweet taste of it. After the fifth, his tense body finally lost all of his strength and fell limp on the ground. The gay smurf crawled to his mate and cleaned the cock head with his mouth, making the other smurf giggle at the sensation.

“That was… I never felt anything like it,” the nude smurf said, still panting heavily, as the other smurf finished his clean up job. Read the rest of this entry »

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22nd September 2009

Identity Crisis. Chapter III.

Adult cartoon story:  Identity Crisis. Chapter III.

And soon all four were on their way. They all knew the path, they had travelled it many times before. Usually when they travelled, the smurfs loved to talk, about anything and everything, but this time around the three smurfs felt a strange mix of curiosity and discomfort. They remained silent, lost in their thoughts, and Nudist Smurf respected it for a while. He had expected others to be affected and knew that he had to give them time to accommodate. After 10-15 minutes of walk however, he decided to encourage the discussion.

“You know, you can ask me questions.”

“Do we have to though?” one of the smurfs answered. He then precised his thought. “Not that we don’t want to talk with you or anything. It’s just that I understand why you decided to become a nudist. After all, you told us yesterday how you wanted to become different and unique, and now I guess you are.”

Nudist Smurf stopped and the others as well. They weren’t near any sarsaparilla bushes but now would be a good time to talk. And the third nameless smurf, who had not been there the day before, would understand the situation better as well. Because the naked smurf didn’t just want to stir controversy, he wanted to be understood and accepted as well. Read the rest of this entry »

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7th September 2009

Identity Crisis. Chapter II.

Cartoon porn story:  Identity Crisis. Chapter II.

He entered and was greeted by the elder who cordially offered him a seat and some tea. The room was very orderly, yet could just as easily not have been. It was a laboratory of sorts, filled with alchemy potions and walls packed with books of all types. Some of the potions were fuming with as diverse colors as the liquids which emitted them. Smurf had only seen the room once and still was deeply impressed by it. But he quickly remembered why he was there.

“Papa Smurf,” he said, taking the cup of tea the elder smurf was offering, “I… I want a name.”

The red garbed smurf sat in front of the nameless one and nodded gravely. Encouraged, Smurf related his tale of identity crisis and how he felt faceless among the community.

“I don’t feel like I have a purpose here. You lead, Handy does machines, Hefty is the strongest, Brainy… Well I’m not sure what Brainy’s purpose is, but he has a distinct personality, that’s for sure.”

“He’s a book worm,” Papa explained. “He helps me often with my research, more often than you see.”

“What do I do? What is my purpose?”

“Well, I know you are good at gathering food. You always bring some very flavorful ingredients. I know I can depend on you when I send you out to the forest. I also know that you enjoy those games of smurfball.”

Papa Smurf proceeded to describe the smurf in detail. He knew all of his likes and dislikes, his interests, his skills. It was as if the smurf had studied him all of his life, only Smurf knew that Papa Smurf had this kind of extensive knowledge on everyone in the village. It was heart warming, yet made him feel faceless at the same time. Read the rest of this entry »

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22nd August 2009

Identity Crisis. Chapter I.

The  Smurfs porn  story:  Identity Crisis. Chapter I.

Smurf smiled as he was softly awakened by the warm rays of daylight filtering through his bedroom window. He yawned and stretched, his mind slowly shaking away the mist of slumber. He rubbed his eyes, turned and sat on the edge of his bed, scratching the sides of his body. A few steps brought him to the shower, which Smurf took long and warm. The morning shower was one of his favourite moments of the day, still half asleep but the warm water running along his blue skin gradually bringing him to full wake.

Once his shower over, Smurf traded his night cap and jammies for his daytime cap and pants. Already he could smell the goods being prepared by Chef Smurf for the breakfast through the open window. His mouth watered as he imagined all the pastries being prepared with fresh smurfberries picked only the day before. Lost in a hungry daze, he left his house and joined the several dozens of other smurfs already in line to receive their breakfast.

He started a casual conversation with Handy Smurf, who was talking about what plans he had for the day. The smurf couldn’t quite understand what the genius was saying, but he enjoyed conversing with him regardless, try to learn a bit of what made Handy special.

“I’m sorry, I tend to babble on and on when I’m talking about my inventions,” Handy apologized with a silly grin after a while. “What are you going to do today?” he asked as he grabbed his pastry.

“Me? Well the sarsaparilla reserves are running low so I’m probably going to be chosen get some more.” Read the rest of this entry »

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