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Six Inspector Gadget erotic cartoon pics

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29th July 2010

Six Inspector Gadget erotic cartoon pics

ComicsToons presents:
Penny penetratedBlindfolded Girlfriend on stageDelicious Penny in glassesGirlfriend sharing dick as getting gangbanged hardlyGirlfriend deepthroating Dr. Claw's dick and getting nipples jizzed Virgin Penny with sporting juggs squeezes boobs and rides curious Brain

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28th July 2010

X-Men Porn: Evolution. Kitty’s New York Adventure. Chapter I. Are We There Yet?

Kitty’s New York Adventure. X-Men: Evolution.

Chapter I. Are We There Yet?

Part 1.

Kitty was excited about the trip to New York. It wasn’t so much the location itself as the people she would have a chance to meet. It was to be a gathering of the world’s major heroes in one place, hosted by the Fantastic Four. Kitty was thrilled that the mostly teen X-Men were included, yet was a little nervous. Everyone would be going, even the recruits. The Professor had considered inviting Tabitha, but there was just too much risk she would pull some kind of shit that would embarrass the X-Men. Another “what can happen?” incident.

When Kitty reached the bathroom, she could hear the shower running, and phased her head though the door. “Hey, whoever’s in there, can I shower with ya? I’m running a little late.”

She heard Amara’s voice. “Well, it’s already a little crowded in here, but come on in.”

Kitty phased off her robe as she walked then phased through the glass door. In addition to Amara, she found Tiffany and Rahne in the shower. They shuffled around to give her access to the shower head and she wet herself down. Then the others started soaping her up. Amara took her front, Tiffany her back, and Rahne squatted to lather her legs.

“Ohhhhhhhh,” Kitty moaned as Amara rubbed soap onto her tits. “I love cleaning up.” In a similar fashion, Tiffany soon decided that Kitty’s ass needed more attention than anywhere else. And not surprisingly, Rahne worked her way up to the pussy.

Kitty moaned again as the three girls handled her fun bits. “Uhhhhhhh. I need to do you guys too.”

Rahne giggled. “Amara and I don’t need any more soap. We’ve been in here a while, so we’re as clean as we’re going to get. But that doesn’t mean you can’t touch us.”

“You can soap me,” Tiffany said. “I got here just before you did.”

Kitty grinned and kissed her. “And I’ll bet you were dirty, too.” She lathered up Tiffany’s tits. “You nasty girl.”

“You taught me how to be nasty. Like this.” She reached around and shoved her finger up Kitty’s ass to illustrate her point.

“Kitty taught everyone how to be nasty,” Amara said as she and Rahne helped Kitty cover Tiffany in soap.

Kitty snorted. “Oh, don’t give me that. Nobody here, like, needed slut lessons. It was fucking instinctive.”

“Good point.”

By the time, Kitty and Tiffany were covered in soap, Jean asked to join the shower, soon followed by Rogue. Now that the shower was really crowded, Amara and Rahne rinsed off, preparing to leave.

“Sorry I can’t stay, Rogue,” Amara said. “I still haven’t finished packing.”

“Okay,” Rogue said. “See ya later.” Without Amara, she had to soap herself, since no one else could touch her. And even Amara couldn’t do it lightly because of the severe effect it had on her. Contact had to be reserved for full lovemaking sessions, not just splashing around in the shower.

“We aren’t going to be able to do each other much longer anyway,” Rogue said sadly after Amara left.

“Oh, Rogue,” Jean said. “I’m sorry to hear that. We all know what it means to you. Did you two have a falling out?”

Rogue shook her head. “No, no, nothing like that. She still wants to, but the Professor says it’s hurting her. Long term effects. I’m draining her power, a little at a time. We do it long enough and she’s just a normal. It we stop now, she should be okay.” She sighed. “Nothing that can be done about it. She said that early on she would have loved for somebody to drain her power so she could be a normal, but not any more.”

“We’re all like that,” Kitty said. “We all hated our powers at first, but they’re part of who we are now.”

“Speak for yourself,” Rogue said. “You can more or less have a normal life. At least you can be intimate with people. If I could turn my power off, at least part of the time, I sure as shit would.”

Kitty didn’t know what to say to that, so she just lathered Jean’s luscious tits with soap. She wanted to do Rogue’s, but she couldn’t. Jean turned around, and Tiffany took over the tits, while Kitty soaped up the taller girl’s ass.

Soon after, Jubilee came in, so Kitty and Tiffany rinsed and rotated out. After putting their robes on, they left the bathroom hand in hand.

“Are you finished packing?” Kitty asked. “Do you have time for us to, uh, check how clean we got?”

Tiffany grinned. “Sure, Kitty. I’m always available to inspect your body.”

Kitty’s room was closer, so they went there. As always, Kitty just phased them though the wall.

“I’ll never forget the first time you brought me into your room that way,” Tiffany said. “I had my first orgasm soon after. I didn’t even know what an orgasm was until after I’d had one.”

“It was kind of a different experience for me too. I’d never taught sex to someone who didn’t know anything. But it was fun.”

Tiffany gently kissed Kitty on the neck, then she grabbed it roughly. “When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.” She suddenly pushed Kitty, causing her to fall forward onto the bed.

Kitty giggled. “The Force is strong with this one. Horniness is the path to the Dark Side. Horniness leads to lust. Lust leads to fucking. Fucking leads to getting off. The Dark Side of the Force are they.”

As Kitty laid face down on the bed, Tiffany twisted the other girl’s arms behind her and gripped both the wrists. The position wasn’t painful, just uncomfortable. Then she sat low on Kitty’s back, leaned forward, and kissed her neck again.

Kitty tried to kiss her back.

“Did I give you permission for that?” Tiffany snapped.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Mistress. I’m just the padawan and don’t know any better.”

“Good thing for you I don’t have my light saber. But you still have to be punished.”

Tiffany climbed off Kitty, then pulled the bottom of the robe up, revealing Kitty’s bare ass. She drew back and smacked it forcefully.

“Oh!” Kitty exclaimed.


Another hard whack. Kitty made another sound, more of a squeak this time, but her self-appointed mistress let that pass. Tiffany slapped Kitty’s ass several more times, each resulting in the condoned reaction, then she spread the love to the other ass cheek. After this barrage, the older girl’s ass was not red or sore, but it was definitely tingling.

Tiffany got on her knees, then straddled Kitty, facing in the opposite direction. She hunkered down until her weight was resting on Kitty’s back. Then she started kissing and licking the same places she had just hit, using her lips and tongue all over Kitty’s ass. As she used her mouth on one cheek, she stroked and squeezed the other.

“Ohhhhhh,” Kitty moaned, forgetting that she was supposed to be quiet, but Tiffany didn’t pay attention to the breach of discipline. She used her hands to put pressure to Kitty’s inner thighs. The other girl got the hint and opened her legs wide.

to be continued…

Author is Jackrabbit

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28th July 2010

Timmy Turner: Fairly OddParents adult cartoon pics

DrawnSex presents:
Tootie with rock dildo chokes on Timmy TurnerVicky was ripped by Jorgen Von Strangle's meat dick and takes hot cum facial Trixie spreading her legs and getting titfucked extremely by The Pixies's penisWanda with goodlooking nipples watches sex tape and gets bangedporn Fairly OddParentsInnocent Babysitter gets rammed extremely

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26th July 2010

Catwoman : The Batman xxx

OnlineSuperHeroes presents:
Bitch Catwoman gets screwed by Green LanternInnocent and slutty Ivy stripping off and getting ass filled by Lucius Fox's fat dongerotic The BatmanDark eyed Mr. Freeze experience analsexEllen Yin stripping her herselfHarley Quinn with enormous sextoy gets caught and gets penetrated by Black Mask

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23rd July 2010

Avatar The Last Airbender dirty cartoon pics

Toon Fun Club presents:
Katara with rock stick licks rampaging schlongporn Avatar The Last AirbenderCock craving Earthbender getting her beautiful tits mashed and getting face drenched in spermshots Toph gets caught and gets fucked hard by Grand SecretarianMai craves dick and gets slammed like a skunkMai sticks meaty dick in her pussy and gets licked by dick

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21st July 2010

6 nasty manga pages from Dragon Ball

ComicsToons presents:
Marron gets screwed by Goku and gets offBulma with thick strap-on stripping naked and getting attacked hard by Burter's dick over and overHandcuffed Marron running her tongue on curious Raditz before fuckedXXX Dragon BallSnow with pair of milkers squirts juicesMai playing with tough cock till screwed like a bitch

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21st July 2010

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter III. Adult cartoon story.

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter III.

Continue of adult cartoon story “Harry potter and the accidental casting“.

Ginny sat down on her bed and rubbed her tired eyes. It had been a long day. She stopped rubbing her face and stroked her hands together. The dragon skin gloves, which were an essential safety feature for herbology, care of magical creatures and occasionally potions, did not agree with her skin and were making her hands rough, dry and aged. Her fingers resembled her grandmothers and it seemed to be spreading upward toward her wrists. All the woman in her family had skin that was easily irritated by dragon hide, her mother had told her on her first day, ‘a little moisturiser an a good nights sleep will sort out any problems.’

Did she have any? Ginny could remember her mother buying a tub of moisturiser with the dragon hide gloves, but she hadn’t used it because her skin had never been irritated this badly. Ginny had worn her gloves for short periods, but today they were practically attached to her wrists. She had worn them for Herbology, Care of magical creatures and Potions, each lesson followed the other and such lengthy wear had taken its toll.

Ginny dived into her trunk and rummaged through her clothes. It was a real mess, very few of her garments were even folded. Her roommates had commented that she was quite messy, but that wasn’t totally true. Ginny was messy for a girl; but for a person who grew up in a house with seven men, her six brothers and her father, she was really quite neat. Her mother kept a decent house to say so many boys lived in it and had made a decent impression on Ginny.

There it was, a large blue glass jar stuck between a bra and a pair of socks. *Lady Malkins Moisturiser* the yellowed label read. Ginny smiled and pulled it from the trunk.

The thick grey liquid within smelled strongly of lime. Ginny read the instructions, you had to be careful with magical remedies, even when you’d grown up in a house full of them. Read the rest of this entry »

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20th July 2010

Six WINX dirty cartoon pics

CartoonValley presents:
WINX Flora shows striptease for the first timeWINX Stella gets abusedExcited WINX Flora craving Helia and squirting juices outdoorsVirgin Layla Winx gets bent over by virgin Skyerotic WINXNasty Bloom gives a blowjob to horny Prince

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17th July 2010

The Flintstones sex cartoon pics

DrawnSex presents:
Amateur Wilma was filled by Fred Flintstone and gets loaded with jizz in the bathUnsuccessful and naughty Pebbles Flintstone getting hard gang banged by ShmooWilma got her amazing asshole banged by Mr. Slate's cum spurting dick and got off in the lockerroomerotic The FlintstonesSlut Wilma dominates in a garagePebbles Flintstone with soft nipples getting banged

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15th July 2010

Ben 10 porn cartoon pics

ComicsToons presents:
Perfect and awesome Gwen gets mouthful of cum erotic Ben 10Titted Joel with nasty anus railed and gets off after classVera plays with Abel North's pierced cock and gets licked hardPervert Camille with convered eyes takes her skirt off and takes facial Tini choking on  Max till getting plugged in all holes under the desk

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14th July 2010

Bad Kitty! Bad! X-Men: Evolution! Chapter III. The Morning After.

Another Cartoon Porn story.

Bad Kitty! Bad! X-Men: Evolution!

Chapter III. The Morning After.

Continue of “Bad Kitty! Bad! X-Men: Evolution!

Kitty was late getting up the next morning. The events of the night before had exhausted her. Her balls would probably be aching if she still had them. But after a shower, she felt pretty much like herself again.

She planned to spend the afternoon with her parents in Bayville. But for the time being she just wanted to relax.

It was not to be, however. She heard a knock at the door, and the visitor turned out to be Jean. “Can we talk?”

Kitty hesitated, then nodded. “Okay.” The two girls sat on the bed.

Jean took a deep breath. “First, I want to apologize about your dress. If the cum stains can’t be removed, I’ll pay for it.”

“Jesus, Jean, who cares about the dress? Fuck the dress!”

Jean blinked. “Uh, right. Well, keep it in mind anyway. About the other, I’m sorry for that too. I shouldn’t have been so hard on you.”

“Hard on me? I throw a rock at you and you retaliate with a nuclear warhead! What you did went way beyond payback.” She sighed. “If it had just been the people around here, it wouldn’t have been so bad. They all know I’m a sex fiend. All of us here are, and I’ve pretty much fucked all of them at one time or another. Sure, I would have been embarrassed, but we would have all laughed about it later. Another story to tell around the campfire. Just like with the phase strip.”

“I would have been perfectly satisfied to do that. That was my original plan. But you wouldn’t let me. You kept avoiding everyone, so there was no way to temporarily embarrass you with an involuntary sex show. I guess I was getting frustrated and last night was the only way to get you.”

Kitty was thoughtful. “I guess I see what you mean. If I had just taken my medicine, the whole thing would have been long over.” She shook her head. “But that doesn’t justify bringing the parents into it.”

“But they weren’t really in it. They never knew a fucking thing.”

“But I didn’t know that! I was shitting bricks! I love my parents and all, but you don’t really know what they are like. If they had actually seen any of that, I’d never have heard the end of it. Just knowing I was having sex at all would set them off. Not to mention sex with partners of both genders. Heaven forbid with my own dong. Your parents are way more liberated, so you just don’t know.” Read the rest of this entry »

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13th July 2010

Megara: Hercules Six hot cartoon pics

CartoonValley presents:
Lovely Megara feels Zeus's wangCassandra with tanned body gets drilled hardly and gets spermThalia gets double penetrated by Nessus's tough wang outdoorsAwesome Megara getting hardly double penetrated by HermesClio gets nailed by Pain and explodes in climax on the trainnasty Hercules

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11th July 2010

6 The Batman XXX comics pages

OnlineSuperHeroes presents:
Harley gets fuckedEllen Yin strokes James Gordon's meat dong after bombedInnocent Barbara with beautiful body getting penetrated by dick and getting cumshot sprayed in a dark dungeonporn The BatmanHuntress sucks onTalia al Ghul with juicy tits gives head as gets hardly penetrated to the max

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9th July 2010

Irma: WITCH Six erotic pieces of comics

CartoonValley presents:
Sexy Irma getting Caleberotic WITCHCornelia with great boobies licks penis and gets offTaranee gets titties drenched in gooey cumshot and gets offCute Cornelia with amazing bootyIrma rubs pussy and gets filled from behind by Mister Huggles's dong

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7th July 2010

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter II

Disney Porn Story. Alice in New wonderland.

Chapter II.

Continue of  “Alice in New wonderland. Chapter I“.

Alice approached the sounds of laughter, a smile slowly spreading on her face. She pushed a few low branches aside and stepped into a small clearing.

There was a long table, a full tea service, complete with scones that had jam and cream. The table had a dozen places set, but only five people sitting in the chairs. A man with white hair, dressed in a violently purple top hat and lime green suit sat at the head of the table. A hare in a bright red smoking jacket sat next to him. A white rabbit in a small black waistcoat, with a gold pocket watch, sat opposite the hare. And a strange man with dark skin, dressed in a sky blue suit, and a large blue turban sat next to the rabbit. He was the one smoking the from a long hookah, it was from him that Alice could smell the opium.

It was her old friends, the mad hatter, the march hare and the white rabbit, who the man in the blue suit was Alice didn’t know, but she supposed wonderland had lots of people and creatures she’d never met before. That was the whole point of coming back, new people, new places and new adventures.

They all had stopped talking and laughing and stared at Alice with curiosity. Finally, after a minute of uncomfortable silence, the mad hatter rose to his feet. “Hello.” He said pleasantly. “Won’t you join us for a cup of tea?” Alice couldn’t curtsy without and dress (only men bowed), she compromised by slightly bending her knees and adding a nod to the head. Creating a mixture between curtsy and bow.  “Don’t mind if I do.” She said taking a seat opposite the man in the blue suit.  “Scone?” Asked the March hair, handing her the plate of cakes. Alice took one and placed it on a saucer. The mad hatter handed her a cup of tea and she sipped at it slowly.  “Do you like it?” Asked the white rabbit. Alice nodded her head. “Yes, it’s quite nice.”

The March hair felt the material of her jacket. “Why don’t you take that off?” He asked. Now that Alice thought about it, she was rather warm, also, it was rude to keep on coats and jackets while taking tea. “I think I shall.” She pulled it off and placed it onto the empty chair next to her and took a bite of her scone. “Do you like it?” Asked the March hare. Alice smiled and nodded. “Yes, very much, thank you.” Read the rest of this entry »

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