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Kimitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery Chapter 4. So Many Kims, So Little Time. Part 2.

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24th November 2010

Kimitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery Chapter 4. So Many Kims, So Little Time. Part 2.

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Kimitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

Chapter IV. So Many Kims, So Little Time. Part 2.

She backed away, as did Monique, and Kim tried to disengage herself from B33. The clone didn’t want to let go, and the other girls had to help pull her hands off Kim, while she made sounds of distress. Then it took a few attempts to get the door closed, as B33 kept sticking her hands through the bars. Kim finally pushed another button and B33 yelped, having received a little shock from the floor. A couple more shocks forced her to back up a couple of steps. “That’s the same system used to drive them through the tunnels. It doesn’t really hurt them, but it stings a little.”

Kim closed the outer door before B33 could get back to the bars. “Wow, and guys think we are clingy.”

“Aw, the poor thing. If I had nothing to do but sit in a cell all day, never seeing anybody, I’d be like that too.”

“Good thing they don’t have the capacity for boredom. Okay, our display Kim is right here too, on the other side.”

The girls turned around and Kim opened the door of K26’s cell. This clone was not quite as affectionate as B33 had been, but not hostile like K45. “I’ve done her a few times, but not as many as B33. Their memory sucks, like the rest of their mental abilities. They have to experience something a lot before it starts to sink in. I hear the toilet training was hell.”

Monique checked out Kim-26’s equipment. “Whoa, she’s bigger.”

Kim grinned. “A little. Bonnie has bigger tits than I do, but if we had been guys I would have had the bigger tool.”

Monique got K26 hard. “I can work with this. She’s invited too, right?”

“Yeah, let me pack her up and then we can get this thing started.”

K26 was unhappy about being separated from Kim, but not desperate like B33 had been. It only took a couple of tries to close the door, and no shocks were necessary.

Kim led the girls out of the containment area. “The clones will be delivered to us.”

A few minutes later they were in the research area. Kim went up to the computer console and logged in, using an account that Wade had given her. “Okay, who wants what?”

Tara was hesitant. “Would it offend you if I took all Bonnies? I’ve known her since kindergarten, and the idea of being fucked by her, really fucked and not strapons, makes me so wet I can’t believe it.”

“Aw, that’s sweet,” Bonnie said, kissing her.

“I’m the same way with Kim,” Monique said. “But I do want one Bonnie for my ass. I don’t think I can take Kim’s donkey dong up my tailpipe.”

Kim looked at Bonnie. “What about you?”

Bonnie grinned. “Half and half. And I don’t want you in my ass either.” Read the rest of this entry »

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