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Harry Potter Sex story: Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 12

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14th December 2011

Harry Potter Sex story: Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 12

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Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 12

Continue of  “Harry potter and the accidental casting“ sex story.

In the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place Harry stirred the bubbling cauldron slowly. Occasionally he glanced around and smiled. Despite the fact that he had spent a long time here both with the Order of the Phoenix and when he, Ron and Hermione were hiding from Voldemort’s followers, the place felt different now. He wasn’t here in hiding, or to plot against the dark lord. He was here as a home owner for the first time. He had moved in properly just a month ago and he was still getting used to it. He stopped looking around the kitchen and turned back to the potion on the stove, if he didn’t keep an eye on it the thing would be ruined. He didn’t want that to happen. He had been waiting a month for this potion to brew and didn’t want all that hard work ruined at the last minute.

From deep within the house came the roaring sound of an intense fire. Then as suddenly as it had begun it stopped and what replaced it was the sound of shoes walking across the wooden floors.

“Harry?” Came a young woman’s voice.

“In the kitchen.” He called back his eyes still on the potion. It was starting to turn from a mud brown to a sickly mold green. It was almost ready.

Ginny walked into the room and smiled at Harry as he stirred the cauldron on the stove. She could see the colour and knew what Harry knew, the potion was almost ready. She, like him, had been waiting almost a month for this. Harry looked over his shoulder and smiled at her. Ginny walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Did you get it?” Harry asked.

Ginny smiled and held up her left hand. On her ring finger was a shining jewel, an emerald, mounted on a silver band. The most valuable possession the Weasley’s had ever owned. Probably worth more than the entire contents of The Burrow. It had belonged to Ginny’s great, great grandmother on her fathers side and had been passed down to her grandmother, then her father had given it to her mum and finally, today, her mother had handed it to her as the official mark of her engagement to Harry.

Harry had been with Ginny for several years now, but only two months ago did he propose to her. It had been a most romantic affair. They had been at The Burrow having dinner with her parents and several of their family members, Ron, George and even Percy. Hermione had also been visiting. After the dinner Harry, in front of everyone, had dropped down onto one knee; a muggle tradition she was told, and asked her to marry him. She hadn’t hesitated; saying yes almost before he’d finished speaking. She remembered that herself, Hermione and her mother had all started crying while Ron and George and Percy had congratulated Harry and passes along many half-hearted threats telling Harry how he should “Take very good care” of their sister.

“Ron was there with Hermione. So was Bill and Fleur. You should have seen their faces. Hermione and Fleur were so jealous I was the one getting the ring.” She giggled evilly. “Everyone was wondering why you weren’t there.” She landed a light peck on his cheek. “I told them you were very busy making the home perfect for your fiancee.” She giggled lightly “Mum loved that. I thought she was going to cry again.”

Harry smiled. He didn’t think it was possible for Mrs. Weasley (“Harry we’re practically family now, call me Molly, please”) to care for him any more, but these last few weeks she had been so doting Harry had almost believed she wanted him to marry her instead of Ginny.

He stopped stirring the potion and took it off the stove. It was now a dark moss green, it was ready. The concoction continued to boil and fill the kitchen with a terrible, sickly, scent.

“It’s ready?” Ginny asked, looking at the liquid in the small cauldron. Harry nodded.

“It’s ready. Just give it some time to cool,” he turned in her arms to face her, “and then…” he trailed off. Placing a hand on her cheek he guided his lips down to hers and the two lovers shared a deep passionate kiss. Both of them could feel their excitement growing. They had both waited so long to try this and now the fabled day was finally here.

Harry felt Ginny’s hands move up and down his back. Harry started doing the same but his hands stayed over her arse and gave a gentle squeeze though her robes. Ginny broke their kiss and moaned softly. Harry knew her far too well, especially how to get her going. Harry’s lips moved to the side of her neck, down to where the neck met the shoulder. He kissed her gently in that spot and Ginny trembled in his arms moaning in a shaky voice. She held onto him tightly, feeling like she would collapse at any second. She felt her pussy become warm and her clothes started to feel a little too restricting. She both wished for, and hoped he wouldn’t…

Harry kissed his way up her neck until he met her ear lobe. He nipped it lightly. Ginny gasped. He had done it, got her right in the sweet spot. She went weak at the knees and wanted to be out of her clothes. They were suddenly too hot and too tight.

“God’s Harry.” She felt his arousal growing. She was holding him so close she could feel his growing cock pressing into her belly. “Fuck letting it cool. Now!” She demanded.

“Now?” Harry said in a teasing voice. Ginny looked like she could slap him. Harry smiled and kissed her lightly on the mouth. “You get the glasses.” He whispered, releasing her.

Ginny staggered for the first too steps. Her pussy tingled in anticipation of the events ahead. She dived into a cupboard and pulled out two tumblers and held them out as Harry grabbed the ladle and gave the potion one last stir before spooning two steaming servings into the glasses in Ginny’s hands. Harry took one from her and looked at his fiancee with a look of excitement and nervousness. Ginny shared the expression but neither of them thought of changing their minds. They had both been aroused and excited just talking about it and now the time had come.

Ginny moved first, rushing but not running in case she spilt the potion. She hurried up the stairs with Harry close behind. They raced to the master bedroom as quickly as carefully as they could. They placed their potions on a cabinet at the side of their four poster bed and stared at each other. They both looked fit to burst with excitement. They rushed into each others arms again, they kissed passionately, moaning in pleasure. Ginny felt Harry’s dick pressing into her belly. It had to be near its full hardness, it must have been uncomfortable in his clothes. But Harry had long since grown used to that discomfort over the years.

The lovers broke apart and rushed to their garments, which both of them had been impatient to get out of for since they had embraced in the kitchen. They watched each other as they stripped, their arousal growing further as they saw their partner reveal their body. Ginny was torn between trying to strip in a sultry way and trying to get her clothes off as quickly as she could so she could do what she wanted to do so very much. She started by sliding her robes off of her shoulders and stepping out of them. Underneath she wore muggle clothes jeans and a long sleeve top. She pulled the top over her head and tossed it down to meet the robes. She ran her hands down her body, letting Harry see the move. Her hands went over her pale torso, over her breasts, still inside her bra. Harry loved the light speckling of freckles that sat on the top of her cleavage. He loved her porcelain pale skin and the freckles that decorated her breasts, face, forearms and shoulders. Ginny squeezed her tits lightly before her hands moved down her slim stomach to the curves of her waist. As much as she loved her mother she was glad she hadn’t inherited her plump figure. She adored her lithe form and so did Harry. She stared lustfully as he pulled off his tee shirt, showing is athletically toned chest. Strong, but not overly muscular; the perfect body.

At the same time their hands went to the buttons of their jeans and together they popped them open and slid them down toward the floor. Harry’s hard dick had practically torn his boxers open in an attempt to get free. Released from the tight jeans it raced to stand upwards and pushed past the elasticated waistband out of the boxers. It slapped against his stomach and stood proud at its full twelve inches. Ginny felt her heart flutter at the sight of it. As many times as she’d seen it, and been speared on it, she still was always shocked at its length. Her pussy both felt hotter and wetter, but at the same time a slight deep ache as if her womb was protesting at the very thought of taking that monster inside it. She hoped that feeling would never leave her. It would take away some of the fun of knowing that she was the envy of every girl who’d in Hogwarts she knew. Because she, out of all of them, had tamed Harry’s beast and had made it her own.

Harry the last item of clothing. The boxers were pretty obsolete for their purpose of hiding his parts anyway. Very little could hide anything this size. Ginny bit her lip, a hand over her knickers where a visible damp patch was very slowly spreading. Two fingers pressed and started to rub on the damp patch and she shuddered quietly. Her other hand strayed up to her D cup breasts. She traced her fingers over the mound of her cleavage and slowly down over to her nipples which were so hard Harry could see them poking at the material from other other side of the room. Slowly Ginny reached around her back and opened the bra clasp, sliding the garment down her arms to the floor. Before she moved onto her final item of clothing, her panties, her hands strayed up to her newly freed tits and rubbed her fingers over them lightly. Harry, if anything, became harder than ever as he watched Ginny play with herself. It must have been taking a lot of restraint for him not to just cross the room and take her. He’d described in the past how his cock started to hurt if it stayed hard too long and only by cumming did he find relief. Sometimes he’d have masturbate, but a lot of the time Ginny, and several other girls at Hogwarts (occasionally at the same time) would provide that relief for him. He wouldn’t wait any longer and she wasn’t in the mood to play anymore. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. With a smile she slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her knickers and pushed them to the floor bearing her shaven pussy to the world. Only a tiny neat stripe of short hair remained. As flaming red as the hair on her head. Harry loved it as much as he loved the rest of her. To him she was, in every respect of the word, perfect.

Ginny, swinging her hips in a provocative way walked over the room and picked up the too glasses of potion. Hips still swinging she walked across the room to her lover who, she was amused to see, looked like he could blow his load if she so much as blew a kiss at him. She held out the glass, her hand shaking with nerves she couldn’t quite hide however aroused she was. Harry’s hands were trembling too as he took the glass from her. Her hand now free she reached up to her hair and, with some care, selected one single strand flaming red hair and plucked it out. Carefully she passed it over to Harry, who was just as careful at receiving it. He didn’t want to drop it and want to pluck another one. As soon as her fingers were free Ginny reached up into Harry’s hair, selecting one good long strand she plucked it out.

“Ow.” Harry muttered. It hadn’t hurt, much. The noise had been quite automatic. Ginny laughed lightly at him and smiled as she kept a tight hold on the hair in her fingers.

Ginny looked at Harry and Harry looked at Ginny, nervous laughs on both their lips. “Together?” she whispered. Harry wanted to say something but his voice had failed him. Instead he nodded his head.

As one they dropped the hairs into their glasses of polyjuice potion. Ginny’s fizzed and turned from muddy green to a rich and elegant emerald green. Harry’s became a bright summery yellow. Certainly better looking than polyjuice potions he’d had in the past. “Ready?” Harry asked, his voice doing nothing to hide the nervousness he felt. This time it was Ginny who found herself unable to speak and simply nodded her head.

“On 3.” Harry said. “1, 2, 3.” They both tilted back their glasses and drank several large gulps of the potion.

To be coninued

Author is Englishwitch

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 at 10:12 am and is filed under Harry Potter, Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 5 responses to “Harry Potter Sex story: Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 12”

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  1. 1


    phenomenal! englishwitch, you are the only reason i come to this site, never stop 🙂

  2. 2


    Ya same here man u rock

  3. 3


    My god! You sir are a genius

  4. 4


    yes u r the best writer i have ever met er read i guess

  5. 5

    Ezio Auditore De Firenze:

    Love your story. Funny though how chapter 12 begins in number 12 grimmuald place. 12 being repeated.

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