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Ironman armored adventure story 2

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28th April 2010

Ironman armored adventure story 2

Peppor and Tony share shower and a lot more the day after waking up half naked together!

Tony joined pepper in he shower after closing and creating a datalock on the previous nights security footage. Pepper was already lathering her beautiful nude body with soap. After hearing her teen hero enter she turned to face him. Tony couldn’t help staring as her breasts jiggled when she giggled. For once she was actually quiet as she blushed before tiptoeing up and kissed him. After a long mutually welcomed kiss she turned back round and passed him the bar of soap then shook her shoulders to ask him for help.

He slowly and deeply massaged her back as he washed it, taking as long as possible to prolong his humbling arousal. She enjoyed the comfort of his delicate hands! The detailed movements of screwdrivers and handling fragile circuit boards had turned him into a wonderful masseuse.

But now with her flesh under his hands the curios and horny male overwhelmed the inventor and his hands left her back and trekked to other more sought after locations.

He stroked along her side slowly letting his fingertips feel the warmth of her soft skin  She was rolling her head to the side and he studied the water cascading down her cute face, drip off her nose and flow past her lips as he brought his own down for another kiss of the many he wanted to pursue with his gorgeous energetic friend. They locked lips and lost track of who’s lips and tongue was who’s as his hands had reached the ample peaks and began to explore around the base, up the side, around the summit, back down the other side, then repeated again. The kiss had no end in site as she set her hands to his body. Reaching behind her back she placed her hands affectionately opun his abs and ran up to his heartlight and traced it with her right hand and let her left go down south to grasp the Ironman. Feeling both the man and the machine while he explored her womanly figure they broke the kiss and stared into each others eyes.

Now facing one another they let the shower rain upon them as they took it to the next level.

With a reassuring nod of permission from his redheaded love he ran his fingers along her garden and playfully tickled the surrounding area before entering working in slowly he got braver and went deeper as she tried her hand at his biological tool. She felt exited about the new and long awaited experience of feeling a mans pulse threw his dong. She took hold of him with both hands, his tip just past her pinky and moved up and down felling it throb and grow as soon as she touched it. After they both got each other’s private parts soapy they continued. She ran his balls threw her left hand as her right went along his shaft and rubbed his tip, While he using 2 fingers hooked in and threaded her nut from the inside.

Her speech became slurred as Tony got deeper and faster, he splashed off the soap and went in for a taste. She braced herself with her left hand on his back while he penetrated her lower lips as he had done earlier to her northern ones. The sensation was electric threw the Carrot topped girl who set her right hand to work groping her own body.

The Young inventor quickly discovered not a new form of energy but how to please Ms. Potts

With moans and four starts to a prayer he got the job done and he held her in his arms till her heart calmed down. After  another long wet kiss she slid down his body to thank him, kissing the bright tech that on his strong manly chest before continuing south to wear his flagpole hung. She coated his substantial member with a generous coat of saliva and began polishing it with her tongue. First the tip which Tony found extremely sensitive and stated to get weak in the knees as her taste buds ran across his head. Then she worked in the length she lid the sausage in and out of her mouth each time kissing the tip. But her body wanted ACT 2 now, so she gave in to her lust. Read the rest of this entry »

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28th April 2010

Bad Kitty! Bad! X-Men: Evolution! Chapter Ia. Phase Me, Baby. Part 1.

X-men porn: Bad Kitty! Bad! X-Men: Evolution!

Chapter I. Phase Me, Baby.

Part 1.

Jean made her way downstairs to Conference Room #4, still going over the main points of the talk in her head. Most of the lectures for the recruits were joint efforts between Scott and herself, but this one was all hers and she was particularly nervous about it.

As she entered the room, most of the trainees were present as they should be. Doing a quick mental roll call, she realized that only Sam and Jubilee were missing. But it was still a few minutes until the scheduled start time, so they weren’t tardy yet.

After a lot of effort, she and Scott had finally gotten the trainees to take the lectures more or less seriously, though most of them still preferred the exercises in the Danger Room and outdoors.

Something was going on, though. The students were carrying on about the same as they always did, but there was an undercurrent of anticipation undernearth it. Even without telepathy, Jean could tell that they were planning some sort of prank on her. She didn’t know what was coming, as she couldn’t read minds to find out. She just hoped that it wouldn’t be too disruptive this time. Most of them were conscientious enough to not damage anything or put anyone in danger. She would let them have their fun as long as they settled down and paid attention afterward.

The wayward X-kids showed up only a minute or two past the start time. Jean gathered her notes and went into the lecture. Read the rest of this entry »

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21st April 2010

Snow White Soapy and Dopey. Chapter I. Snow White Sex Story.

Adult Snow White Story

Snow White  Soapy and Dopey. Chapter I.

Snow white lowered herself gently into the bath. The dwarfs had been so nice to make this for her. They had carved it out of a large fallen log and had placed it underneath a tree. It was so nice to have a hot bath surrounded by the beauty of nature. She had been getting a little dirty and had long since needed this nice hot bath. The warm suds and hot water washed over her and she felt her stiff muscles instantly begin to relax. She really had been missing this. She lay back and sighed happily. She started rubbing her hands over her body, brushing the soapy water along herself to rub away the dirt. Her hands rubbed over her ample breasts, rubbing her fingers over her nipples. They grew hard under her touch. One hand stayed on her breast, starting to knead in under her palm. The other strayed lower. Past her thin stomach and to the tiny forest of hair between her legs. IN this house she had no privacy. This was one of the few moments when she had extended time to herself.

She tingled as her fingers started to move. She hummed with content as a warmth started to spread from her core that had nothing to do with the hot water. She spread her legs apart as wide as she could and slid a finger into her tightness. She felt a slight judder rush up her spine as her hand brushed against her inside. She moved the digit around, spreading and touching all of the folds. Her eyes widened and her mouth parted slightly. A small cry escaped her throat.

She slid down into the bath, right up to her neck. She was surprised at the intensity of the feelings that emanated from even these light explorations. It seemed her body had been more than eager for this long overdue release and had taken a whole new life of its own. She moaned and puffed slightly when her fingers stroked the tiny fleshy nub of her clit. Each tiny move was like a shock of electricity. She felt a sweat break out on her forehead when she pinched it especially hard and she her eyes begin to tear but she wasn’t in pain. Far from it. Read the rest of this entry »

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19th April 2010

Ironman Armored ADventures story

Tony, Pepper, and Rohde are rebuilding the armory after the Tong blew it up.

     Rohde goes back up to the house for sleep while Tony continues work in the armory and pepper works on the front area and indoor testing grounds.  

    As she worked pepper thought about two people both personas of her desires. The vastly intelligent and valiant Tony stark, who might not be the most attentive friend but defiantly would do anything to protect her. And how he is trusting her with a huge secret, the secret of the other person she was thinking of . Ironman, for red is her favorite color and being in his presence comforts her in a way no one else could.

    Approaching 11pm Pepper craves sleep but doesn’t want to trek to the house for its dark and now raining.  Knowing that there is a bed in the armory for medical reasons she goes to the armory to find Tony in the bed she wanted to use.  The bed is a queen size so they both could fit. Before she strips she makes sure he is asleep and that he isn’t naked by lifting the covers slowly. He’s wearing boxers only and is deep asleep. So she knocks off her shoes and socks drops her pants and takes off her sweater vest and bra leaving her buttoned shirt on only buttoned with the two across her now free moving breasts. Carefully to avoid waking her usually crimson clad crush she slides him to the far side of the bed and lays next to him with his right arm under her neck.

    Oh how hot she felt not from there combined body heat but from the knowledge that she is practically naked in bed with the one her heart and body longs. She has the urge to feel his ironman, but does not for she fears both that it will wake him and that it will change things between them(for the good or not she wants him to make the first move) after a bakers dozen on the clock she drifted to sleep….zzzzzz

    In the world of dreams she flew not of her own but in His arms. He carried her through the skies letting the air tickle her body in her light nighty with His strong arms, hard as iron, comforting her in their strong grip as her hands felt the beat of His heart through the solid chest that just lit up the night. He slowed to a stop and just held her as they danced atop a cloud, His crimson body shimmering as the moons light bounced off…..

“in real life…” Pepper, acting physically by her dream, rolled on to Tony’s side, causing the loosely buttoned shirt to open, draping her leg over his and placing her hand on his chest her thumb touching his heartlight implant while her cheek rest on his shoulder.

    Tony unknowingly responded by setting his right hand on the small of her back and his left arm on her arm.

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14th April 2010

Peter Pan Sex story: Child-like curiosity. Chapter I.

Peter Pan Sex story.

Peter Pan: Child-like curiosity. Chapter I.

Wendy basked in the sunlight, enjoying the warmth of the day. A beautiful day in Neverland and for one there were no pirates trying to attack them all.  Her nose caught a whiff of something unpleasant. She glanced around, there were blossoms in the trees and flowers on the ground and all smelled sweet. She looked down at herself, her nightgown was a little grubby, she had been wearing it for a couple of days now. Experimentally she sniffed at the cloth. There it was. The thing that smelled was her.  “What I need.” She said to herself. “Is a good hot bath. Well, any bath will do, hot or cold as long as it gets me clean.” She thought hard. There was a lake not to far from here, there was nothing that could catch her, like a cruel mermaid and she would be fine as long as no pirates came along. It was a mile away, which would be quite a walk but that wasn’t to far to fly.  “A nice bath, being nice and clean.” She whispered to herself, concentrating on that happy thought. Her body lifted from the ground and she zoomed off in the direction of the lake.

The wind rushed over her body, penetrating the thin material of her nightdress. The air brought a chill to her young body, just beginning to move into the cusp of womanhood, her small bosom wasn’t so small anymore, getting on a handful right now. Maybe her father was right and he was growing up, but she still had a bit of childhood left in her. The cold air was doing something odd, rushing over her body, making the nipples on her small breasts harden and rub against the material. Despite the cold there was a heat in her core and it was spreading in the most peculiar way. Wind rushed up between her legs, ticking her bare womanhood, one did not wear underwear in bed. Combined with this mysterious heat it was something strangely nice.

The water stretched out, crystal clear and gorgeous to behold. Wendy smiled as she glided down to the ground. The sun was warm and the grass below her feet was soft and comfortable. Wendy looked left and right, listening hard, there wasn’t a sign of life for miles except the chirp of birds. Read the rest of this entry »

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7th April 2010

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter I.

Harry Potter sex adventures.

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter Ia.

Harry growled and tossed his quill onto the table. Hermione looked over with a disapproving look on her face. “Problems?” She asked, Harry nodded. “I can’t think of how to get this spell to work.”

Their homework was to either write an entirely new spell, or to find a new use for an already existing one. It was proving tricky for everyone.  “What exactly are you trying to do?” Harry shrugged his shoulders. “It’s complicated.” Hermione playfully slapped the back of his head. “Don’t give me that. Now come on, what are you trying to do.” She glanced at the book and skimmed at the section he was reading. *How to make an Invisibility cloak for dummies – so simple a squib can do it.* Hermione looked at him. “So what are you trying to make?” Harry sighed and shrugged his shoulders yet again. “I guess I watched too much, Lord of the Rings, over the summer.” Hermione thought about it for a minute, but before Harry could continue, it clicked. “A magic ring to make you invisible? You have been watching too much Lord of the Rings.” She laughed. “What makes you think that would work? Invisibility cloaks work by covering the person, its common knowledge that any item intended to bring invisibility to the wearer it supposed to be larger than the actual wearer.” She pointed to the first line of How to make an Invisibility cloak for dummies. “It say’s so right there.” Harry handed her his notes, a smile growing on his face.

Hermione glanced down and read what he was working on. An expanding magical field! It would mean that the magic would expend to the exact size of the wearer of the object. It was better than an invisibility cloak because you didn’t run the risk of snagging it on anything. It also meant that the size of the enchanted object was irrelevant. The thing that surprised Hermione most of all, was the fact that it could work. In a move that shocked Harry, she picked up the book and tossed it away. “This is amazing Harry. You’ve single headedly. Re-written every rule on making an invisibility object. What is causing you so much frustration?” Harry pointed again to his notes. “Look at the last line.” Hermione glanced down and read the sentence in detail. Power unstable. Object will not hold spell indefinitely.  “I see. Its like a battery, only has limited power.” Harry nodded. “The longest I’ve managed to get is about five minutes of use.” Hermione stared in surprise. “But that’s great, it’ll easily get you full marks on your homework.” But Harry was not satisfied. “I need more time. At least an hour.” He slammed his fist into the table, which made people around the common roof stare at them. Hermione nodded, Harry was not only thinking of his homework, but practically. He wanted to be able to use this object in the inevitable battles they always managed to get themselves into. It was a clever idea because an enchanted ring or bracelet was much easier to carry around than an invisibility cloak. She sighed and handed his notes back to him, this was a conundrum. She thought about it for a moment, was there a spell that could be used?  “I might have a few books you can use.” She muttered eventually. Harry’s eyes lit up and a smile twitched onto his face. “Really?” Hermione smiled and nodded.  “What’s the old saying? ‘You scratch my back’.” Harry sighed.  “What do you need?” Hermione, smiled. “I need a test for my project.” She asked nervously. Harry nodded.  “What exactly does your project do?” Hermione looked excited by the prospect of explaining something ‑ complicated.  “I was thinking practically, like you. Something we might also be able to use in a battle with Voldemort. It’s a potion that would make the drinkers skin impervious to penetration. Spell, knives, swords, even bullets if I got the mix right. I call it a Rock skin potion.” Harry was impressed, he knew Hermione had been working on something difficult, but what she’d done sounded almost impossible. “Why do you need me?” He asked, he suspected he might not like the answer, but he had to know. Hermione rubbed the back of her neck nervously and had a weak smile on her face. “In case anything goes wrong. I need to observe the affects in order to know how to modify the potion.” Harry was right, he didn’t like the answer. But he also wanted to figure out how to make his invisibility ring work and if she had the answer then it would save him hours, even days of research in the library.  “Fine. I’ll see you in my room in say, ten minutes?” Hermione nodded. “See you there.” Read the rest of this entry »

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