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X-Men porn. Chapter 2. Interview With the Weapon

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29th July 2008

X-Men porn. Chapter 2. Interview With the Weapon

Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.

 Kitty was starving, as she had missed breakfast. Since it was not a mealtime, she expected to find the kitchen table empty. But she was startled to find X-23 sitting there with a bowl of cereal. Kitty hesitated, then went on in. She poured her own bowl of cereal, then went over to the table. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”

X-23 glanced up with her usual scowl, then returned to her cereal. “Whatever.”

When X-23 had first arrived, everyone had been scared to death of her, since she was basically a killing machine in human form and angry at the world to boot. But they found out later that the Professor had agreed to let her stay as long as she allowed him to put a mental block on her. With the block in effect, she was incapable of unsheathing her adamantium claws inside the Institute, or anywhere on the grounds. The lone exception was the Danger Room, and even then only during an exercise.

Even though she wasn’t quite as dangerous with her claws disabled, most of the residents of the Institute still avoided her whenever possible, as she still retained her anti-social tendencies, and the only person she could relate to even remotely was Mr. Logan. Still, Kitty tried to reach out to her on occasion, such as when she invited X-23 to the Jubilee party. X-23 didn’t have a good time, of course, since she wasn’t capable of it, but at least she stayed in the corner and didn’t disrupt everyone else’s fun. It was sort of a symbolic victory that she was there.

Kitty sat there in silence, working on her cereal. Even if X-23 had been willing to talk, what was there to talk about? She just couldn’t relate to anyone else. Even Mr. Logan had had a childhood once. X-23 never had one.

At least X-23 had decent table manners. Kitty had been surprised by that, since her only purpose was killing, but then she was intended to be an assassin, so perhaps she had been trained to blend in with society, even though she wasn’t a part of it.

Finally Kitty thought of something to say. “Good work in the training session yesterday.”

X-23 looked at her with no expression. “Of course I was good. I was designed for it. I have no other purpose.” Read the rest of this entry »

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27th July 2008

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15th July 2008

A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way. X-Men: Evolution.

Chapter1. A Not-So-Little Problem

Kitty sat in the living room glumly. The problem she was having seemed insurmountable, and the stress of trying to deal with it was starting to get to her. She had to do something, but she had no idea what. She didn’t really want to tell anyone. It was just too fucking embarrassing. But there was no way she could resolve it by herself.

The Professor was the logical choice, with maybe Dr. McCoy in second place, but she couldn’t tell a man about it. It would be hard enough with a woman. She was torn between going to Ororo or Jean. The former was the only adult female mutant, but Kitty was closer to the latter and had confided in her about other things. Just nothing as weird as this. After thinking abort it for a couple of hours, virtaully oblivious to the comings and goings of others, she finally decided on Jean. She sighed and went to look for her. After asking around, she found Jean in the library, working on the lecture she planned to give to the trainees later in the week.

Kitty hesitated, not wanting to disturb her, but she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to get up her nerve a second time. “Jean?”

“Hi, Kitty,” Jean said. “Haven’t seen much of you the last couple of days.”

“I’m, uh, kinda dealing with something. I was wondering if I can talk to you about it.”

“I’m a little busy. Can it wait for a couple of hours? Or is it urgent?”

Kitty bit her lip. “Well, I guess I wouldn’t call it urgent. Okay, I’ll find you later.” She turned to leave.

“Wait, Kitty.” Even without telepathy, she could tell that Kitty was disturbed about something. “Let’s talk now. I have a couple of days to work on this. Do you want to talk here or someplace private?”

“In private. Absolutely. No way do I want anyone else to hear this.”

Jean left her materials on the desk and took Kitty to her room, making sure she locked the door. Then the two of them lounged on the bed. “Okay, Kittycat, spill.”

Kitty didn’t know how to start. Finally, she said, “I’ve been having a little problem for a few weeks. Let’s see, I think it started somewhere around the time of Jubilee’s welcome-back party. I don’t remember it before that anyway.”

“What kind of problem? Personal? Sexual? Something to do with your mutant power?”

“All of the above,” Kitty said morosely. “I don’t think it has anything to do with my phasing power, but I’ve never heard of something like this happening to a normal. And all kinds of weird things have happened around here. Though usually not as weird as this.” Read the rest of this entry »

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