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Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 15

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28th February 2012

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 15

The next chapter of  Harry Potter porn story.

Disclaimer: I don’t own the rights to Harry Potter or any of the characters. They are created by J.K. Rowling and published by Bloomsbury. No money has been made by the creation or distribution of this work or the use of any of the Harry Potter characters. Please Support Harry potter and all official affiliated mechanise.

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 15

Continue of  “Harry potter and the accidental casting“ sex story.

In the second year of Hogwarts, long before the accident that gave Harry his lengthy gift, Harry, Ron and Hermione attempted to find information on the Chamber of Secrets. To that end Hermione brewed a polyjuice potion so they could spy on Malfoy.

Only something went wrong. Hermione potion was not tainted, as she had thought, with the hair of Millicent Bulstrode, but the girls cat. Because the potion was not meant to be used on animals Hermione was stuck looking like a half-cat / half-human hybrid long after the potion was supposed to have worn off.

So Hermione was stuck in the hospital wing for weeks and weeks on end as she waited for the effects to be reversed. A slow process it seemed, because no one knew exactly what they were doing. A cure for animal tainted polyjuice had never been created before because no one had made the mistake before. So Madam Pomfrey, who had accepted their excuse of ‘trying to get extra credit by making such a difficult potion’. They all knew she didn’t believe them but, knowing she would get the truth, she accepted their excuse. She’d seen weirder things during her tenure at Hogwarts anyway.

Harry and Ron visited almost every night, bringing homework, explaining their lessons for the day and occasionally commenting on how short Hermione’s fur was getting and how much closer to the side of her head her ears were becoming. Whether these comments were true or not, they were nice to say.

They had visited almost every night, except for this week. This week Madam Pomfrey had stopped them at the door. Took their homework assignments from them with impatience and sent them away again without so much as a glance inside the hospital wing. She gave no reason and the only answers to their questions was “a delicate time.” Read the rest of this entry »

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21st February 2012

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 9

New part of cartoon sex story about Alice.

Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 9

Continue of  “Alice in New wonderland” story

Alice slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a small room, dimly lit by one candle on a bedside table. Her body hurt all over in places she didn’t know could hurt. She closed her eyes and drifted back into unconsciousness.


“I would have given you pleasure beyond your wildest imagination. Instead you have chosen the way of pain.”

She lifted one powerful arm up and brought it down across Alice’s face. The young girl fell to the floor and felt hot tears sting her eyes and a throbbing agony across her cheek. Aradia reared up on four of her eight legs and screamed with rage. Alice rolled out of the way as the four legs came slamming down their sharp points ramming into the soft ground where she had been seconds before.

Alice scrambled to her feet and ran through the trees as Aradia charged toward her, the claws on her hands were raised and ready to strike a killing blow. With her eight legs she caught up with Alice and slashed, aiming for the back of her neck.

At the last second Alice dived toward the ground and rolled forward out of range of the deadly claws. She rolled herself onto her feet and ran in the direction she hoped Aradia had left her bag and the three daggers that lay within.


Something warm and wet was being pressed against her forehead. Alice flickered open her eyes and looked over to the carer. A woman with fair skin, brown hair and large green eyes. She had a slight smile on her face and a bowl of steaming water in her hands. She dipped a cloth into the water and dabbed it over Alice’s cheek. Alice sucked air through her teeth as a small bolt shot up through her face. she tried to sit up but the woman forced her back down onto the bed with obviously a minimum amount of effort.

“Rest. Just rest.”

Alice’s strength failed her again and she drifted back into the dream world. Read the rest of this entry »

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