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25th July 2009



Father, Daughter And Daughter’s Girlfriend Bonding

The light snapped on and peter griffin jumped back from his bedroom window startled his bathrobe flying open as he spun around to see his daughter Meg standing in the door way staring at him.  “I thought you were asleep Meg”  he challenged.  His daughter Meg stood their framed in the doorway the light shining through her high school musical nightie showing off her ample breasts and boyish slim figure.  Meg stared at her fathers’ hard cock poking out between the edges of his robe like a flag pole it must have been at least nine inches long.

Her father quickly pulled the robe around himself trying to ignore how it tented out from his lap.  Closing her mouth which had dropped open at the sight of her dad’s aroused massive cock Meg smiled  “I was”  she replied.  “Then I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.  Neither could you i guess dad.”  “Just restless”  he said.  “Uh huh.  What were you looking at?”  she asked moving toward the window to have a look.  “You can’t see anything from there.”  “Don’t Meg!”  he yelped warning his daughter Meg away from the window but she was already standing beside him looking down at their neighbor’s house.

“Susie Swanson you show off”  she laughed almost to herself.  When the griffins had moved next door eight years ago Meg had been skeptical of her new neighbor Susie Swanson a girl her own age who seemed much less mature than herself.  But only weeks later Meg and Susie were the best of friend they were still close although sometimes Meg’s dating Susie’s brother Kevin created awkward moments in their relationship.

Meg was aware of her friend’s fondness for rose oil scented baths but hadn’t known she took them at midnight or that she left the blinds open so that Meg’s father or anyone els could see her.  “Susie’s very pretty isn’t she dad?”  Meg asked her father.  “I guess so honey.  You should get back to bed now as it’s late and you have school tomorrow.”  “What about you dad?  You have to go to work tomorrow and you’re usually asleep before i am at least when mom’s here that is.”  Peter griffin flinched at the mention of his wife Lois but recovered.

“It’s not as easy sleeping on my own when she’s gone even after a week Meg.  Especially after a week.”  “So what you stay up here and watch Susie and masturbate is that it dad?”  ” Does she do this every night? ”  “Do you watch her every night when mums away dad?”  Meg said  “Meg!”  her father exclaimed unable to think of anything useful to say.  “It’s no big deal daddy.  Everybody does it although i never really thought about you doing it dad you know?”  “You go to bed right now Meg” her father said ”

“I know all the boys in school do it even Chris i suppose doe’s it” she went on as though her father weren’t turning red.  “We went on a field trip last fall to a dog pound where they keep stray dogs and one of the dogs was rubbing himself up against one of the girl workers legs.”  “It was the funniest thing his dick was so big and all the boys and Chris were so embarrassed.”  “I’ll bet every one of them blushed thinking their own secret was exposed or something.”  “And then when the dog finally came” . . . “Enough Meg.  ” We’ll both better go get some rest now OK?”  her father said. Read the rest of this entry »

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