New Teen Titans sex story!
Teen Titans. Tamaranian Health Care. Chapter 2
2nd part of Teen Titans porn story “Tamaranian Health Care”
Delighted to feel the mass weight of his manhood pressing against her, the Tamaranian girl couldn’t help but giggle gleefully at the thought of him wanting her before placing her hands just below his collarbones and using them for leverage to rub her hips against his. Sensing the burning heat of Starfire’s arousal rubbing against his, a deep moan reverberated through Robin’s throat and not even years of training under the Dark Knight could stop him from arching his hips in ecstasy.
Through out all the years that he’d known her, the boy wonder had never seen this side of the alien princess, this demanding and seductive temptress —but he defiantly wasn’t complaining about it after he’d almost grown accustomed to wanting the once apparently innocent beauty.
The sweet torment lasted only a few minutes however and a disappointment groan filtered through her lips as Robin made an attempt to take control of the situation by suddenly gripping her hips; stopping any movement on the princess’s part. However this only made her smile grow and before he could make a move, Starfire had lent down and captured his thin lips in another heated kiss.
Savouring the sweet taste of her lips once more, Robin was dimly aware of her slender hands as they slid across his shoulders; her feather-like touch sending shivers up his spine as his own hands slid beneath the fabric of her skirt to massage her bare thighs.
Moaning from the pleasurable sensation his roughened fingertips created as they gently squeezed the flesh of her full buttocks, Starfire broke the kiss but instead of pulling away; she dropped a kiss to his firm jaw and slowly swept her tongue up the curve of it.
Although she was neither accustomed to nor experienced in the art of ‘Making out’ as Beast Boy called this; Starfire could clearly remember the way her sister had used to talk about her excursions with the teenage males of their home world and she was more than ready to explore what she had learned with Robin. And as her soft lips slowly moved along the hard line of his chin; the princess’s delicate hands quickly undid the buttons of his shit before travelling back up his chest to push the cotton garment off of his shoulders and arms.
Leaning back slightly before discarding the top with a flick of her hand, Starfire then found that she was unable to move as she stared down at her handy work; her innocent mind disparity trying to comprehend how she had been able to so greatly underestimate how astonishing Robin really was. Read the rest of this entry »
New part of toon porn story about Alice.
Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 8
Continue of “Alice in New wonderland” sex story
The sun was setting and the temperature was rapidly beginning to drop. Already Alice could see her breath forming a fine mist as she breathed out.
“I suppose I should stop for the night.” She said to herself. “It’ll be dark by the time I’ve set up camp.”
She dropped two heavy bags onto the leaf littered floor and let against a tree to catch her breath. A layer of sweat had developed over her body because of carrying the heavy bags so long. To Alice the sweat was like an icy blanket. Her bison skin outfit was no good for keeping the heat on her body while in the cold and shady woods, but since nothing else was available to wear, Alice knew it was one thing she’d have to just endure.
The one good things about the eastern woods was there were plenty of twigs and sticks to make a fire. The only problem was that the fire had to be kept small or she would risk setting a tree aflame.
Though the fire was small, it provided just enough heat to stop Alice freezing to death. Shivering, she found the most comfortable bit of ground there was and settled down to sleep.
Something was wrong. Alice wasn’t even full conscious and she knew that. Alice forced open her weary eyes and gasped in shock.
She was tied to a tree. Her arms were suspended over her head and tied to a low branch by a sticky, silver coloured thread, her legs were spread almost painfully wide and tied to the tree trunk with more of the silver rope.
Alice struggled and thrashed, but she couldn’t break the string that bound her to the tree, Her lower back slammed against a lump sticking out of the bark and Alice fell still as numbing pain spread up her spine.
In the shadows something moved, something large.
Alice was panicking now, she was bound, unarmed and something big was approaching. Read the rest of this entry »
Another cartoon sex story:
Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 12
Continue of “Harry potter and the accidental casting“ sex story.
In the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place Harry stirred the bubbling cauldron slowly. Occasionally he glanced around and smiled. Despite the fact that he had spent a long time here both with the Order of the Phoenix and when he, Ron and Hermione were hiding from Voldemort’s followers, the place felt different now. He wasn’t here in hiding, or to plot against the dark lord. He was here as a home owner for the first time. He had moved in properly just a month ago and he was still getting used to it. He stopped looking around the kitchen and turned back to the potion on the stove, if he didn’t keep an eye on it the thing would be ruined. He didn’t want that to happen. He had been waiting a month for this potion to brew and didn’t want all that hard work ruined at the last minute.
From deep within the house came the roaring sound of an intense fire. Then as suddenly as it had begun it stopped and what replaced it was the sound of shoes walking across the wooden floors.
“Harry?” Came a young woman’s voice.
“In the kitchen.” He called back his eyes still on the potion. It was starting to turn from a mud brown to a sickly mold green. It was almost ready.
Ginny walked into the room and smiled at Harry as he stirred the cauldron on the stove. She could see the colour and knew what Harry knew, the potion was almost ready. She, like him, had been waiting almost a month for this. Harry looked over his shoulder and smiled at her. Ginny walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Did you get it?” Harry asked. Read the rest of this entry »
New Teen Titans sex story!
Teen Titans. Tamaranian Health Care. Chapter 1
Robin was bored.
Shifting restlessly on the stiff mattress, The Boy Wonder tried to rotate himself around to look at the clock hanging on the medical wing wall while doing his best to ignore the dull, burning sensation in his right shoulder and lower side.
‘Damn, still ten minutes…’
Lying back against the unbelievably coarse fabric, Robin began to idly stare out the nearest window and watch the glowing sunset on Jump city. However, the sight was lost on the teen as his mind began re-playing the incident that had landed him in this God-forsaken bed for the better part of a month.
It had started as a regular morning for the Titians, Beast Boy and Cyborg arguing over what to have for breakfast, Raven sitting alone in a corner of the room, reading an ancient tome that looked like it had not been opened in over a century while he and Starfire discussed Earth customs. A normal morning for the group of heroes, or at least until the alarms sounded; informing them that a group of well-armed but unorganised men had held up the Jump City bank.
No matter how armed they may have been, the robbers did not stand a chance and were quickly rounded up. Finishing his opponent off with a sharp kick to the jaw, Robin had then been able to watch as Starfire advanced on who had appeared to be the gang’s leader. While larger and a little more muscular than his comrades, the sight of the alien teen approaching had appeared to be enough to put the fear of god into the villain and the robber suddenly dropped to his knees; begging her for mercy. However, from his position Robin had been able to see a different picture and had watched in horror as the man slowly reached for the grip of a very large pistol that he had concealed within his overcoat.
Fortunately for Starfire though, Robin had been able to push her out of the line of fire; just before the crook opened fire.
Everything after that was a bit of a blur for the Boy Wonder and the last thing he could remember before waking up in the medical wing two weeks later was a blaze of green light and a terrifying cry of furry that had rocked him to his very bones.
Suddenly the soft click of the door handle turning woke the teen from his thoughts. As light flooded into the dark infirmary, Robin lay back on the bed and narrowed her masked eyes into thin slits; acting as if he were asleep. Read the rest of this entry »
New Disney porn story:
Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 7
Continue of “Alice in New wonderland” sex story
The sun broke the horizon, casting red light over the endless golden fields. Dew hung onto the tall yellowed grass. Far off in the woods the birds started singing and wonderland began to wake up.
But there were some in wonderland who were already awake.
The ground rumbled and deep cries of panic could be heard. Over the crest of a hill charged a massive herd of blue furred bison. Over their loud bellows, loud-pitched whistles could be heard. Arrows flew through the sky and frightened the herd into the right direction.
Over the crest charged ten people on horseback. Four of them stuck close to the herd while the others waited to pick of the bison that would become isolated.
The arrows flew thick and fast and one of the smaller bison became confused and broke out of the herd. The hunters were on it in a second, shooting arrow after arrow into its thick hide. The creature fell in seconds and was abandoned. It would be collected after the hunt was over.
The ten riders had green skin and brown hair, not green by body paint, but through their own natural evolution. They wore trousers made of the hide of the blue bison. Which was grey when the fur was shaved away. All the hunters had decorated their bodies with a thick blue paint. Also made thanks to the blue bison, made by boiling the hair of the beasts. Eventually the concoction would thicken up and just to something similar to poster paint.
One of the riders was out of place, standing out like a sore thumb. For starters, this hunter was not male. Nor did she have brown hair or green skin. She had long blond hair and fair skin. She was not dressed in trousers, but the grey leather bikini that the tribe women would wear. She had painted two blue lines on her cheeks, V shapes on her arms, legs and bare stomach.
Alice pulled back an arrow and fired it above the herd. It squealed loudly and landed it just the right place to frighten another bison out of its group. The killers were on it and the beast fell in seconds. Read the rest of this entry »
Another famous toons sex story:
Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 11
Continue of “Harry potter and the accidental casting“ sex story.
Myrtle started to grind her hips on Harry’s cock as her fingers found a fast pace. That warmth was spreading through her core from her cunt. The pleasure was building and her nipples were so hard they almost hurt. She began to notice something else, a new feeling growing inside her, something hot and hard, pulsing and huge, making her feel like she was being stretched. She could have sworn that she could actually feel Harry’s cock inside her, stretching her virgin pussy. She didn’t stop, she couldn’t stop even if she wanted to the feelings were becoming too good.
“Oh gods.” She cried out. “Ahhhhhh” She gasped in pain. Her eyes wide and full of hurt. She hadn’t felt pain in so long she’d forgotten how intense a feeling it was. She felt like she had a pussy, a real flesh and blood pussy and it was being split apart with a twelve inch invader rammed deep into it. She cried out in agony but she couldn’t stop herself. Her ghostly body was out of her control now and her hips wouldn’t stop moving and her fingers wouldn’t stop twisting, brushing, rubbing her lips and clit.
Harry saw the look of agony on her face and tried to stop but couldn’t. His hand kept sliding up and down his shaft, dragging him closer and closer to climax. He was groaning hard too but not from pleasure. His cock hurt, It felt like his manhood was being crushed in Myrtles tight insides, a virgin pussy that hadn’t even been made slick with juices from foreplay. Read the rest of this entry »
New cartoon porn story:
Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 6
Continue of “Alice in New wonderland” sex story
Alice said a nervous hello and sat down, near the door in case she needed a quick exit. The family looked at her in silence for several seconds while Kappu pulled something out of the corner of the tent. Alice recognised it immediately, her bag.
“That’s mine.” She demanded. Kappu nodded and returned it to her. Alice didn’t want to show distrust at the boy who’d promised to give her food and water, but she rooted through the bag. Everything was there.
Kappu nodded in understanding, but the rest of the family gave Alice a hurtful look. To try and relieve the developing tension Kappu introduced everyone.
“Alice, this is my father, Shalin. My mother Heleg and my sister (Alice breathed a quiet sigh of relief) Juliat. Everyone, this is Alice she is journeying to the eastern woods.”
Alice nodded and said hello, but still felt unwelcome. She sat in silence, staring at the fire. Her stomach growled loudly and she shuffled embarrassed. Kappu moved to sit next to her.
“I suppose you would like something to eat?” He asked curiously. Alice hadn’t eaten all day. She nodded eagerly. Read the rest of this entry »
Another toon sex story:
Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 10
Continue of “Harry potter and the accidental casting“ sex story.
Harry turned off the last tap and looked at the bath before him. So many different coloured bubbles floated on the water and more floated in the air around him. The prefect certainly were lucky, the student baths were nothing like this. Oh they were grand enough, large white creations that stood on gold feet that looked like lions paws. But they had a tendency to rear up and tip you out if they thought the water was too cold or you had been sitting in them too long. This large elegant stone bath certainly wouldn’t be doing that. He would be able to bath to his hearts content, as long as it took , to solve the mystery of the golden egg.
Somehow Harry had found himself as the fourth participant of the Triwizard Tournament; and ancient magical tournament held between three wizarding school and was only supposed to have three contestants; one from each school. Somehow, no one knew how, Harry’s name had also come out of the Goblet of Fire after Hogwarts champion; Cedric Diggory, had been named. Unable to do anything about it Harry had been forced to take part and recently been forced to take on a dragon in order to get hold of the egg he now held. But figuring out the puzzle of the egg wasn’t an easy one. Whenever it was opened it emitted a high pitched screeching noise and gave the listener quite a headache. Harry had been stumped until Cedric had whispered to him to take a bath and had slipped him the password to the prefects bathroom where he would be able to bathe and think all night, though Harry was hoping it wouldn’t take that long. Read the rest of this entry »
Another cartoon sex story:
Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 5
Continue of “Alice in New wonderland”
Alice trudged her way through the forest, the hot sun pounded overhead and while the trees provided cover from its light, they were powerless against its heat. The air was close and she was sweaty and gasping, trying to catch her breath.
She had been walking for almost an hour now, if it wasn’t for the compass Alice would have been convinced that she was walking around in circles. There wasn’t a breeze to lift the heat, and the only sound she heard was that of her own movements.
“Curious.” She said to herself, she needed to hear a voice even if it was her own. “No birds beasts our any manner of insect to be found. In a forest such as this, I would have imagined it filled with life.” Her quiet words echoed through the trees and she felt a cold loneliness taking over her.
Her stomach growled loudly and she realised that she hadn’t actually eaten anything since the bite of scone at the tea party, which could have been hours ago. Excluding that, she hadn’t eaten all day.
Alice leaned against a tree, cold water, large meal, even a gentle breeze would be enough. The heat must be getting to her, she could imagine a gentle breeze. Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of cartoon sex story “Harry potter and the accidental casting“.
“We’ve been so kind to you Cho, I think we deserve a little kindness,” Lavender said as she climbed on top of Cho, her soaking pussy thrusting into the girls face. Cho hesitated for a second before her tongue out and slowly licking Lavender’s pussy making the girl moan at the sensations running through her body. Cho flicked the clit with her tongue before slowly pushing her way past the lips into the wet cunt, almost sweet.
“Are you sure you haven’t done this before Cho?” Lavender asked as she felt the tongue move in and out of her, licking her lips while teasing her clit, driving her body into a mad heat of pleasure
“I never said that.” Cho thought as she felt Parvati’s fingers pumped in and out of her, driving her into an orgasm that she had been waiting for since she felt the to girls start to touch her. She could hear Lavender above her moan loud as she doubled her actions, desperately trying to get the girl off.
Hermione slammed down on to Harry moaning loudly as the pleasure built in her body, familiar feeling rising through her as her body desperately wanted to cum. Her hands squeezing her breasts together, trying to heighten her pleasure as she could feel herself on the verge of her orgasm, she raised herself and slammed down hard, sending herself into an explosive climax. She moaned loudly as she felt the pleasure run through her body. Juices ran from her cunt onto Harry’s stomach, leaving a small sticky puddle. Read the rest of this entry »
Another XXX Disney story:
Alice in New wonderland. Chapter 4
Continue of “Alice in New wonderland”
“This task will not be easy.” Said the Storyteller, leading Alice thorough his home. He hadn’t been lying, there were books everywhere. Piles of them on shelves, creaking under the weight, larger piles on the floor making progress down the halls difficult. “The journey to the eastern woods alone is perilous. You will need to be well prepared.” He opened a door and entered a small room.
Inside, on a small table was a pile of clothes which Alice recognised, her own. There was also a large black box. The story keeper handed the clothes to Alice. She smiled and gripped them tightly, almost afraid that they would be gone again if she even blinked.
She stared in curiosity as he opened the box and pulled out items one at a time.
“Juice from the Mushroom of size. The blue bottle will make you grow taller, the red shorter. Remember which is which and always keep track of how much you have left. You don’t want to be stuck two inches tall.” He handed her two small bottles the size of her thumb. The story keeper plunged back into the box and pulled out a golden key.
“This key opens all doors. But only those with locks the right size.” He said enigmatically. He handed the key over to her and went into the box again. He pulled out a small ball, which looked like it was filled with a glowing blue light. Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of Harry Potter porn story “Harry potter and the accidental casting“.
Harry put his broom onto the bench of the Gryffindor changing rooms. It had been a hard training session, despite the natural talent he had so may years without playing a real quidditch match had taken its toll and he was more than a little out of practise. After he had let the team go for the evening Harry had stayed for almost an hour practising trying to capture the snitch.
Now it was getting dark and the tiny snitch was becoming too difficult to spot. He would have to talk to Dumbledor about floodlights or he wizarding version for the pitch.
Harry was in his sixth year at Hogwarts and had been made the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team. This year had been full of endless problems with the war and Voldemort, but it felt good to have some level of normality during dark times. For just a few hours he had managed to forget about Voldemort, Malfoy and Snape, and all the rumours and conspiracies about death eaters.
Harry pulled his wands out of his robes and pointed it at the showers. Steaming hot water poured down instantly and Harry pulled his robes over his head and lay them onto the bench. Stripped away the t-shirt underneath and pulled away his jeans.
Harry looked around the changing room, it was probably all the dark actions that had taken place this year making him paranoid, Harry could have sworn he was being watched. He shook his head and pulled away his underwear and ‘released the beast’ as he had come to say. A few years ago Harry had taken an experimental potion made by Hermione and he had somehow been left with a six inch long, when soft, cock. After all these years Hermione either couldn’t find a cure, or had stopped looking. Harry wasn’t fussed either way he had grown quite attached the size, and he hadn’t heard any complaints so far. Read the rest of this entry »
Part 2 of “King of the hill- no more nice girl“.
Kahnie moaned and writhed in delight, she could feel a pressure building up in her body. She gasped rapidly, unable to catch her breath. She couldn’t take it much more. She released him and pushed Bobby’s tongue away from her. Much to her personal disappointment.
Bobby’s cock was ready to tear his boxers in half and she was ready to release his pole from its fabric prison. She reached down and grabbed the waistband of his boxers. She had to stretch the elastic to its limit to get the underwear past his dick.
“Oh my god.” She gasped as the pole was released. Rock hard seven inches stood proud and firm. She stared at him with a mixture of lust surprise and fear. He was so huge, how could she fit that monster inside of her.
Bobby stared at her hesitantly. He could see she was nervous, but also aroused. His toon dick was throbbing painfully for attention, but he didn’t want to make her do anything if she didn’t want to.
“Kahnie, if your not alright with this…” He trailed off when she reached down and grabbed his massive dong and started to rub the long length. Bobby gasped and almost collapsed on top of her. She gently rubbed her fingers over the circumcised head making him quiver and groan in delight. Read the rest of this entry »
Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter VII.
Continue of cartoon sex story “Harry potter and the accidental casting“.
After half a minute Ginny nodded her head and Harry began to move again. Ginny groaned loudly as Harry invaded her insides. Still only five inches, but it was enough for both of them. Ginny’s tits shook violently shaking like giant water balloons. Harry pulled almost all of the way out and thrust five and a half inches into her. Ginny groaned in deep pleasure.
Hermione grabbed her wand and muttered a spell that made the stick of wood vibrate in her hand. She rubbed it at her folds and teased her entrance. She bit her lip and groaned as she slowly slid the wand inside her.
Harry rammed himself into Ginny and six inches went into her. Ginny moaned Harry’s name loudly and dug her nails into his shoulders. Harry growled and pumped Ginny harder. Which made Ginny cry out in ecstasy.
Ginny felt a pressure growing deep in her cunt. Harry’s rhythm became slightly frantic and she knew he was close too.
“FASTER.” She screamed out loud. Harry doubled his efforts and humped Ginny as fast as she could. Read the rest of this entry »
New xxx toon story: King of the hill- no more nice girl.
“Kahn Jr. Why do I not hear violin practice? Kahn Jr?” Kahn walked into his daughters bedroom to find her window open and the room empty. He growled and ran for the front door, but his wife grabbed his arm. “Where do you think you are going?” She demanded.
“She is with Bobby Hill. I go over and bring her back.” She shook her head.
“Let her have her fun. She is only child, we can send her out of state college and then she be away from Bobby Hill forever.” Kahn thought about this for a moment that was a good idea. He decided to let the subject drop, yes, in college she could meet a nice boy. Let her have her funny dreams now.”
Hank and Peggy were not home, which meant Bobby had been left all alone. He had taken instant advantage of the situation and called Kahnie over.
She tapped on the glass of the back door and Bobbie rapidly opened it up so she could slip inside before anyone saw her. She smiled and hugged Bobby and landed a small peck on his cheek.
“You want a drink?” He asked her. Kahnie nodded her head. Read the rest of this entry »
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