The night was once again late. Ron had gone to bed like always and avoided Hermonie like the plague. Harry looked up from his Herb Homework and spotted Hermonie’s skirt, up farther then it should be. No panties were where they should have been. Harry, who had only dreamed of these moments from Wizard porn, was most interfered. He looked at Hemonies face and saw she was caught up in Runes for Experts. This was for her class tomorrow. It was about midnight and Hermonie was wide awake. He began to become boring with his book, anti-dark magic for young minds. He needed to study for tomorrows test but found more to study in Hermonies posture. She was in one of the lounge chairs in the common room, slightly leg wide but that slight look allowed full vision access for Harry.
He sat there wondering what it would feel like, his shaft for the first time tasting a women’s glory, and he got hard when he thought of that women being Hermonie. He heard a movement and saw a third year girl leave from the bathroom, they where alone for now. He thought of what he could do to her, fuck her right here, right now. End her over and penetrate both her holes, Harry wanted Hermonie bad and for a long time.
During this long time of thinking, Hermonie looked up, she saw him staring; «Harry! Don’t be a pervert, I don’t need two Ron’s.» «Hermonie! I wasn’t!» said Harry startled.
«Harry, now your Ron.»
«But Hemonie Nothing was showing! I was just thinking…»
«Of what? Wait, don’t answer that, I do not want to know.»
«Hermonie, just drop it.»
«Fine, just don’t do it again»
«Fine» answered Harry.
Harry, went back to his book ,but images of Hermonie, down on all fours with his shaft in her virgin ass were popping up, along with Images of Hermonie Spread wide for him.
He decided to get her in bed no matter what. Her body would be his.
He switched his boring book for a spell book and looked for a book to induce a mood of horneyness on Hermonie. He found on one spell that increased a girl’s sexual pleasure and another that caused its target to become wet and horny. He chose the latter and muttered the incantation under his breath. Hermonie was now starting to fall asleep and thought about going to sleep but she soon felt her pussy moist and tingling. She looked up to see Harry reading his book silently. Harry was quick to put his wand behind his Spell book so he could perform these spells in secret. He felt that the spell had worked so he did the next one which casued her to become even hornier.
«uh, um Harry? Could you excuse me?» asked Hermonie, her voice shaken.
«Can you give me a reason too?»
«Um, uh, its girl things, be right back.» Hermonie said as she retreated to the bathroom…
Starfire Raced Across the Land but not of her own free will, she had just been hit by Slade’s Bomb along with Raven and Robin. She flew hard and hit a car, crushing it. Robin and Raven slid to a stop on the Ground as Cyborg Ran up and Started fighting Slade. Left, Right, Kick, Jumping Roll and too slow. Slade picks him up and throws him into a wall. «You Titians should really think about getting Day Jo-» Slade is thrown into the air by Beast boys Dinosaur Form. He falls and A Fight between Him and Robin Ensues. The Two Draw there Staffs and attack, loud chinks and clanks are heard as they jump, dodge, and roll to avoid getting injury.
«We already have jobs Slade!» Robin Yells as He delivers a Pummeling Blow that Slade could not block and blows dust up from the ground. He is then thrown up into the air by A Blast from Raven and Hit by a Cyborg Blast of Energy from his Arm Cannon. All this Send him flying into the Darkness.
«The Job of seeing you out of here.» Robin finishes off with Style.
«Most good Robin! Now may we eat the Meat?» Starfire said
«Yeah sure Star, wait, what meat?» Inquired Robin,
«Meat?» Said Beast Boy.
«She must mean my BBQ, ZZQ, Meaty-Mc-Meat Steak!»
«AAAAAAH!» Beast boy said,
«Yes!. Let us Eat of Meat as I am Hungrier then a Glophhot in Heat!» Said Starfire.
«Sure, Sounds good» Agreed Robin. «Sounds good,» Raven Said.
They all Traveled back to the infamous HQ of the Teen titans, a Giant T.
«I’ll Start up the Grill Ya’ll!» Cyborg yelled as he burst into the main Room of the Tower, complete with Tv, Kitchen, Couch’s and Bar. Starz and HBO Cost Extra.
Raven Waltz over to the Tv to watch once again Robin own Beast Boy in Super Mega Robot Killziods 3, The best in the Series.
«Slade got away again» Raven said
«Of course, he wont ever really go away for a while, hes to…»
«Like you?»
«Don’t ever compare me to him.» Robin Snapped.
«I’m just saying…»
Raven’s words went unheard as robin walked away and retreated into his room for who knows what. He turns on his stuff and begins to work.
«Slade struck west of bold-river road and east of the library, maybe hes looking to steal something there? No, nothing to be gained, too simple. But what if its in the air? Or the ground? Maybe a giant drill could drill into magma, no why would he want that?»
«Well girl’s looks like I win again!» said Mandy, as she had just won a race against our three spies. Sam, Alex and Clover where most angry and on the way home they got thinking… «We’ve got to get her back girls! And I just might know how…» said Clover.
«How?» answered Alex and Sam at the same time.
«Remember that porno we watched like, 5 says ago? The one with the two girls fucking with a kind of rod tied to themselves? And she was getting a lot of pleasure out of it until the girl put it in her ass?»
«Yea, I got a great cum off of that Porn!» revealed Alex,
«You mean we show Mandy the porn and masturbate with her?» inquired Sam.
«Something like that but instead of what Sam said lets use the Black rod in her ass strategy!» answered Clover.
«That’s good! We just need to get her to your house Clover!»
«It’s perfect! My mom is out of town on Friday night! Let’s Invite her over Friday and say that were….were…going over Shopping Things!»
«Yea!» chimed in the other three girls.
So they put there plan into action, when Friday came the girls invited Mandy over.
«Well, since I don’t have any dates that night, sure I’ll come!»
«Great «said Clover, «Come over at 9 and will have a few drinks before starting the night…»
And so Friday night came…
«Hi Girls!!!»
«Hi Mandy! We have a little Grey goose and some Red wine for you and then its on to the other things!»
Mandy did not ponder about the «other» things and was too absorbed in drinking her Red wine. After her first glass, she became loose and probably egocentric.
«Ok Mandy lets go up to my room!»
«Ok…» replied Mandy Groggily.
The girls ventured upstairs, taking time to start to loosen there clothing for the coming action. Mandy did not notice that she was going to be locked in for a little while…
Sam was the hero of the night, if she had not brought any wine or beer, Mandy probably would have ran out of the room while they were tying her up.
«Guys! What the fuck are you doing!? When my father hears…» but Mandy could not finish the sentence as a hand belonging to Clover had just shut it. Only muffles of Mandy and the ruffling of cloths could be heard as the Spies Stripped. Mandy, now with her hands tired around her back watched from the bed as all three Spies Stripped each other to the skin. «Sam, have your boobs gotten bigger since the last time I licked them?» Asked Alex as she made the move to Sam to begin using her uncanny ability of massaging tits. «mmmm yeah they have, because I was thinking of you.» Same replied with the same groans Mandy was saying even though Clover was still covering her mouth…
Scooby-Doo & Barbara too!
So who’s in this adventure? We have a talking Great Dane named Scooby-Doo and four teenagers: Fred “Freddie” Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, and Norville “Shaggy” Rogers. These five characters (officially referred to collectively as “Mystery, Inc.”) drive around the world in a van called the “Mystery Machine,” and solves mysteries typically involving tales of ghosts and other supernatural forces.
And in the other corner we have Barbara (Babs): She’s 36yo brunette, 5ft 6in tall with 36DD saggy boobs, with a great pair of nipples, and quite a large ass. Being a prim and proper, church going Girl Scout Instructor – she’s also quite “Plain Jane” looking, has a friendly, always smiling face, and her large nose and her thin lips don’t make her the most attractive female, though her large boobs, and her cock sucking technique go a long way in offsetting her looks!
The Curse of the Creepy Camp-site – part 1
Velma had received a very strange postcard from her cousin Vern who was on a Scout Jamboree with a group of British Scouts and Guides. The postcard was of a large forest next to a large lake with the words “Welcome to Camp Biggaboob” along the bottom. Vern, knowing of Velma’s interest in ghosts and mysteries, had written that various strange events were happening at the camp and suggested that Velma and the gang should come and investigate. At the bottom of the postcard it had an email address so that the team could contact him on the camp. Velma sighed, “Computer Cafes available at a Scout Jamboree – whatever next!” she thought as she logged in to the gangs laptop computer. Being the administrator allowed Velma to check to see what the other guys were looking at and storing – Shaggy just seemed to be interested in various food related sites, though there were some accesses to food in porn sites, Daphne was interested in shopping for clothes whilst Freddie seemed to be interested in the more “exotic” websites. Finding nothing interesting, Velma settled down to composing an email for her cousin – descriptions of the occurrences, location etc. She had pressed send, and started surfing for her favourite sites – female dominating females websites, especially if the dominating female wore glasses. Velma smiled as she clicked through a collection of pictures by her favourite porn star using a massive strap-on dildo on a mature brunette with large saggy boobs. Just as she was getting aroused, an email pinged back from Vern. The email read as follows:
Stitch hated the night. It certainly was not because he was afraid of the darkness, but rather because as the result of an experiment, he didn?t need as much sleep as his ?owner? Lilo. He had quickly learned to not make any noise during that period since humans were very easily awakened. So, he simply laid in bed, waiting for day to raise when he could simply jump in bed with Lilo and wake her up. She loved to be waken by Stitch?s large tongue and the blue alien must admit that it was fun, although he couldn?t understand why.
But for now, it was still night and it would still be for a long time. He tried to twist and turn in his bed, trying to fall asleep but he felt nothing since he had already slept before. Now all he felt like was? exploring. ?Maybe Is can do that,? he thought in his mind, trying to think in English but still having a broken form of it. And he knew that if he wanted to explore, Lilo?s room would probably be the best place in the galaxy.
The young girl simply had a lot of stuff, things Stitch had gradually started to understand what purpose they had. For example, he knew not to touch the drawings she made. Stitch didn?t like to draw himself, but what she drew was still interesting and once he stopped wanting to destroy everything, he managed to really understand the feelings behind the pictures. Even if it was so simple sometimes you didn?t understand what was there, Stitch still loved what was on it. After all, Lilo had made it.
He moved on to the other stuff laying around in a mess on the floor of her room, some building blocks, some toys, nothing he had never touched and play with and so he moved on quickly to the desk. Stitch climbed on the chair to get a better view. There were a few glass bottles and some drawers, but he was only interested in one thing: the mirror which returned his reflection.
Stitch looked like no other being living on Earth, despite being confused with a dog by the little girl, a mistake no one else would have ever done. Yet thanks to it, he now had friends and a nice home. Everyone had called him ?cute?, a word that he had finally understood was a complement on his appearances. He didn?t understand what they meant however. To him, his large black eyes, long antennas, four arms and luscious blue fur were perfectly normal. Not that he minded the attention, far from it. He jumped down the chair in search for something else to do
He moved on to the drawer were he looked through the clothes Lilo had. She really didn?t have a lot, but then again she didn?t need a lot either since Lilo satisfied herself with few. The blue alien found a few dresses, a swim suit, a few pair un panties which he promptly took a whiff of as he always did, and finally the grass shirt Lilo wore to dance.
Stitch was mesmerized by the dress. He could not comprehend how the little girl could look so graceful in it, so ?cute?. He took and out and put it in front of him, wondering what it was that made this dress so special. He turned to Lilo?s bed, walking to it and climbing on the edge.
Goku and Oolong were talking about the dragon balls. Against Bulma?s will, Goku was explaining how they could use all seven balls to summon the eternal dragon and receive any wish imaginable.
-Bah, said Oolong, I don?t really care about all that, especially if collecting the dragon balls is so hard and dangerous. I?d be happy to be with a girl, although two would be better? and three?
-You could ask for girls to the dragon.
-That?s true? You?re not as stupid as you look.
-You?re strange. Why would you want to ask for girls when you can have anything you want?
-Strange, me? You?re the one asking me why I want a girl. Are you serious?
-Are girls magical? Bulma doesn?t seem magical.
-Girls aren?t magical? well, not alone they aren?t. But with a man, they can get very magical. They give a lot of pleasure. I assume you don?t know what sex is, so I?ll just tell you: sex is when a man fucks a girl till she screams out.
-That sounds painful.
-Sometimes it is, but usually it just is pleasuring for the man and the girl.
-I want to have sex. Can we, uh? fuck Bulma? Read the rest of this entry »
This is the second episode that is following after the “Mommy what are Lesbians” episode.
Jane likes the days when she was alone with Dora-Wilma. They have their own style of having quality time with each other’s.
And both enjoy the lesbian Games they had. And each time they played longer and of course wilder. And their relationship grows stronger, not in a normal state, but it grows. Thanks to the Magazines they found in Arthur’s room they had both a quite verity of games they could play together.
Jane loves to strip in front of her daughter, and she gets really turned on when she thought that next to D.W was Arthur. But for now it was enough to play with her little daughter. And like the first time, as she enters the world of incest, she was wet and extremely juicy.
To keep this as an secret they had decide to play in D.W’s room, then it would be more then tricky and difficult to explain Arthur why his bed was made with new covers each third day. But the room of her little Girl was perfect.
Jane: “Now it is time for our favorite Game. Or what do you think?” she said her voice filled with a horny tone.
Dora-Wilma nodded and moved to the naked body of her mother and with a smile she starts to lick the wet and dripping pussy lips of her mother. First up and down but then slowly entering the channel that was filled with tasty honey.
Jane moaned and tries to stand and not fall to her knees, but the little, fast and well-educated tongue of her daughter let her pussy spasm more then once…. Read the rest of this entry »
For a second, I thought my wish had been granted. The starlight was blotted out as Rhydon appeared out of the semi-darkness. Then my hopes fell, and I could almost hear my spirit break. Far from attacking Machamp, he stepped up to my head and flexed some abdominal muscles. A part of the natural armor that covered his crotch slid aside, allowing his hard cock to pop out into the cool night air. He had only one, but the shape was interesting… almost like a cone, quite pointy and very fat towards the bottom, but it became slim again a bit further down. Hard to describe, really, but it would obviously be easier to get in than to get out. Either way, he wasted no time pushing it into my face, and one look at his armored fists was enough to convince me that refusing him would be bad for my health. So, I opened my mouth as far as it would go, and took him in.Somewhat thicker than either of Machamp’s, more than twice as thick where it was biggest… and almost as long. My jaws hurt when he tried to push in the thick part, and I hoped he would realize that it could never fit. But he didn’t take no for an answer, not even when it came from a set of facial bones. Pushing my head into his crotch with both hands, he thrust forwards and almost dislocated my jaw as he finally managed to force the bulge past my teeth. I despaired as to getting it out again without loosing several teeth, but there was little time to worry about the future. He hadn’t wasted any time, and was already fucking my face with as long strokes as the bulge would allow, going well into my throat. Well, I had gotten a quick lesson in technique a bit earlier, and I reasoned that the sooner he came, the sooner I could get that choking staff out of my mouth.
As I began actively sucking Rhydon’s staff, Machamp’s lower cock ejected its wad into my womb. With my sensitive ears, I felt I could almost hear the sound of his bursts hitting the walls of my cunt. He didn’t even slow down, though, since his upper dick hadn’t cum yet. Probably because I had sucked that one off only minutes earlier. It would take time before that one could blow again, and it was clear that he had no intention of stopping until that happened. Tears started flowing down my cheeks as I realized that my torment would probably last all night. It quickly became obvious, though, that Machamp was getting impatient. Till then, he had fucked me with long, hard strokes, and I had more or less gotten used to it by then. But suddenly, he speeded up, and started to push both his cocks deeper and harder. Holding me by the base of my tail, he was pulling me into his thrust, ensuring that every stroke went as deep as possible. His thick, gray skin hardly made a sound as it collided with my furry haunches, but the strength of the thrusts was punishing. My tears kept flowing as I sobbed around Rhydon’s cock.
While Machamp put his entire body into the fuck, Rhydon slowed down his thrusts into my throat. I instantly realized that he was about to pull out, and strained my jaws to the extreme to make it possible. He pulled out, but grunted in pain as my canines dragged along the bulge in his cock. It gave me some satisfaction to know that I had returned a fraction of the pain he had caused me. After getting it all the way out, he pushed it at my face and grunted “Rrrrhydon!” Knowing better than to argue, I complied and started licking his cock with my tongue. Compared to having it forced into my throat, it was almost pleasant, but it forced me to taste it. Towards the tip, I tasted something bitter, and figured that his plundering cock had probably picked up some of the load that Machamp had deposited in my throat shortly before Rhydon arrived. I found the taste unpleasant, but knew that I would probably be tasting much more of it before long.
Finally sated, Machamp cried out “Machaaaaamp!!”, and pushed himself as far into me as he could get while his upper cock released the second load of the night…. Read the rest of this entry »
It was a quite morning in the Radcliff Household. Arthur and his Father are gone to Fishing and Jane and her both girls stay at home. Well mostly it was quite. But toady it was perfect. There was now quality time for things that waited to be finished. And. There is a lot of that.
Well doing the chores is not a real good point to put into the useful time. But it has to be done. Jane know that Dora-Wilma will find a way to play alone, and her little baby sleep for the next Hours. She would not be disturbed from someone in the next hours. So she starts to move through all the rooms for cleaning.
Well it was not to hard to clean the rooms without her son on their near. Sometimes he was one of the creators of the mess she had to clean up, including his sister of course. But children are children. When they get older and grew up, they would clean up their mess by their own. But for now she has to clean up after them. Well after three hours the house was clean.
Exhausted from the work Jane decides to take a little time for her to rest. DW was somewhere in the house and the other child. Well it was still sleeping. But she starts to think about what she can do now. There are not many ways to choose.
But the problems are solving without something she controls. Or might other parts of her body take over the control. She fell strange, or better hot. First she mean that this come from the work but it was a burning from inside. She notice that her crotch start to get warmer and somehow she feel the feeling that the fabric of her panty gets wet by her own juices. And she feels that her nipples start to stiffen under her shirt. An exciting and pushing feeling that move her body into lust.
Her hands move slowly on her body down… Read the rest of this entry »
Crystal was just biking towards Goldenrod, when she noticed a sign hanging outside the Pokemon daycare. It read: “Our business has evolved. We now got enough space to keep 3 Pokemons at the time.” Crystal went through her mental catalogue of Pokemon. Was there any that could need some time there? Then she smiled and went in.
“Why, hello my dear.” Said the old lady who ran the place. “Du you want us to take care of some of your Pokemons?” Crystal nodded and handed her two pokeballs she had been carrying. “Yeah. There’s my lvl. 65 Rhydon, it has gotten kind of arrogant and aggressive lately. Same thing with my lvl. 55 Machamp. They’ve been that way ever since I used them to beat the Elite Four, and I think they could use some peace and quiet, to calm them down.” “That’s fine, dearie… we’ll take good care of them. Do you have someone for the third slot?” Crystal nodded, and went over to the computer in the corner. A few minutes later, she returned with a pokeball. “Here’s a lvl. 5 Eevee… I’m thinking about turning her into a Vaporeon later, but I don’t have any Water Stones. So, maybe she could gain a few levels here, just until I find one.” The old lady nodded. “Certainly. There’s plenty of room in the pen outside. They’ll have fun. Just come back whenever you want them back.” Crystal smiled, nodded, and left.
I looked around curiously when I was released outside. The pen was secure, with high walls preventing escape, while allowing us to watch the people pass by outside. I could sense that many of the bypassers were pokemon trainers, so there would probably be an occasional fight. It was nice to be outside again… I had spend a long time in my pokeball by then, sitting in the storage system, waiting… actually, that was what most of my young life had been spend doing. My first memory was of emerging from an egg, carried by Crystal, my owner. Immediately after, I was put in a pokeball, so I barely had the time to get a good look at the world. She never used me in a fight, but the other five pokemon she was carrying told me bit about the world. I learned that the egg I had emerged from came from this place – the daycare center. That my mother was an Espeon, and that I had three brothers: Flareon, Jolteon and Umbreon. I would one day become a Vaporeon, and the family would be complete.
The two I would be sharing this yard with were both much bigger and much older than I. They were also both male, though the importance of that fact had not yet registered to me. Neither of them seemed to be capable of relaxing. Machamp was furiously attacking the air, launching swift series of jabs with his lower set of arms, while blocking unseen blows with the upper pair. Rhydon was drilling holes in the air with his rotating horn, the ground shaking slightly every time he set his foot down. I, on the other hand, was perfectly content doing nothing, just enjoying the fresh air and sunlight.
A few days later, both of the guys had calmed down some… well, actually, they had just gotten tired of fighting the thin air. It got increasingly obvious that the inactivity was getting to them, but I didn’t care. Communication between us had been on a bare minimum, since they obviously considered themselves to be much better than me. And who were I to argue? Although I had spend some time out of my egg, I had seen nothing of the world, never fought a battle, and I was still only lvl. 5. They hardly noticed me. Until… it was the evening of our third day together. I was thirsty, and went to the pond to get something to drink. I bent forward and lapped up some water, but felt strangely like being watched. I quickly got up, and turned around. A ways behind me, Machamp was sitting starring at me with an expressionless face. Then I noticed a large bulge in his tight shorts. I felt my skin redden under my fur… when I had bent forward, my young slit had been revealed to him, obviously exiting him. I would have to be more careful in the future… Read the rest of this entry »
It was a mostly peaceful morning in the Spellman household. Unlike ordinary girls, she is a witch in training and lives with her aunts Hilda and Zelda, both full-fledged witches. They’re good “parents”, when they don’t act like children and abuse their magic to plague each other. Among the mostly normal things in the house are Quickly and the tomcat Salem. Salem was once a wizard who was transformed into a tomcat until he finishes serving time for his crimes. The lesson: never be caught when you try to take over the world. Quickly is the housekeeper. Cleaning, cooking and sometimes teaching the others were his jobs in the Spellman household.
But back to the peaceful moments Sabrina experienced in her room. She woke up late, but this was necessary – she had vacation, and sometimes even a witch in training needs some time to gather new strength. Somehow she slept more when the stupid alarm didn’t go insane. She stayed in bed for a while, but eventually decided that she had to get up. Sabrina leaft the warmth of the sheets and stood in her nightdress in front of her clothes. Slowly she striped out of her nightie and looked in the mirror. She liked the view of her body, and of course she knew how to make herself relax. She ran her hands tenderly over her growing breasts and down to her crotch. She liked to touch her sensitive parts, and eagerly awaited her full physical development. In reflex one of her fingers entered her magical garden, and started to move slowly around. The pleasure she felt was quite good. But she shortly stopped and looked to her normal clothes. “Not now!” she said to herself as she dressed.
She decided to get some breakfast, but as she opened her door she could hear that her aunts were in full action. Each morning the same scene – one of them starts a quarrel, and it gets out of control. Sabrina did what she could to calm them, but mostly without success, and so they kept on fighting. But this time they pissed Sabrina off. In particular, when Hilda threw a glass of orange juice in Sabrina’s face.
She yelled, and for a short moment there was silence in the kitchen. Her aunts had fixed their attention on Sabrina, standing dripping in the middle of the kitchen… Read the rest of this entry »
‘It’s a good thing Homer isn’t here,’ Lisa thought as she played the blues on her saxophone. She had not felt well today at school and hoped that her instrument would help soothe her as it often did, but today it failed at the task. She had too much on her mind to let the music reach her heart. Even when she tried to do some homework to push her ill thoughts aside, she simply couldn’t concentrate and had taken the surprising decision to put it aside. Besides, she knew Mrs. Hoover wouldn’t mind since after all, Lisa was the best student in class and even without the home work, would be able to score straight As.
The ordeal had started the day before, as Lisa was cruising on her sax, deciding to play one last song and then write in her diary. When she played, she didn’t always consciously choose a song; sometimes she just let her fingers play by themselves and choose by themselves, almost as if the song were her master rather then the opposite. That night, she played a song by the late Bleeding Gums Murphy, one of her mentors and best friends. The soft rhythm had made her a bit melancholic and as she blew the last note, a tear in her eye, she had thought: ‘that was for you Bleeding Gums.’ She had then turned her head to the album of the artist she had, Sax on the Beach.
Even after so long, Lisa still couldn’t believe that she actually owned the very rare album. And more surprising was that her brother Bart had been the one to buy it for her in an unexpected selfless act. Just thinking about the circumstances, how he had been lucky to have that much money but still decided to spend it on her, brought another tear to her eye. Neither sibling had told anyone about the gesture, Bart wanting to keep the generous act a secret for some obscure reason.
She put the saxophone aside, her brother still the center of her train of thoughts. ‘Then again, I don’t really understand him. No one does.’ Every time Lisa thought she had him all figured out as a bad boy, Bart seemed to pull off a selfless caper which threw her off completely. Even their mother didn’t completely understand the boy but of course she still loved him all the same. After a while, Lisa accepted that to comprehend Bart would require more than simple deductive reasoning. Maybe…
Bart was disappointed. Sitting on his bed, in the room adjacent to his sister’s, he had been listening to the song for many minutes now. Although he would never admit it to a soul, he loved to hear Lisa play her saxophone and tonight especially since the notes seemed to reflect the melancholy of his soul. He hated that he had to hide his emotions like that to the world lest he wouldn’t get the respect he needed to survive school. But survival wasn’t a choice, it was a necessity and along the years, he had at times acted a bit too extreme for the people around him and his family. Those extremes still helped his case at school, but it did come at a price.
But under all of his misdeeds, Bart hid true and pure emotions. Some part of the untameable bad boy act was his true personality, but he still had a certain desire for peace and certainly did not want to make his family and friends miserable. He could never forget what had happened during hockey game opposing him to his sister who served as goal tender to the other team. The opposing team had roughed up one of their players and Bart had been offered a penalty shot. To the outside world, it had seemed like a simple game opposing two teams in the junior series finale. For the Simpson family however, it was able a brother and sister out for blood on the ice. This penalty shot would determine the victor.
Read the rest of this entry »
“You sexy thing, sexy thing. I believe in miracles…”, sang the radio along with a happy Homer, driving home from work. He parked the car and entered him home. The kids were watching TV and Marge was taking meals out of the oven. Having heard the door close, she shouted “Kids! Diner!” That night, the Simpsons were having chicken, except Lisa of course, who was having tofu.
-So then, Bart said, Mrs. Krabapple turned to the board and I used my last elastic to hit her glass of coffee, which made it tip and fall over our exams. I guess we’ll have to do it again, but now, I know what to study.
-And you, what did you do?
-We received the notes from our last exam. I got an A++… but of course, Alison had an A+++. Stupid Alison, Lisa said under her breath.
-Oh, Homer started, by the way honey, Mr. Smithers is coming to visit us tonight. He says he wants to talk about something important concerning the family. He didn’t mention what though.
Later that evening, Waylon Smithers arrived. They all sat in the dinning room, except Maggie who was sleeping upstairs.
-Ok, as I come here, know that this doesn’t concern your job at the power plant. This is on my own terms. Even Mr. Burns doesn’t know. Actually, this might be the one thing he doesn’t know about me.
They all looked at each other, meaning “yeah, that and the fact that you’re gay.”
-I come with a proposition. I’ve interacted quite often with your family and find it quite charming. On my time off, I built a company, Snurb Corporation, which is registered and legal. Officially, it researches pharmaceutics products, but it never saw the light of any medical stuff. Actually, it deals with underground pornography.
He waited until their obvious shock passed. They always are, he thought, but they always see the light.
-I very well understand your reaction, but believe me, it’s not as bad as it sounds.
-Get to the point, said Bart.
Waylon took a deep breath before blurting out the whole truth about why he was there.
-Homer, I would like you and your family to make pornographic videos.
Marge’s voice covered the rest: WHAT?!
-I understand your concern Mrs. Simpson, and…
-And nothing! I want you out of my house, NOW!
-Please, if you would just let me explain.
-Homer, show him the door. She didn’t shout anymore, but her voice was ice cold. Homer had rarely seen her so angry and he knew the best was to obey, for the time being at least.
-This way Mr. Smithers.
Homer followed Smithers to his car.
-Well, I’ve got your wife’s answer, but what did you thing, Homer?
-I don’t know… how much does it pay?
-5000 dollars for your first movie, if it’s what I’m interested in.
-5000?! That’s a lot of money!
-And easy money too… Look, I see your wife in the window looking at me and quite frankly, I’m scared of her. Here’s my card, call me on my beeper anytime, day or night.
Smithers slipped a card to Homer before taking off in his red convertible. Homer hummed while looking at the card, reading: Waylon Smithers, CIO of Snurb Corporation.
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