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The Simpsons porn Story: “Sleepover”.

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11th October 2007

The Simpsons porn Story: “Sleepover”.

    It had been a month since the night Milhouse had toyed with Bart in his sleep and Lisa awaked.  Since then, he had not had the opportunity to have sex again, with them or anyone else, even though Bart had slept at his house only a week ago.  Milhouse had to resort to hand, but it was getting tiresome.  After having a feel of both Simpson kids, he craved for more.   Bart had quickly forgotten his strange wake of a month ago, but Lisa hadn’t.  She had remained somewhat distant of him however.  The sex had been good, but she was only interested in playing with Milhouse, not actually dating him.  But even from afar, she could tell Milhouse wasn’t only interested in her.  She noticed the glances he gave her brother’s butt and crotch area, even though Bart didn’t.  Maybe she could do them both.

   Everyday of summer seemed the same for Bart.  Not that it was a bad thing.  He liked to spend his days roaming around Springfield, with his trusty sidekick Milhouse at his side.  Playing video games, blowing stuff up, watching Itchy and Scratchy… it was the good life.

   Milhouse had been invited to stay for the night at the Simpsons, again.  This time, Homer and Marge would be gone until late into the evening however.  Lisa had managed to convince her dad that they deserved a vacation and that she could baby-sit Bart. Read the rest of this entry »

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3rd October 2007

Simpsons Porn Story. Walls with no ears

“Homer!  Please, stop!” Lisa winced in agony.

  Lisa Simpson was crying out her rage and her pain.  Her rage because she was useless to stop the fiendish acts of Homer.  She was too petite in front of his 200 pounds.  And her pain because he was raping her.

  It had all started when she was only 5 years old.  Back then, she still looked up to him, he seemed to be there when she needed him the most, even if he was quite irresponsible.  She loved him.  He loved her for more then that.  Actually, love wasn’t the right word.  Homer just used her body for release.  He didn’t like Lisa Simpson the person; only body she had.  That’s why one warm summer night, he had come into her room.

  Marge had left with her sisters to see a show and said she would only be coming back the day after.  Homer had then decided to make Lisa into a woman, moreover, his woman.  He had entered into her room with out a word.

  “Hey dad!  What are you…”

  He had thrown her on the bed, had removed her nightgown and immediately starting sucking her private parts.  She didn’t like it at all, she was afraid him.  She kept asking Homer to stop, hitting his head with her small fists when he refused.  He hit her back in the face, hard, making her cry out. 

  The walls had no ears to hear her plea.  On that warm summer day, Lisa had not become a woman, she had become a victim, the victim of a lewd and perverted man.  Since then, Homer had taken advantage of her every time he could: when Marge was out, when he was alone with her, even late at night when she was sleeping.  There was no escaping his monstrous cock, the symbol of her nightmare. Read the rest of this entry »

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27th September 2007

I DO Give a Flying Fuck. Second Part of Chapter II.

Continue porn story About Winx and Witches.. 

 Elyon and June were on the beach towel, in a 69 position, with Elyon on top.

June was doing long licks on Elyon’s pussy, but was finding it hard to concentrate with the other girl teasing her clit like that. She raised her head so that the licks included Elyon’s asshole.

“Ooooohhh,” Elyon said. “You nasty girl!”

“How about this for nasty?” June inquired, as she shoved a finger in Elyon’s ass.

“Whoo! Did they teach you that in Tae Kwon Do school?”

“Te Xuan Ze.”

“Whatever. Just keep doing that.”

“I want to cum,” June said. “And the airshow may be starting soon.”

“Okay. I’m ready. Let’s head for the finish line.”

The two girls doubled their efforts on each other, stepping up the pace to an unbearable level. Elyon continued the torture on June’s clit, periodically giving her pussy a light smack. June jammed fingers into both the pussy and the asshole, thrusting into both in unison, and fingered the clit with the other hand. The pace became more frenzied yet.

“Oh! Oh!” Elyon cried. “That’s it! I can’t last any longer! Oooowwwwoooooo! Uhhhh!” Her body shuddered and she clamped down on June’s fingers.

Directly feeling her partner’s orgasm pushed June over the edge as well. She came hard, twice.

They laid there for a few minutes, Elyon’s head resting on June’s thigh. Then they stirred.

“I wonder what’s going on with the Fuck Squadron,” June said. “They should be putting on their show by now.”

Elyon rolled off June and looked around the sky. June sat up and did the same.

“There’s one couple,” June said.

“I see the other. They’re in the opposite direction.”

“Are they going up or down?”

“Up, I think. They don’t seem to be moving very fast right now. That doesn’t make me think of freefall.”

“Yeah, mine are moving slow too.”

The girls reached for the binoculars. Read the rest of this entry »

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14th September 2007

Goku’s Second Lesson : Another kind of porn training

  Another morning, another day of training.  To Krillin, those were the thoughts he had every morning as he got up.  Not that he totally minded of course, he had asked for it after all.  It was only fitting that the best martial arts master in the world would be the toughest trainer.  And so every day, Krillin would go deliver milk, run from dinosaurs, swim in the lake, dodge bees and do construction work.  But before that, he had one important task: to wake his partner in arms, Goku.

  To Krillin, Goku was the luckiest boy in the world.  He was stronger and more enduring, so he got to sleep with Lunch, the girl appointed to prepare meals for the fighters and clean up the house.  Usually a charming and beautiful girl, she could however turn into an angry bitch when she sneezed.  He was often afraid to wake Goku because of that, afraid to wake Lunch who might have sneezed during the night.  It was with great relief that he noticed Lunch’s black hair compared to the evil Lunch’s blonde hair.  Still wanting to be quiet, he tapped Goku on his chest to wake him.  A few minutes later, they were both off making their rounds together.

  The morning went about without any interference.  Their master had followed them during the first couple of days, but now they were used to the routine and he just slept his morning away.  Goku never seemed to lose heart against any obstacle and it encouraged Krillin to be stronger as well.  Over the weeks, the spiked haired boy had remained Krillin’s nemesis, but a great friendship had been forged between them as well.  Since Goku was so naïve, the bald boy tried to teach him some matters.

  “I still don’t understand why master Roshi and you like girls so much,” Goku said as they were taking a break before swimming their laps… Read the rest of this entry »

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7th September 2007

Looney Tunes. Sleeping Bluety

            Tho you thee, Rad Duck wath a great duck, thomeone you could alwayth count on.  Had he not been here, the thcool would have burned down and who knowth where we would live now!

            Daffy paused to look at his students.  Some were taking notes, especially since a big exam was coming up; others were at least paying some attention.  Heck, he even got Plucky’s attention with the history of famous ducks.  All listened, even if only slightly.  All, but Buster Bunny… again.  The blue bunny had fallen sleep five minutes into his course and slept for the whole time.  I wasn’t the first time Buster did this either, Daffy had lost count how many times it happened.  And to add injure to the insult, the bunny had very high grades, topping 85% during the two previous evaluations.  Still, the teacher felt frustrated to have such a student two to three times a week in his class.  He finally decided to go see principal Bugs about it after class.

            Soon, the bell indeed rang, though not waking up the kid.  Babs, sitting besides her boyfriend, got up and gave him a nudge.  Buster said something unintelligible, but still slept and so Babs decided to give him a lesson.  She packed her things and left along the other students, leaving only Daffy and Buster.  Daffy approached the boy.

            -Ith there a problem, mithter Bunny, he asked.

            -No problem thir, uh, sir.  I was just meditating your deep words.

            -Meditating huh?  What wath the name of Rad Duck’th wife?

            -Uh… Shirley, he tried, Shirley being the first girl duck name he thought of.

            -Cherry Duck.  I want you to make a 300 word report on her, punishment for thleeping in my class.  And I want it tomorrow morning, on my desk.

            -Come on teach’.  Shirley, Cherry, it’s almost the same!

            -You are dithmithed, mither Bunny…. Read the rest of this entry »

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3rd September 2007

Kim Possible. Bound To Fuck. Part II.

“It’s not exactly hate. I treat you that way because…”Kim turned her head so she could see Bonnie’s face. She was expressionless and staring up at the ceiling.

Kim waited for a few seconds and then prodded. “Because?”

Bonnie mumbled something unintelligible.

“I couldn’t hear that.”

“Because I’m jealous, all right?”

Kim was stunned. She didn’t know what she had been expecting, but that certainly wasn’t it. “Jealous? Of me? But why? You’re the most popular girl in the school. You’re dating the captain of the football team. I don’t even have a boyfriend at all.”

“Big deal. So I’m queen of one high school.”

“You were queen of those metal girls too,” Brick said.

Bonnie stared at him. “Huh? What the hell are you talking about?”

“I think he’s talking about when the bebes made you their queen.”

“Those crazy fucking robots? That was all your doing anyway. You were the one who told them I should be their queen. The point is that I’m queen of one high school, one out of thousands across the country. People all over the world know who you are. You have your own fucking TV show, for christ’s sake!”

Bonnie gave a sigh of exasperation. “It started the day we met, when you tried out for the cheerleading squad in eighth grade. I was tired of watching girls try out by then and gave you a routine that I thought was impossible, but it didn’t faze you at all. And then you took over leadership of the squad in no time.”

Kim didn’t speak for a moment. “Jeez, Bonnie, I don’t do it to spite you. It’s called competition, ya know?”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just frustrating. I do my best but I can’t come anywhere close to you.”

Kim realized that she had stopped diddling Bonnie and started up again. “Well, what do you want me to do? Slack off? Let people beat me on purpose?”

“No, I’m not that shallow. That would be pointless.” She smacked Kim’s pussy. “Don’t worry about it. Things have changed anyway. I’m not as pissed at you as I used to be.”

Kim looked at her in surprise. “Really? Seems to me you been meaner the last year and a half than ever before.”

Bonnie grinned. “Think back. When did that start?”

“Huh? I don’t know. I’d have to look at my diary to get a timetable for our battles.”

“When you do, you might find that the increased hostility coincides with the start of the Kim Possible TV show.”

Kim nodded her head. “You already said you were pissed about the show.”

“Envious, yes. I was truly hostile the first few weeks of production. But I soon realized that the show was a benefit for me too. Since you and I fought so much, I got a lot of airtime. Because of that, I have made a shitload of contacts in the entertainment industry. I even get fucking fanmail! True, a lot of it is from wannabe bitches who see me as a role model and parents who think I’m a shitty role model, but still, people across the country know who I am now. And I owe that to you. So rather than be angry at you, I decided to climb aboard the Kim Possible gravy train.”

Kim looked at her in confusion. “So if you aren’t mad at me any more, why do you still dump on me so much?”

“Because that’s my established role. Monique is your buddy. I’m the nemesis, the bully, the antagonist. Well, secondary antagonist. Those weirdos you fight are the main ones. Anyway, if I started being nice to you, there would be no conflict and I would just be one of the herd at school. Which would be the end of the show for me. So I started treating you worse than ever.”

Kim’s jaw dropped. “I don’t fucking believe this! You are saying that all the shit you give me is play-acting?”

“It is now. Didn’t used to be.”

Kim was too astonished to speak, just lay there with a gaping mouth. Read the rest of this entry »

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31st August 2007

Simpsons Camp bonding

            As Bart loaded his bag, in the car, he couldn’t help but complain again.  He didn’t want to be up so early, didn’t want to go camping and certainly didn’t want to go there alone with his father for a whole day and night.  He couldn’t blame Homer however. It wasn’t his idea after all, it was his mom’s.

            “Please Bart, do it for me,” she had said with her pleading eyes, the ones which no son could resist but agree to.

            Homer had complained as well and Marge had dealt with him as well.  It was ironic that the camping idea was meant for father and son to bond, when the one thing they did agree to was that they weren’t interesting in camping alone together.

            But having agreed to it and with no way to back out of it, they had left home fairly early on Saturday, both men grumpy and complaining to each other.  Homer didn’t trust the boy and knew that he would have to watch his back with his son around.  There was no anticipating what devilish plot Bart might come up with to torture him.  It was Bart’s favourite pastime it seemed and Homer his favourite victim.  But for the moment at least, the boy was sleeping on the passenger seat.  Getting up early on a weekend is never easy for a ten year old after all.

            It took little over an hour before the Simpson men arrived at their designated camp site.  Marge had chosen a peaceful forest spot for them rather then public camping grounds.  She said that being completely alone together without opportunities to meet and socialise with other people would help the bonding.  Also, she secretly wanted to avoid giving Bart any opportunity to humiliate his father in public. 

            As Homer stopped the car, Bart woke up and yawned loudly.  He looked around and was surprised to find the area to his liking.  The camping spot was a clearing surrounded by tall trees and as the boy opened the door, he heard a small river not too far in the distance.  A circle of stones was set on the ground, the remains of another camping family no doubt.  As he stretched, his father opened the trunk to bring out the tent and other camping gear.  The food would remain in the car, to avoid attracting any wild animals.

            Homer laid out the schematics for the tent and studied them for a moment.  “Alright, so if I put this here…” he said as he planted a stake in the ground to set the tent, “and I put this one here… and I attach this here…”  One could almost believe that he knew exactly what he was doing; ‘almost’ being the key word.  Bart knew his father well enough to know that he was basically guessing and not really thinking through his methods. As he planted the last stake, Homer took a step back to look at his work.  Three full seconds later, a small gust of wind brought it swiftly to the ground, to Bart’s laughter… Read the rest of this entry »

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22nd August 2007

Love At Mach 4 . X-Men: Evolution. Part 2.

Chapter II. Waikiki.

  Kitty strolled down the sidewalk with the tourists, pretending to be interested in the contents of the shop windows. And she actually was, to an extent. They had some nice stuff.

  However, she wasn’t here to shop, so she looked at the swimsuits and such on the fly. She checked her direction finder watch and confirmed she was headed the right way. Since this was a surveillance mission, she had changed into street clothes before being dropped on top of one of the Waikiki hotels. This sure was nicer than slogging around in the bowels of those fucking pyramids.

  Forge had created the tracking equipment for the professor. It used the Avenger comm satellites to coordinate with Cerebro back at the mansion. The sats were designed by Reed Richards, built by Stark Enterprises, and launched by SHIELD. The Avengers allowed the X-Men a percentage of the bandwidth, for official business only.

  Every five minutes, Kitty’s watch would send off an inquiry to Cerebro via the sats, asking for the last known position of the target mutant. The watch would then compare that with Kitty’s own position and give her a heading, in the form of an arrow. Scott, Jean, and Mr. Logan, who had all started from different points, were also converging on the target from different directions.

  It wasn’t foolproof, because Cerebro could not detect the mutant unless he was using his powers. However, Kitty had changed direction a couple of times, indicating that he was doing so sporadically.

  The other piece of Forge-supplied hardware was in her ear, a high-gain comm link. The Avenger sat was providing the repeater capability.

  And of course Jean’s telepathy was an additional comm path, though it was a star configuration, and all traffic had to relay through her. The hardware comm was point to point, so Jean was a backup.

  Kitty heard Mr. Logan’s voice. “Position report.”

  The Blackbird computer responded with the coordinates of all five mutants, the target and the X-Men who were tracking him. After that the team members themselves reported in. She waited for her turn. “Shadowcat. Position confirmed. On track.”

  The mutant they were tracking was Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin, AKA Peter AKA Colossus. For a Magneto stooge, he wasn’t really that bad a guy. Not like that vicious fucker Sabretooth. Or that smug bastard Gambit. Or the psycho Pyro.

  He wasn’t really evil at all. Kitty had spent some time with him down in the pyramid and when they weren’t dodging those huge killer mechanical statues, he had told her that he worked for Magneto only because of extortion. Basically his family was held hostage.

  The team really wasn’t after him, but was trying to get a line on Magneto. Helmet Boy himself couldn’t be tracked by Cerebro so they had no choice but to go after the Acolytes, hoping they would provide leads. You’d think that Magneto would have learned his lesson after the Apocalypse thing, but he was apparently up to his old shit.

  Kitty noticed that the street was starting to veer off in the wrong direction, away from Colossus. And it was a long way to the next block. She considered just heading directly toward the target in a straight line, ignoring all obstacles, but she decided that a public display of mutant powers would not be in keeping with a surveillance mission.

  She headed on toward the corner, picking up the pace. But after a short distance she came across an alley, and it seem to be going in a good direction. The way the street was curving, the cross street might take her off on a tangent.

  She hesitated for a few seconds. The alley went straight a short distance, then curved off. The curve was in a good direction, but she could not see what the alley contained, or who it contained, or whether it was went on through to the next street. If it was a dead end she would have to phase after all. Read the rest of this entry »

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18th August 2007

I DO Give a Flying Fuck. Chapter II. Airborne. Winx Club Girls and W.I.T.C.H.

Chapter II. Airborne

  Bloom smiled. “Okay, here’s how the Dragon Mate works. The male dragons have to chase the queen through the sky in order to mate with her. It’s a genetic thing, The idea is that the strongest dragon has the speed and endurance to mate with the queen, thus improving the bloodline. In our version, Flora and I play the part of the male dragons and there are two queens to catch. It’s one on one. We catch you, we fuck you. By the way, it’s like touch football or tag. If we touch you, you’re caught.””And if you can’t catch us?”

“Well, I assume you want to be fucked. If we just can’t do it, then slow down and let us catch you. But make us work for it first. The chase is a big part, flying just for the fun of it.”

Will nodded. “So if you catch us, or if we let you, then we land and do it?”

“Oh, no, it’s way cooler than that. Everything takes place in the air. First, we fly straight up, as high as we can go without passing out or freezing our asses off, doing foreplay all the way. Then we lock down our wings and freefall for thousands of feet, fucking like lunatics all the way down.”

Irma gasped. “Holy shit!”

“To say the least. Anyway, that’s the basic idea. We can give you more details on the ascent. But I need to tell you this part right now. This is a little different from most kinds of sex. Usually the idea is to make it last as long as possible, but that isn’t a good idea when the ground is coming toward you at terminal velocity, about 120 miles an hour.”

Will blinked. “Holier shit!”

“Yep. You don’t have to rush from the beginning, but when the altimeter goes off the first time, start wrapping things up and concentrate on getting off. When it goes off the second time, we break apart and start beating our wings like maniacs to kill the velocity, whether anybody has cum or not. The idea is to have fun, not have a close encounter with the landscape.” She glanced at the Guardians, serious for once. “Do you guys think you can handle it? You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

Will and Irma exchanged a long glance, then both nodded. “Kamikaze love,” Irma said.

“That’s what I like to hear. It’ll be awesome, I swear. Okay, so how do we pair up?”

“Doesn’t matter to me,” Will said. “You’re both gorgeous, and I like you a lot.”

“Thanks, sweetie,” Flora said. “I feel the same way. I would be happy to fuck either of you.”

Bloom and Irma made it unanimous.

“So what do we do?” Bloom asked. “Flip a coin?”

“Let’s do it this way,” Will suggested. “Irma and I fly in front, side by side, with the two of you behind us, also side by side. We don’t look back and we switch sides at random intervals, whereas you stay in the same positions. Then we suddenly separate without warning and fly off in different directions. You chase whoever is on the same side as you at that time. We don’t know who we will get because we don’t look back and don’t know which sides you are on. You don’t know who you will get because we keep switching and the time of separation is not predictable.”

“I love it,” Bloom said. “Nobody chooses, no hurt feelings. All by chance.”

The others agreed.

Bloom looked at Elyon and June, snuggling on a beach towel. “Are you two ready for this?”

Both girls held up their binoculars. Elyon giggled. “And I’m sure we can keep ourselves occupied when you are out of sight.”

The Guardians launched, followed by the fairies. The pace was leisurely, as the run hadn’t started yet. Bloom and Flora held back a couple hundred yards, giving the other girls a decent head start. They watched their quarry change position several times, quite randomly. Sometimes they would switch after twenty seconds, sometimes after five. Irma was about 10 feel above Will, so that they wouldn’t crash into each other when they reversed.

Irma and Will were excited, having never done anything like this before. “God, I’m getting wet already!” Irma admitted.

“Me too. Switch!”

The girls swapped sides again. Irma was so used to following Will’s lead that she just did it automatically, even when it was for fun rather than official Guardian business. So Will controlled both the switching and the decision to start the run.

On the other hand, Irma was better at flying than Will, so she made suggestions on technique. “Don’t make sharp course changes, unless you are dodging something. It you turn, make it a long sweeping turn. If your turn is too sharp, she may be able to cut even sharper and gain on you.”

“Thanks. Switch! I guess it’s time to stop farting around and go for it. Are you ready?”

“Let’s go.”

“Okay. Ready, steady, suck it, fuck it, go!” Read the rest of this entry »

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14th August 2007

Pokemon Breeding Center. Part IV.

Pokemon Breeding Center. Part IV. 

Rhydon had spent the entire show dozing in the shade, apparently caring little for what happened. Which probably meant that he didn’t regret his earlier actions either, he just hadn’t been interested at the time. So, both of them would abuse my body at regular intervals for the duration of our stay together. The thought almost caused me to collapse, feeling that it was futile to go on living. But even if I had the means, which I didn’t, I did not have to courage to end my own life. So, I would live on as a sex-toy for two males… I could only prey that Crystal soon came to pick us up.

I was not surprised when I was awakened that night. Although Machamp was obviously willing to screw me in broad daylight, the night was still the main time for fucking. As he kneeled down and pulled me into his crotch, ordering me to suck his cock, I suddenly knew what was coming. Whether it was an ability inherited from my Espeon mother, or simply a quick flash of logic, I realized what Machamp intended to do with those cocks when he was done. Of course, knowing didn’t give me any comfort, quite the contrary. But at least it convinced me to do a good job on the cocks, covering both in a thick layer of saliva. When I was done, I was turned around, but before Machamp could order me to assume my usual submissive position, with my head on the ground and my ass high in the air, I did so on my own accord. There was no point in giving him an excuse to do me harder.

My preconception was confirmed when I felt his lower cock entering my ass. Although it was still slightly sore from the previous night, I didn’t feel stretched in any way. Compared to Rhydon’s bulging dick, Machamp was puny. That changed after he had done three-four strokes, when he poised the other dickhead at my anal ring and started pushing it in. Exactly as I had foreseen, the scene from the day was repeating itself, only in the other hole. Had it not been for the experience with Rhydon, my ass would have been torn open by this second cock, and the pain was just as blinding as back then. Machamp was neither gentle nor careful, he thrust fully into me as soon as he was sure that he was lodged securely within me. After a few testing thrusts, that left me grinding my teeth in pain, he took me in the same four-armed grip he had used that day, and lifter me into the vertical position. The difference was that, due to the different angle of approach, this position actually afforded better anal penetration that the doggy position they had used before. Both his staffs attained full penetration as I was forced down on them, stretching the sensitive skin of my ass around their fat bases. Then Machamp got to his feet, suspending me above the ground, supported only by his cocks. His hands didn’t really hold me up, they just stopped me from falling forwards. Read the rest of this entry »

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11th August 2007

Harry Potter Second Porn Story.

    Since that night, Harry could not act like he usually could around Hermonie. Her shinning eyes, her firm ass, and lovely attire, was driving him insane. Hermonie had not told anyone else besides Ginny, (Harry and Ginny hook up in the 6th book at the end, lets see how this changes things…) and Harry had not even told Ron his best friend. The ups though, he felt like a Wizard king who could do no wrong but only without Hermonie around. Soon Harry began thinking about doing it again, but the problem was the spell he had used was nowhere to be found. The night he and Hermonie had sex he left it in the commenroom and found it gone when he woke up that morning.  Of course, Hermonie was not feeling the littlest of weirdness, she was actually much happier but still feuding with Ron. When Harry saw Ron these days, actually, all he really saw of Ron was his mouth on Lavender browns. So really the only good friend he still had, and she was a GOOD friend, was Hermonie.

     Ginny however was really looking at him a lot. While looking up potions for Snape he noticed how she was instead of writing her essay, looking at him. Staring mostly. He looked down at her skirt which had been slowly going higher and higher in response to Ginny pulling it up for him. She had no underwear on as he could see right to her hairless pussy. She quickly put it down if she didn’t realize she had done it and began writing her essay once more. Hermonie was out in the Library looking up books up the Half Blood prince again and Ron was probably out with Lavander leaving Harry to study alone. But today he had wonderful company, of Ginny.

  It was now spring and quite warm. The kids who had nothing to do had left and only some 1st years remain along with Harry and Ginny.

  Harry notices some of her features too, her lovely red hair was enough to be boner inducing but that was just the tip of her head. She was filling in it looked like and only had maybe B cup tits, but from experience with Hermonie he didn’t car what size they where. She had a face of a angle and when she smiled you felt good too. Her body was well curved and had everything Harry would want to explore. Soon he really wanted that spell. What book he tried to think…what book.

  Suddenly he felt as if a heat wave had just gone over him. He felt his penis rapidly becoming hard as if he was about to orgasm right there. It didn’t of course but still he felt the need to masturbate right away. He got up and went to the boy’s room when Ron, Semus, and the other boy would not be. He also noted that Ginny and he would be safe up here. He picked up his bed, and pulled out a magic Vagina. It was a fake but felt real. All you did was stick your dick in it and ask it to suck, fuck, or be a asshole to fuck. He had never tried asshole before and turned it to that. Suddenly the door opened and closed as if the wind had made a mistake blowing it open. He quickly pulled his pants up over his large penis and went to investigate. He felt a presence and wondered if it was a ghost? A invisible clock? Nah he had the only one in the school. Right in his….where was it last he though. He had not used once that winter. Did Ron take it? Hermonie? Semus? Lavander?…GINNY? Read the rest of this entry »

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8th August 2007

Kim Possible. Bound To Fuck. Part I.

Kim was in a foul mood. It was bad enough to be forced to go to a movie against her will, but it wasn’t even one she wanted to see. She liked some of Jim Carrey’s earlier stuff, such as the first Ace Ventura, but he got old in a hurry.

Bonnie and Brick appeared to be enjoying themselves, which annoyed Kim even more. At least it could have been a double date. But Kim didn’t have a boyfriend, the price she paid for the teen hero gag. So here she sat, alone yet not alone.

Damn Dementor and his fucking bonding agent! If she had to be joined at the hip with someone, why in the hell did it have to be Bonnie? Dealing with Bonnie was bad enough before, when she could at least be avoided most of the time. This 24 hour a day shit was a nightmare.

Even bodily functions were aggravating, since they could not both sit at the same time. It was exhausting for the other, holding a crouching position beside the toilet.

Showers were not so bad, because she loved Bonnie’s body, though she would never say so. Bonnie had much better tits, and she was envious. She longed to handle them, but limited herself to furtive glances.

Unable to keep interest in the movie, Kim let her eyes wander. She could barely make out the outlines of her film crew. She could see no red lights, so they were not filming. They had gotten some footage early on, but it was pointless for them to film a couple of hours of her sitting watching a movie. They appeared to be packing up, getting ready to transport the equipment to the next location.

Having her own reality show was cool, especially since “Kim Possible” was the highest-rated live-action show on the Disney Channel, but it was also a pain in the ass sometimes. This whole bonding-with-Bonnie thing was just too weird, and she would have preferred not to have all that go on camera. But then her contract required footage of her personal life in addition to the teen hero stuff, so she was stuck. Stuck with the cameras and stuck with Bonnie.

When Brick took them home, he asked, “am I supposed to kiss both of you?”

Bonnie and Kim both shouted “no!”, though Kim didn’t really mean it. She would have been happy to let him.

Brick left and so did the film crew. Bonnie’s house appeared to be deserted.

“I’m hungry,” Kim said. “Nobody bought me any popcorn. And you wouldn’t go with me so I could buy my own.”

“I’m hungry too,” Bonnie replied, “but not for food”.

She went to the back door, with Kim in lockstep, and let in Brick.

Bonnie and Brick kissed again. “Now that those TV guys are gone, we can have some real fun! My parents will be out late and so will my bitch sisters. Let’s go upstairs.”

Kim was incredulous. “You guys are going to make out?”

Bonnie was her usual snotty self. “Well, duh.”

“Hello! Bound together! I have to go with you. There’s no way I can give you privacy.” Read the rest of this entry »

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27th July 2007

Pokemon Breeding Center. Part III.

Pokemon Breeding Center. Part III.

Suddenly, Rhydon’s cock stopped spinning… I could only guess at the meaning of that, but my guess turned out to be right on. Seconds later, he exploded into my ass. His wad came with even more force than had Machamp’s, and he just kept on cumming. Machamp had been sated, and walked away to get some rest, while Rhydon continued to shoot into me. Without being able to tell time accurately, I figure that he kept filling me for more than five minutes – maybe ten! After a few minutes, I got a funny feeling in my gut, and that feeling gradually changed to pain as my intestine was inflated by the continuous stream of cum. Ordinarily, it would have leaked out from my asshole, but the immediate pressure had force back Rhydon’s cock, so that the bulging bottom of it completely sealed the hole. The more cum he pumped into me, the more the pressure forced his cock back, and the tighter my ass was sealed. I could do nothing but mewl in pain as the pressure on my anal ring joined that on my intestines, creating a symphony of pain.

As he finally stopped shooting off, I figured out the idea of his spinning cock. The thickest part could only pass through my clutching anal ring while spinning, so when he had stopped the rotation, he had effectively sealed my ass, forcing me to keep his huge wad inside of me. Had I been a Rhydon female, that could have helped to ensure an impregnation, by preventing leakage… However, knowing the evolutionary reasons for his cock’s functions did nothing to lessen the pain they had caused me. I was forced to lie there for more than fifteen minutes, enduring the pressure on my inside, before his cock finally started rotating again. The pain was there, of course, but I welcomed it because I knew it would mean relief soon. Sure enough, as soon as the thickest part of his cock came out, the cum sprayed from my ass, completely soaking the fur on my hindquarters. He got hit too, but it didn’t stick to his smooth armor. Now sated, he left me and went to sleep.

Although my fatigue was great, I took a bath in the pond before going back to sleep. I washed the cum out of my fur, and the bad taste out of my mouth, but somehow I still felt dirty when I came out of the water. I feared for tomorrow, but what could I do? Nothing, except going to sleep and hoping for the best… Read the rest of this entry »

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25th July 2007

Love At Mach 4 . X-Men: Evolution. Part 1.

Chapter I. Cross Country.

  Kitty was nervous as hell. This was her first time at the controls of the real X-Jet, though she’d spent dozens of hours in the simulator. Unlike Bobby and the other male recruits, who always started making crazy-ass maneuvers and crashed, Scott had told her that she was progressing well. She’d only crashed a few times.

  Of course now there was more at stake than getting a “game over” and a bad score. If she fucked up now the game would really be over. Bits and pieces of her and her teammates would be scattered over a wide area of the landscape below. Impact at Mach 4 tended to do that.

  But she wasn’t alone. Mr. Logan was in the other position. He didn’t seem to be paying attention, reading a Hustler, but she knew he was monitoring her every move, and would step in if she did something really stupid.

  She was determined to make sure that he had no reason to do anything other than just sit there. Kurt had learned how to do this. So could she.

  The two of them were very competitive, being the youngest members of the real team. Well, Evan was younger, but he had freaked out and wasn’t on the team any more. He was slogging around in sewers these days, hanging out with those creepy Morlocks. Kitty knew it was bad to think about other mutants that way, given that ordinary humans considered all of them weird and creepy, but she couldn’t help it.

  She jumped when Mr. Logan spoke for the first time since she had taken the controls. “Mind your panel, Half Pint.”

  Damn it, she thought in anguish. I’m already fucking up!

  She hurriedly looked at the tactical display. All of the little blips represented other aircraft in the vicinity. Sure enough, one of them had turned yellow and was blinking. She touched the screen there, and a data readout appeared. It was a Lear Jet, bound for Chicago. They were far from the regular lanes, so contacts tended to be smaller planes like this.

  On their present course, they would be passing too close to it. Of course, no one could detect them, but there was still the sonic shock wave, which was pretty fucking powerful at Mach 4. Even though they were at a much higher altitude, it would give even an airliner quite a thump, might break something on a smaller plane.

  Kitty had a few minutes to make a decision, so she carefully evaluated the available avoidance paths. Finally she dialed in a course change, plus a second time-delayed correction to get them back on course after going around the Lear. She took a deep breath and hit “execute”, fully expecting Mr. Logan to yell at her and cancel it.

  But he just continued flipping through the pages. She started breathing again.

  It continued on like this for another half hour or so. Mr. Logan switched magazines a couple of times, while she weaved the SR-77 around three more slow movers.

  Finally, Mr. Logan spoke again. “I’ll take it from here, Half Pint. We’re coming up on the coast. Traffic’s building up. You can have more flight time later.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said. She leaned back, intending to observe, but he told her to go on back into the cabin.

  Disappointed, she obeyed. “Ya did good,” he said, which made her feel a little better. She looked around the cabin, but Scott and Jean weren’t where they had been when she took over the controls. They weren’t in the cabin at all. They had to be in the back compartment. Where else could they be? Only Kurt could teleport somewhere else, and the altitude was too high for that anyway. Read the rest of this entry »

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20th July 2007

Chapter I. Welcome to Alfea.

winx and witches fucking Flora hurried toward her room. She had gotten behind on her experiments with flowers because she was a hostess. Alfea had the honor of hosting the Inter-Realm Magical Beings Symposium this year, and everything was in chaos. Fortunately, her job had been registration, and that was closed. So now she could relax and enjoy the Symposium with her friends.

As she entered the common area between their rooms, she noticed that Bloom had company, some of the girls she had brought in from Earth. It wasn’t surprising to find them here, as all of them were bunking with the Winx girls. Every square inch of Alfea’s floor space was in use with such a huge attendance.

Flora approached the group. “Hey, sweetie.”

Bloom turned around. “Oh, hi Flora. Do you know everybody?”

“Well, I issued the name tags. Let me see. You’re Will and you’re Irma, right?”

Will grinned. “Close. You got us backwards. I’m Will. You can always recognize me because of this.” She pointed to the Heart of Kandrakar. “I never leave home without it.”

“Okay, sorry for the mistake. And I definitely remember Juniper because of your streak. As you can tell, I’m into that too.”

“Hi, Flora,” June said.

“We were just chilling out,” Bloom said. “There really aren’t that many good sessions today. I don’t know who does the scheduling of the multiple tracks, but it always seems that the good sessions are on simultaneously and the rest of the time it’s shit versus shit.”

“Just like TV,” Irma said.

Flora decided to fool with the experiments later and sat down. “Where’s everybody else?”

Bloom thought for a second. “Some are in the cafeteria. Cornelia and Stella were trying to out-bitch each other. We came up here because we were tired of listening to it.”

Flora giggled. “We often do that when it’s just Stella by herself.”

“As for the others, let’s see, Techna and Taranee are having a geek session, Blunk and Nutt are having a garbage-eating contest, Elyon is with Cornelia, and I don’t know where in the hell Musa and Hay Lin are.”

“After their contest, Blunk and Nutt will probably have a stink-off,” Irma said. “I don’t know which of them smells the worst. Put both in the same room and you’ll pass out.”

Flora wrinkled her nose. “I think I’ll skip that experience. Nutt is bad enough. I can’t imagine doubling that.” She looked at Will and Irma with a puzzled expression. “Weren’t you two bigger before?”

“We were in Guardian form then. You were taking pictures for the security tags.”

“So this is your normal size?”

“Yeah, ” Irma confirmed. “That’s why we like transforming so much. It’s the only time we get to have tits.” Read the rest of this entry »

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