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Harry Potter sex story: Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 4.

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22nd September 2010

Harry Potter sex story: Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 4.

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter IV.

Continue of hot toon story “Harry potter and the accidental casting“.

Ginny jumped to her feet and rushed to the pupils’ bathroom and stuck her hands under the tap and rinsed thoroughly. After she was sure that her hands were clean Ginny reached for her robes. Just as she was about to pull them up, she hesitated. ‘Paralysing numbness to area will occur.’ Her breasts had been so painful lately, was a little relief too much to ask? They were still tingling as well and it was feeling so good, she really didn’t want it to end right now.

Ginny strolled back out to Hermione, drying her hands on her robes. She flexed her fingers, no paralysis and no numbness, she was ok. “Thanks for the warning.” She said as she climbed back onto the bed. Hermione nodded and tossed the jar back into Ginny’s open junk where it made a soft flump noise as it hit her clothes. “No problem.” She smiled.

They made a little small talk, shared a couple of jokes and discussed future events like Hermione’s up coming exams. She was worried and wasn’t convinced when Ginny said she’d pass easily.

About ten minutes into the conversation, Ginny’s breasts began to feel strangely cold. She ignored it and assumed that the numbing sensation on the warning label was merely beginning to kick in.

Suddenly Ginny screamed loudly and was thrown back onto the bed as a convulsion of agony shot through her body. Hermione’s hands shot to her face and she jumped around to Ginny’s side. “Ginny? What’s wrong?” She asked in a high panicky voice. Ginny thrashed and yelled in agony. It felt like a concrete block had been placed onto her chest. “I can’t breath.” She gasped out in agony.

Hermione was literally shaking, this was frighteningly familiar. She was about to run and find Madam Pomfrey. But she forgot how to use her legs when Ginny’s chest began to expand.

It was like her breasts had been plugged into an air pump and someone had let rip on full blast. In seconds Ginny had gone from C cup to D to E to F. The seams of her robes ribbed and exploded, no longer able to contain the expanding mams. DD, EE, FF, and growing beyond any known size.

Hermione sat dumbfounded as the rags of Ginny’s top fell away, revealing the pale, freckled skin of Ginny’s tits. Her nipples were rock hard and stood up half an inch long. Her breasts still continued to increase in size and there was practically nothing left of her robes now.

Ginny stared down at herself with wide eyes. She tried to sit up, but the weight of her massive mams held her down.  “What’s happening to me?” She cried. Hermione sat dumbfounded. Ginny was now the size of beach balls and were still expanding.

Ginny gasped and flayed her arms madly. “I can’t breath.” She gasped toward Hermione, her face was beginning to turn red and Hermione realised that the weight of the tits was squashing Ginny’s rib cage and stopping her getting air into her lungs.

Hermione jumped to her feet, grabbed Ginny’s arms and pulled hard. It was like trying to carry three people on your back, Ginny’s weight had increased so much. With a lot of hard work Hermione managed to get Ginny sitting up and kept a tight grip on her wrists otherwise Ginny would fall over again. Her tits were sitting on her lap and were actually hanging over her knees. They were slowing down and were coming to a stop. The bra needed to cover those things was in a size that didn’t exist.

Hermione fell back and stared. The large pale skinned tits were covered in freckles. Her nipples were over three inches long and rock hard, the pink around them were as big as saucers. They were impossibly large and reminded Hermione of beanbag chairs with nipples. They covered her entire thighs and hung over her knees and almost touched the floor. Just the very tips of Ginny’s shoes could be seen. If Hermione wrapped her arms around one, her fingertips would only just touch if she squeezed a little.

Hermione felt like her brain had been switched off. She just couldn’t process the information of two giant boobs attached to a small girl. Ginny breathed deeply, it was hard to take air into her lungs due to the size of the knockers, but enough was getting in. “What the hell happened.” She said looking down at herself. Hermione didn’t say a word, she seemed to have been shocked into forgetting how to form words. Ginny looked at her intensely. Her back was starting to hurt and if Hermione loosened her grip for a second she would fall back and suffocate.  “HERMIONE.” She screamed.

This snapped Hermione back into reality and she almost dropped Ginny. Manoeuvring herself around Hermione helped pull Ginny onto the bed and leaned the girl against the wall. Ginny sat with her legs straight and buried under her titan tits. The rags of her robes fell away and lay in tatters on the bed and floor. “What happened?” Ginny asked bewildered.

Hermione shrugged her shoulders and looked at the jar of moisturiser. “Did you put some of this on your chest?” she asked quietly, still staring at the label. A sense of déjà vu came over her but she couldn’t explain it. Ginny nodded. “Yes, but just a little.” She said quietly. Hermione clicked her fingers. “Of course. How could I have been so stupid?”  “What?” interrupted Ginny desperately, Hermione had an answer and she wanted to know.

Hermione stared at Ginny for a moment. The breasts jiggled slightly with every breath she took and Hermione felt a familiar stirring between her legs. She wanted to reach out and touch the engorged nipple, wondering vaguely what it would taste like. A mental snap of the fingers brought an end to that thinking. Ginny needed help. “When I was staying with you over the summer, Fred and George took me aside one day and asked for my help with some disposal of magical items. One of the jokes for their store.

“What they had done was take some moisturiser and enchant it with an engrowment charm. People would use it on their hands and a few minutes later their hands would grow four times bigger. They thought it was a hilarious idea. They had created over a dozen jars by the time they had figured out that people might put it in other areas. If a woman put it on her breasts, they would grow so large that she might suffocate. And if a man put it on his penis…well, you can imagine. They neither wanted a reputation for murder or a sex trade.” Hermione tossed the jar away back into Ginny’s trunk.

“We thought we had got them all, but it looks like a couple slipped through the net. When your mum packed your trunk she must’ve found the jar and put it in for you.”

to be continued…

Author is Englishwitch

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14th September 2010

Harry Potter. Commonroom fingering

Harry was sitting in the common room reading the half-blood princes book as he often did on a Friday afternoon. He had found a spell that caught his attention in the margin of a love potion page. It was a spell for the same affect, he read the scribble
”potion takes long to make and tricky to administer, spell should have stronger affect, easy application but memory loss of time under affect”
Harry had grown very horny around all these beautiful young ladies day in day out had wanted, needed to just fuck one, maybe two. He thought this could be perfect..but as he read on the prince noted the spell as failure with the side affects being both wizard and victim having green lines around their necks that glowed when in proximity.
Dissapointed he closed the book and glanced around the room. He saw Ginny and Dean over in one corner snogging with their backs to the rest of the room and ginny was moving her arm up and down slowly while dean mapped her young womans body(mainly her boobs) with his hands. Hermione was a few desks from harry pretending to read an Acient Runes book, but really she was glaring at Harrys copy of advanced potions and hating the halflood prince. She raised her book enough to hide her face and wand hand, then harry felt he familiar pressure of intrution of someone trying to read his mind. He hated his Oclomency lessons with Snape, but he had learned some tricks. So he projected a all consuming thought back at his intruder knowing already it to be his brunette bookworm friend. With her concentration broken he reeled her into his fantasy……
………Harry and Ginny sitting by the fireplace at the burrow alone talking about how good Ron and Hermione would look as a couple dressed for bed. He was just in a lite buttoned shirt and a loose pair of pants over his trainers, she was in a lite gown that Mrs. Weasly probably only just considered acceptable. They were pondering how long her brother and Granger could hide romance before Mrs weasley would intrrveine when their hands touching reaching for the last one of mrs. Weasleys homemade cookies. They both drew back, but harry pulled up enough courage to slide back over and drape his arm on her shoulders. His eyes ran up stream from her long smooth legs, across her tight young private area, along her strong yet sexy flat stomach, pausing on her blossoming breasts, hard and aroused before sedaling on her angelic face. He stared into her hazel eyes a good minute to be sure his thoughts were welcome before he slid his other hand up and cupped her right breast as they sank to the earthen rug and shared their first kiss…
….Harry’s passionate thoughts overwellmed Hermione to the point where she was having a hard time ignoring her own hot wet body. She could feel harry’s arousal as if her own, her breasts damanded attention as did her pussy. But the strong willed Gryfandor kept her disapline…
….the kiss went on forever with their tongues dancing the tango their hands tore at each others garments, she quickly had his shirt of and was running her hands across his strong thick chest. He had his hands up inside her gown and was toying with her left nipple while lightly groping her right breast. She rolled them both over with her now on top and he removed her gown, and watched her body move as she lifed up her arms causing her breasts to rise up. He admired her well toned abs and sides accenting her beautiful humble breasts as the shadows from the fireplace danced across her skin…
…it was too much for her now! She needed to get out of site and satisfy her bodys cravings, harrys images and feelings were just too much…
….ginnny glanced down at the giant bulge ramming into her tight threw the clothe, ficsating her attention to it. Weith harrys help she got his trousers off and took a second to take in the buety off his nude male form.
His body was the perfect combination of hammered stenght, lean fitness and hansome looks. Looking at his chest and arms she knew he could protect her and her family. Looking at his legs and ass she knew they could walk anywhere together and that they could always bring him back to her. And she knew that she got a gift in life that this beautiful face would be hers to look at every morning for all her life.
She leaned forward to kiss him as they both removed her soft cotton trainers and placed a hand on each others gift for the other….
….Overcome by thew passionate imagry she gave into her bodies demands. Plunging her hand deep into her skirt ad lowers she borrowed her middle digit with her wet moist folds and tended to her garden while her other had dug within her robes to her bossum and vigourously handeld it…
….as harry kissed her kneck he glanced down her body to the prize waiting for him, a well groomed moist hot cavern between her sexy legs, a welcome mat was the only hair there, he was growing impatient!
She took a second to covet time looking down to see it again, the boilocal wand poking her thigh, how she thirst to have it deep within her channeling his affection into her, satisfying her every want and need…
…now the whole common room was mesmarized by the Prefect locked in ectacy, atisfing her self in a leather chair in the middle of the room moaning and gasping as she twitched in delight.
Ginny was the first to try and help her friend regain her modesty, but to no avail..this was going to happen and all the gryfandors were going to see….
….ginny sat up and tossed her hair giggling,she was really going to enjoy the next part she reached down and wrapped her fingers around the chosen ones chosen one as she placed her other hand affectionately on her lovers chest “time for the big show, Mr Potter” and plunged herself onto him…………..

Author is ginnyssecretlover

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21st July 2010

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter III. Adult cartoon story.

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter III.

Continue of adult cartoon story “Harry potter and the accidental casting“.

Ginny sat down on her bed and rubbed her tired eyes. It had been a long day. She stopped rubbing her face and stroked her hands together. The dragon skin gloves, which were an essential safety feature for herbology, care of magical creatures and occasionally potions, did not agree with her skin and were making her hands rough, dry and aged. Her fingers resembled her grandmothers and it seemed to be spreading upward toward her wrists. All the woman in her family had skin that was easily irritated by dragon hide, her mother had told her on her first day, ‘a little moisturiser an a good nights sleep will sort out any problems.’

Did she have any? Ginny could remember her mother buying a tub of moisturiser with the dragon hide gloves, but she hadn’t used it because her skin had never been irritated this badly. Ginny had worn her gloves for short periods, but today they were practically attached to her wrists. She had worn them for Herbology, Care of magical creatures and Potions, each lesson followed the other and such lengthy wear had taken its toll.

Ginny dived into her trunk and rummaged through her clothes. It was a real mess, very few of her garments were even folded. Her roommates had commented that she was quite messy, but that wasn’t totally true. Ginny was messy for a girl; but for a person who grew up in a house with seven men, her six brothers and her father, she was really quite neat. Her mother kept a decent house to say so many boys lived in it and had made a decent impression on Ginny.

There it was, a large blue glass jar stuck between a bra and a pair of socks. *Lady Malkins Moisturiser* the yellowed label read. Ginny smiled and pulled it from the trunk.

The thick grey liquid within smelled strongly of lime. Ginny read the instructions, you had to be careful with magical remedies, even when you’d grown up in a house full of them. Read the rest of this entry »

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2nd June 2010

Harry Poter Porn Story: Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter II.

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter II.

Continue of xxx cartoon story “Harry potter and the accidental casting“.

Before she could go, Harry’s hand shot out and grabbed her arm. “Wait.” He gasped. He slid off the bed and lay on the floor, never relaxing his grip and dragging Hermione down with him. “It’s fading. I can breath again.” His limbs began to move and he was regaining muscle control. He sat up and looked at Hermione’s concerned face. “I think you need to look at that recipe again.”

He started to laugh, but was interrupted. He fell back as another wave of pain shot through his body, but this one was deeper. More concentrated in one place. Hermione watched, helplessly as the effects of the potion took him. “Harry?”

He leapt to his feat, n obviously pain. He began thrashing at his robes, half pulling, half tearing them off.  “Too tight.” He yelled as he threw the black robes across the room and turned to his other clothing.

Hermione saw a bulge in his jeans, threatening to rip the denim and still getting larger. Harry yanked open to buttons and pulled away his jeans. “My god.” She gasped.

Harry’s boxers were ripped in two and through the torn material was a rapidly growing and hardening cock. Eight inches, and still gong. Harry collapsed to his knees and in obvious discomfort. Ten inches, slowing down, but still going. Hermione leapt over to his side, sweat was pouring down his face. Twelve inches, an inch and a half wide and was rock solid.

Harry lay gasping and stared at both Hermione and himself.  “The recipe is fine.” He finally gasped. “It’s just the use you need to look at.”

Hermione barely heard him, she couldn’t take her eyes off of his massive dick. Thick veins throbbed all along the shaft, and a drop of pre cum was sitting on the circumcised purple head. Her body had a natural reaction and she could feel her pussy demanding attention. Read the rest of this entry »

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7th April 2010

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter I.

Harry Potter sex adventures.

Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter Ia.

Harry growled and tossed his quill onto the table. Hermione looked over with a disapproving look on her face. “Problems?” She asked, Harry nodded. “I can’t think of how to get this spell to work.”

Their homework was to either write an entirely new spell, or to find a new use for an already existing one. It was proving tricky for everyone.  “What exactly are you trying to do?” Harry shrugged his shoulders. “It’s complicated.” Hermione playfully slapped the back of his head. “Don’t give me that. Now come on, what are you trying to do.” She glanced at the book and skimmed at the section he was reading. *How to make an Invisibility cloak for dummies – so simple a squib can do it.* Hermione looked at him. “So what are you trying to make?” Harry sighed and shrugged his shoulders yet again. “I guess I watched too much, Lord of the Rings, over the summer.” Hermione thought about it for a minute, but before Harry could continue, it clicked. “A magic ring to make you invisible? You have been watching too much Lord of the Rings.” She laughed. “What makes you think that would work? Invisibility cloaks work by covering the person, its common knowledge that any item intended to bring invisibility to the wearer it supposed to be larger than the actual wearer.” She pointed to the first line of How to make an Invisibility cloak for dummies. “It say’s so right there.” Harry handed her his notes, a smile growing on his face.

Hermione glanced down and read what he was working on. An expanding magical field! It would mean that the magic would expend to the exact size of the wearer of the object. It was better than an invisibility cloak because you didn’t run the risk of snagging it on anything. It also meant that the size of the enchanted object was irrelevant. The thing that surprised Hermione most of all, was the fact that it could work. In a move that shocked Harry, she picked up the book and tossed it away. “This is amazing Harry. You’ve single headedly. Re-written every rule on making an invisibility object. What is causing you so much frustration?” Harry pointed again to his notes. “Look at the last line.” Hermione glanced down and read the sentence in detail. Power unstable. Object will not hold spell indefinitely.  “I see. Its like a battery, only has limited power.” Harry nodded. “The longest I’ve managed to get is about five minutes of use.” Hermione stared in surprise. “But that’s great, it’ll easily get you full marks on your homework.” But Harry was not satisfied. “I need more time. At least an hour.” He slammed his fist into the table, which made people around the common roof stare at them. Hermione nodded, Harry was not only thinking of his homework, but practically. He wanted to be able to use this object in the inevitable battles they always managed to get themselves into. It was a clever idea because an enchanted ring or bracelet was much easier to carry around than an invisibility cloak. She sighed and handed his notes back to him, this was a conundrum. She thought about it for a moment, was there a spell that could be used?  “I might have a few books you can use.” She muttered eventually. Harry’s eyes lit up and a smile twitched onto his face. “Really?” Hermione smiled and nodded.  “What’s the old saying? ‘You scratch my back’.” Harry sighed.  “What do you need?” Hermione, smiled. “I need a test for my project.” She asked nervously. Harry nodded.  “What exactly does your project do?” Hermione looked excited by the prospect of explaining something ‑ complicated.  “I was thinking practically, like you. Something we might also be able to use in a battle with Voldemort. It’s a potion that would make the drinkers skin impervious to penetration. Spell, knives, swords, even bullets if I got the mix right. I call it a Rock skin potion.” Harry was impressed, he knew Hermione had been working on something difficult, but what she’d done sounded almost impossible. “Why do you need me?” He asked, he suspected he might not like the answer, but he had to know. Hermione rubbed the back of her neck nervously and had a weak smile on her face. “In case anything goes wrong. I need to observe the affects in order to know how to modify the potion.” Harry was right, he didn’t like the answer. But he also wanted to figure out how to make his invisibility ring work and if she had the answer then it would save him hours, even days of research in the library.  “Fine. I’ll see you in my room in say, ten minutes?” Hermione nodded. “See you there.” Read the rest of this entry »

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2nd September 2008

Harry Fucks Luna

Harry Fucks Luna
By: Emptiness1

Note: This is after Harry comes back into Hogwarts through Aberforth’s Bar and into the Room of Requirement.

“Get under here,” Harry told Luna, pulling out the Invisibility Cloak and throwing it over both of them.
It melted away at his touch and they slipped outside. Harry glanced back and saw that it had resealed itself at once. They were standing in a dark corridor. Harry pulled Luna back into the shadows, fumbled in the pouch around his neck, and took out the Marauder’s Map. Holding it close to his nose he searched, and located his and Luna’s dots at last.
 “We’re up on the fifth floor,” he whispered, watching filch moving away from them, a corridor ahead. “Come on, this way.”
 They crept off.
“Yes, this is good,” Harry said while looking down at Luna’s dirty blonde hair.
“What do you mean?—I thought we were heading towards the statue of Ravenclaw” Said Luna confused as to what was going on.
“Well I have to admit I’ve had a crush on you for some time now. I’ve always found you very attracting.” Harry said quite uneasily.
“Wow really? Do you really mean that? What about Ginny and Neville?” Luna Said with a sound of wanting in her voice.
And at that moment Harry reached through Luna’s robes and into her panties to reach her wet pussy.
“You don’t seem to really care about Neville or Ginny Luna.” As a matter of fact, I think you want this as much as I do. Harry said with confidence in his voice. Read the rest of this entry »

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14th December 2007

Six Harry Potter erotic cartoon pics

DrawnSex presents:
Dolores with juicy boobs is banged by Harry PotterXXX Harry PotterNarcissa with rock stick gets ripped apart hard by cockPetunia gets rammed hardly by penisTiny Pomona Sprout gets a treatment and gets poked by Peter Pettigrew's penisCho Chang watches sex tape and receives facial blast

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11th August 2007

Harry Potter Second Porn Story.

    Since that night, Harry could not act like he usually could around Hermonie. Her shinning eyes, her firm ass, and lovely attire, was driving him insane. Hermonie had not told anyone else besides Ginny, (Harry and Ginny hook up in the 6th book at the end, lets see how this changes things…) and Harry had not even told Ron his best friend. The ups though, he felt like a Wizard king who could do no wrong but only without Hermonie around. Soon Harry began thinking about doing it again, but the problem was the spell he had used was nowhere to be found. The night he and Hermonie had sex he left it in the commenroom and found it gone when he woke up that morning.  Of course, Hermonie was not feeling the littlest of weirdness, she was actually much happier but still feuding with Ron. When Harry saw Ron these days, actually, all he really saw of Ron was his mouth on Lavender browns. So really the only good friend he still had, and she was a GOOD friend, was Hermonie.

     Ginny however was really looking at him a lot. While looking up potions for Snape he noticed how she was instead of writing her essay, looking at him. Staring mostly. He looked down at her skirt which had been slowly going higher and higher in response to Ginny pulling it up for him. She had no underwear on as he could see right to her hairless pussy. She quickly put it down if she didn’t realize she had done it and began writing her essay once more. Hermonie was out in the Library looking up books up the Half Blood prince again and Ron was probably out with Lavander leaving Harry to study alone. But today he had wonderful company, of Ginny.

  It was now spring and quite warm. The kids who had nothing to do had left and only some 1st years remain along with Harry and Ginny.

  Harry notices some of her features too, her lovely red hair was enough to be boner inducing but that was just the tip of her head. She was filling in it looked like and only had maybe B cup tits, but from experience with Hermonie he didn’t car what size they where. She had a face of a angle and when she smiled you felt good too. Her body was well curved and had everything Harry would want to explore. Soon he really wanted that spell. What book he tried to think…what book.

  Suddenly he felt as if a heat wave had just gone over him. He felt his penis rapidly becoming hard as if he was about to orgasm right there. It didn’t of course but still he felt the need to masturbate right away. He got up and went to the boy’s room when Ron, Semus, and the other boy would not be. He also noted that Ginny and he would be safe up here. He picked up his bed, and pulled out a magic Vagina. It was a fake but felt real. All you did was stick your dick in it and ask it to suck, fuck, or be a asshole to fuck. He had never tried asshole before and turned it to that. Suddenly the door opened and closed as if the wind had made a mistake blowing it open. He quickly pulled his pants up over his large penis and went to investigate. He felt a presence and wondered if it was a ghost? A invisible clock? Nah he had the only one in the school. Right in his….where was it last he though. He had not used once that winter. Did Ron take it? Hermonie? Semus? Lavander?…GINNY? Read the rest of this entry »

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16th July 2007

Harry Potter porn adventures.

The night was once again late. Ron had gone to bed like always and avoided Hermonie like the plague. Harry looked up from his Herb Homework and spotted Hermonie’s skirt, up farther then it should be. No panties were where they should have been. Harry, who had only dreamed of these moments from Wizard porn, was most interfered. He looked at Hemonies face and saw she was caught up in Runes for Experts. This was for her class tomorrow. It was about midnight and Hermonie was wide awake. He began to become boring with his book, anti-dark magic for young minds. He needed to study for tomorrows test but found more to study in Hermonies posture. She was in one of the lounge chairs in the common room, slightly leg wide but that slight look allowed full vision access for Harry.
He sat there wondering what it would feel like, his shaft for the first time tasting a women’s glory, and he got hard when he thought of that women being Hermonie. He heard a movement and saw a third year girl leave from the bathroom, they where alone for now. He thought of what he could do to her, fuck her right here, right now. End her over and penetrate both her holes, Harry wanted Hermonie bad and for a long time.
During this long time of thinking, Hermonie looked up, she saw him staring; «Harry! Don’t be a pervert, I don’t need two Ron’s.» «Hermonie! I wasn’t!» said Harry startled.
«Harry, now your Ron.»
«But Hemonie Nothing was showing! I was just thinking…»
«Of what? Wait, don’t answer that, I do not want to know.»
«Hermonie, just drop it.»
«Fine, just don’t do it again»
«Fine» answered Harry.
Harry, went back to his book ,but images of Hermonie, down on all fours with his shaft in her virgin ass were popping up, along with Images of Hermonie Spread wide for him.
He decided to get her in bed no matter what. Her body would be his.
He switched his boring book for a spell book and looked for a book to induce a mood of horneyness on Hermonie. He found on one spell that increased a girl’s sexual pleasure and another that caused its target to become wet and horny. He chose the latter and muttered the incantation under his breath. Hermonie was now starting to fall asleep and thought about going to sleep but she soon felt her pussy moist and tingling. She looked up to see Harry reading his book silently. Harry was quick to put his wand behind his Spell book so he could perform these spells in secret. He felt that the spell had worked so he did the next one which casued her to become even hornier.
«uh, um Harry? Could you excuse me?» asked Hermonie, her voice shaken.
«Can you give me a reason too?»
«Um, uh, its girl things, be right back.» Hermonie said as she retreated to the bathroom…

Read the rest of this entry »

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