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Love comes in three. Second Part.

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30th May 2008

Love comes in three. Second Part.

  Link appeared in another part of the castle.  It was another open sky garden, this time overlooking a bedroom with a heavy wooden door leading to it.  He did not understand why he had been brought here.            “What are you doing here?” he heard a voice say from the bedroom.  Zelda appeared before him again by a window in the stone.  “Should you not be on your way with my blessing?”

“I was brought here by Impa.  I don’t understand why.”

Already Zelda understood better.  At least if Impa had chosen to send him here, then there was a purpose to all of this.

“Come to my room,” she said, her tone now softer.  I don’t know why you’re here, but I’m sure we’ll understand soon.”  She opened the door leading in.

As he walked towards her, still in wonder from all the richness of the castle, part of the stone wall from the courtyard twisted, revealing a secret passageway from which a very disoriented Ganondorf appeared.  Turning and seeing the intruder, Link swiftly drew sword and shield.  In response, Ganondorf started invoking a ball of energy.

“Stop!”  Zelda yelled before realising what she had said.  But her words were unnecessary for the boy had already lowered his weapon and the Gerudo dissipated his attack.  For a moment, they were all silent and still, feeling something deep and mystical in the air but unsure of how to act.  Finally, Zelda understood as she looked at each of their triforce signs shining as never before.  The princess knew what was to come, but how to explain to the two others… Read the rest of this entry »

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