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Looney Tunes. Sleeping Bluety

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7th September 2007

Looney Tunes. Sleeping Bluety

            Tho you thee, Rad Duck wath a great duck, thomeone you could alwayth count on.  Had he not been here, the thcool would have burned down and who knowth where we would live now!

            Daffy paused to look at his students.  Some were taking notes, especially since a big exam was coming up; others were at least paying some attention.  Heck, he even got Plucky’s attention with the history of famous ducks.  All listened, even if only slightly.  All, but Buster Bunny… again.  The blue bunny had fallen sleep five minutes into his course and slept for the whole time.  I wasn’t the first time Buster did this either, Daffy had lost count how many times it happened.  And to add injure to the insult, the bunny had very high grades, topping 85% during the two previous evaluations.  Still, the teacher felt frustrated to have such a student two to three times a week in his class.  He finally decided to go see principal Bugs about it after class.

            Soon, the bell indeed rang, though not waking up the kid.  Babs, sitting besides her boyfriend, got up and gave him a nudge.  Buster said something unintelligible, but still slept and so Babs decided to give him a lesson.  She packed her things and left along the other students, leaving only Daffy and Buster.  Daffy approached the boy.

            -Ith there a problem, mithter Bunny, he asked.

            -No problem thir, uh, sir.  I was just meditating your deep words.

            -Meditating huh?  What wath the name of Rad Duck’th wife?

            -Uh… Shirley, he tried, Shirley being the first girl duck name he thought of.

            -Cherry Duck.  I want you to make a 300 word report on her, punishment for thleeping in my class.  And I want it tomorrow morning, on my desk.

            -Come on teach’.  Shirley, Cherry, it’s almost the same!

            -You are dithmithed, mither Bunny…. Read the rest of this entry »

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