Porn comics story: Urban Unity: A tale of peacekeepers. Chapter V.
On the surface, night had fallen and the freelance police had finally managed to enter the city. After buying some fairly greasy sandwiches from a street vender, Sam and Max started patrolling the streets. They weren’t sure what they were looking for precisely. As the day became darker, gangs started emerging and fewer people remained on the streets. Their native city had a very low crime rate despite its size and they were proud to contribute to it, despite the random acts of destruction they could cause. If the citizens felt safe at the end of the day, and they did, then the anthropomorphic police could feel proud. But not so in New York City. It only felt partially comfortable during the day, and darker by the minute as evening fell. In a way, even though they were crime fighters in a city in need, they were looking forward to returning home, where they met with wackos and so called masterminds, but nothing nearing this setting.
Once the night had fully fallen, the inseparable duo knew that they needed some sort of plan to attract the vigilantes.
“How will we know when we’ve found them Sam?”
“The commissioner told us this was right up our alley. I guess we’re going to know who they are when we find them.” He looked around and found a dark alley. “I guess this will be our alley. Come on little buddy, we can’t go around dressed like this.”
“And I don’t even wear clothes!”
“Max, this is a very violent neighbourhood. We could be attacked at any moment. I know this excites you, but you’ll have to contain your urges little buddy.” Sam and Max got out of the car and went to the trunk where disguises awaited. Moments later, Sam had turned into a villainous thug and Max into a hopeless little girl. Read the rest of this entry »
Simpsons Shower Revised
Homer turned on the water then waited a moment for the water to warm up. Then he stepped into the shower sighing as it flowed down his back. There was nothing like a nice hot shower after a long days work at the power plant to help him relax. Especially since he had to go to his wifes sisters house that night.
Not that he had anything against his wife’s older sisters selma and patty yeah not much it’s just that he hated the way the two of them treated him and he could think of a lot of things he’d rather do with his time like watch the football on the tv. But they’d already agreed to have dinner with marge’s sisters and she’d be extremely upset if he asked her to cancel.
‘Oh well’ homer thought now theirs a thought homer thinking ‘I guess it won’t kill me’.
There was a knock on the door then it was opened by his wife marge. “Homer can lisa shower with you”? “That way we’ll be ready to go a little sooner since you like to take such long showers!” homer laughed. Marge was always teasing him about taking really long showers. “Sure marge send her in”.
Homer’s daughter lisa entered the bathroom closing the door behind her. “Hi homer” she said with a smile as she started to take of her red dress and white cotton panties. “Hi lisa how was your day today?” “Pretty good. How about you homer?”
Lisa opened the glass siding shower door and stepped into the shower. Homer moved slightly to one side so that she could get under the water next to him. “Not too bad.” At that point they washed off in silence.
Homer looked down at his daughter. She looked back up at him smiling brightly. It struck homer just how pretty his daughter was she reminded him so much of her mother. The same long hair the same beautiful brown eyes and the same sexy smile. Homer shook himself. He couldn’t believe he’d just put the word ‘sexy’ into a description of his daughter. She was pretty yes but she was much too young to ever be thought of as sexy. Read the rest of this entry »
Lois and Chris Bonding
Lois griffin was putting some clothes away in the linen closet when she heard moaning coming from her son Chris’s room. Some what worried she quickly walked over to his half open door and looked in on him. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw her son lying on his bed stark naked rapidly stroking his massive thick cock. Lois burst into the room “CHRIS what the hell do you think you’re doing?!?” “Mom!” Lois walked over to her son’s bed ending up standing over him while he continued stroking his thick cock. “Well Chris? Explain this to me!”
Chris looked up at his mom still casually stroking his massive cock. Chris admired his mothers breasts which jutted out above him. He had intentionally left his door open hoping she would catch him stroking his massive dick. Ever since his night with his older sister meg he could not stop thinking about sex. More and more his thoughts had turned to his sexy mother. Chris could still remember the day he had walked in on her getting out of the shower wet and looking sexy, this image went through Chris’s mind as he looked up at his mother.
“I was horny mom” he said “so I’m jerking off what’s the big deal?” “What’s the big deal Chris!?” Lois was in shock. “So? It feels good to touch my dick so i do.” Chris paused. He didn’t know how his mom would react but Chris figured it was worth the risk to find out. “If you don’t want me stroking it i guess you could stroke it for me mom.” “CHRIS!!!” Lois just stood there shocked and outraged and unable to speak. Before Lois could compose herself Chris sat up and taking his hand from his cock grabbed her wrist. He pulled her hand to his massive dick quickly wrapping her fingers around it’s thick shaft.
Lois couldn’t believe it could this be her little boy’s dick she held in her hand?. It was massive at least 12 inches long and about six inches around their must have been at least a half inch gap between her finger tips this surely was one of the biggest cocks she had ever seen in here life. Then Chris took his mother’s hand and started stroking it up and down it’s massive length. After a few strokes Chris took his hand away and his mother’s hand continued to move up and down his thick shaft on its own. “Damn that feels good mom!” Chris said. Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of toon sex story “Urban Unity: A tale of peacekeepers” Chapter IV.
Raphael braced his leg between his captive’s legs and started to rub with his knee. Donny bit his lower lip. His shell didn’t protect the important parts of him and he felt the sensation arousing. The rebellious turtle knew how to make him succumb to his charm, how to take his time, that every move he made could be timed perfectly to control Donny. He leaned in and their lips meet. Moments before, the purple turtle might have rejected him, but not now. Donnatello passionately devoured his lover’s tongue. Raph immediately followed the rhythm.
At the same time, Leonardo had finished his meditation séance and now ironically longed for some rest. Meditation calmed his soul, but it certainly didn’t do much for entertainment. In that respect, Mikey had the right idea. He found the playful turtle right where they had left him, on the couch in front of the television. Unsurprisingly, he had a slice of pizza in his hand and an open box in front of him. Leonardo casually joined him, taking a slice from the box before crashing on the sofa as he often did after his meditation.
Mikey was watching some badly dubbed Japanese show about a man and his spandex power armor fighting giant aliens. Leonardo didn’t really care about what was on screen though, he just enjoyed turning his brain off once in a while, despite what his brothers might think.
Sometime later, the turtles had finished their pizza and Michelangelo was just aimlessly zapping from channel to channel. He came upon an 80s action movie which had just started and decided to stick with it. Leo didn’t mind and he just lay comfortably in the corner of the couch. During the first commercial, Mikey got up and grabbed a soda, throwing one to Leo as well. As he sat back on the couch however, instead of returning to his corner, the orange masked turtle laid against his brother. Leo probably should have been surprised, perhaps he should have pushed him away. It would have been a natural attitude for a brother to push a cuddling brother away. But he didn’t. He never did. Instead, he held his soda in one hand and wrapped the other around Mikey. Read the rest of this entry »
As the big city became closer and closer, the Desoto found itself progressing slower and slower as it got tangled with the heavy traffic. The freelance police quickly found themselves in a cacophony of car horns and angry workers trying to get home.
“This could take a while,” the dog said to no one in particular. “Better go see what the vigilantes are up to.”
And as if on cue, miles away from the bridge in the damp and comfortable sewers of the Big Apple, the four turtles sneezed in unison. They looked at each other in confusion, shrugged and returned their attention to the television show. On screen, their human friend April O’Neil, star reporter of the Channel 6 news, was interviewing a woman who had been attacked the night before and saved by unknown heroes. They cheered as she thanked her saviors from the bottom of her heart and couldn’t help but crying her relief.
“But while these heroes are helping make the streets of New York a safer place,” she continued in a segment recorded separately, “the police doesn’t seem too happy with citizens taking the law into their own hands.” The scene changed in front of the police department as a policeman tried to avoid the reporter as he could.
“Captain Mitchell, this woman would have been mugged or worst had the heroes not appeared. Are you saying they should have ignored the crime? Read the rest of this entry »
Note to readers this starts half way through the last story when Bart was watching through the window from the treehouse
Bart quickly put his dick back in his shorts. Stuck in the treehouse Bart had watched enough of the action through the window and had decided it was time he got a piece of it. Climbing down from the treehouse and running around the side of the house and head long in to his friend Milhouse crashing to the ground on top of him.
Bart quickly picked himself up dust himself down then noticed where milhouses eyes where fixed looking at the huge bulge in Barts shorts. ” not now Milhouse come with me” Bart said and the 2 of them walked in side the house. Seeing that no one was in the livingroom Bart told Milhouse to wait their with his sister Maggie as he knew where the rest of his family where they where all in his parents room fucking each other and he was still wanting in on the hot action and his cock was still rock hard. Bart left Milhouse looking after Maggie and headed up the stairs to his parents room.
On his way to his parents room he had to pass by Lisa’s bedroom and the door was ajar just enough for Bart to see Sherri as he walked past the room. The sight of her naked stopped Bart dead in his tracks Sherri had her back to the door and was banging away on Terri tight round ass jiggling to the beat of the radio . Bart watched from the door way and just staired. Fortunately for Bart Sherri and Terri had not noticed him stairing at them as they had thought Lisa had shut the bedroom door.
Quickly Barts mind went back too the first time he had seen Sherri and Terri. The sight of her still sticks in his mind she had her back to the door banging away on Terrie’s tight round ass jiggling to the beat of her radio just like she was doing now. Just like now he had stopped dead in his tracks in the door way and just staired. Fortunately for Bart no one really noticed what it was he was stairing at. Then Sherri turned around Bart didn’t realize what a smokin’ body she had from there as she always wore baggy flannel shirts and loose jeans. In school that day she was wearing a tight skirt and equally tight sweater that showed off her huge tits. I don’t mean huge for a ( ) year old. I mean huge! These tits were big by ( ) school standards! He found out later they were a ( ) and sat high and firm on her chest with very sensitive nipples that were a dusky tan a couple of shades darker than her skin…. Read the rest of this entry »
But Max was faster then his friend’s mouth. In the second that the dog had started approving, Max was already on the driver’s side, crouched between his partner’s legs, pulling his pants down and revealing the tender red meat of his growing cock. He could hold no longer as the arousing musk reached the rabbit’s nostrils. With no further ceremony, he took the cock whole in his mouth, surprising Sam enough to tense up and accidentally skid the car to the left, almost causing an accident. But Max was oblivious to the danger or perhaps even excited by it. He lapped the juicy pole like candy, rubbing the canine’s inner thighs with his hands. Sam’s arms flailed about uncontrollably and caused mayhem on the road, which was all but ignored by the two anthropomorphic lovers.
Once the doggy cock felt nice and hard in his mouth, Max felt ready to move on to the next level. He let the pole slip from his mouth with a slurp noise and turned his back on it. Then, he flexed his knees, carefully aimed and jumped backwards, his tail hole a tight fit as the massive shift slid right in. Out of sudden struggle, the car seat slid down and Sam found himself comfortably resting on his back, starring at the open blue sky, his foot on the gas petal and his tight little buddy on his member. All that was left was to enjoy the good times. He put his hands behind his head and awaited his fate from his lover.
Max was ecstatic. Not only did he have massive malehood deep in his surprisingly tight bunnyhole, but he got to drive the Desoto to boot. The rabbit used his feet as leverage and started bouncing up and down on the cock, foregoing the slow preliminaries to go to the rough lusty thrust he craved so much. For every push he felt the familiar but never tired mix of pain and pleasure, the filling sensation and the unquenchable thirst for more. Like a mad man, Max thrust his hips up and down on the shaft, making Sam pant heavily as the dog’s foot became heavier on the accelerator forcing Max to avoid the traffic as he could.
The dog suddenly grabbed the smaller bunny by the hips and brought him closer to his furry chest, increasing the pumping momentum and sending the car out of control. By pure luck, Max’s feet still reached the steering wheel and as his friend jammed his thick member in and out of him, his thrashing legs still managed (but barely) to keep the car on the road, zigzagging among the rather confused, disgusted and especially afraid other travelers. His strong hand found its way to the lagomorph’s own member and he started striking it with the same passion as his own push. Read the rest of this entry »
I Spy. Part.5
Bart’s perfect fantasy. Part 2
If the turn of events had Bart flabbergasted last week he was in for a even bigger surprise the following friday when his sister had a sleepover planned at the Simpsons house with her 2 girlfriend Terri and Sherri. Homer and Marge where going to be out at a swingers party which was to be held at Edna Krabappels house until 1 or 2 am in the morning. The twins arrived early as they had to work out with Lisa what they where going to do. To make sure Bart did not bother Lisa and her friends Marge said he could invite his friend Milhouse to stay the night. But just to make sure their would be no trouble when they where out Marge had also asked old grandpa Simpson if he would mind babysitting Maggie so he could keep an eye on the lot of them.
Marge was upstairs in her room still getting ready for the party. She had to make sure she remembered to take her doubled headed dildo and her 18 inch black strapon as she knew Edna was fond of a bit of 3 way action with a woman and a man. Edna Krabappel was the quiet timid teacher at school teaching the kids but under that timid woman was one wild bitch that swung both ways given the chance. As principal skinner found out daily when they get together in the storeroom with miss hover for some three way action.
Marge picked up the dildo but she just could not resist trying it out before the party as tonight she was so horny she just had to have a quick fuck with something or someone. One quick look to make sure her bedroom door was closed before getting started. But in her haste she had forgotten to shut the bedroom curtains and had not noticed Bart in the treehouse waiting for his friend Milhouse to arrive.
Barts eyes where nearly popping out with what he was seeing. Marge did not notice Bart peeking through the window at her lying on the bed. So their was Marge with both hands wrapped around the base of her toy. Already impaling herself with the 18″ strapon pulsating thick 6″ fat black penis shaped dildo. Marge pressed the vibrating clitoral attachment firmly against her clit. Both clitoral stimulator and shaft were humming away at their quick little paces. Read the rest of this entry »
“Please Principal Skinner, just don’t call Homer.”
Bart Simpson was back again in Principal Skinners office for another of his usual pranks. This time lunch-lady Doris caught him pouring some sedatives into the chili, and now he sat in the familiar office of Principal Skinner.
“I am sorry Bart, but I have to call your parents, this sort of behavior has to stop. After, groundskeeper Willie is still recovering from the incident with the tractor”
Bart sat in the Skinners office as he listened to the call to his father at work. He could listened to Skinner explain the situation to Homer, and knew that Homer was going to be very mad. Marge and Homer were at there wits end about Bart’s behavior, and had recently resorted to beating him in an attempt to control his behavior. But unknown to his parents was that Bart had always been acting up because he had a little secret…he was gay. But he knew that his family would through him out if they found out, even his Lisa, who always seemed to support him in the end.
“Your father will be here soon to pick you up, Bart” Skinner said as he came back into the office, “and he didn’t sound happy. One more problem from you and I am afraid we will have to expel you”
Bart sat in the office for the next half-hour without saying a word. He didn’t want to let on about how much he was dreading going home, and the beating he would get when they got their. Marge and Lisa had taken Maggie to visit family for the night, so Bart knew that the beating wouldn’t stop anytime soon since Homer was of the belief that more was better. His heart nearly skipped a beat when he saw Homer walk into Skinner’s office.
“That’s it boy, you’ve really done it now” Homer yelled as he walked in.
“Mr. Simpson, I was just explaining to Bart that if something happens again, we will have to expel Bart”
“Now don’t you worry about it Skinner, I am going to see to it that Bart learns his lesson this time” Homer said as he eyed Bart, and Bart knew that it was going to be bad. They drove home silently, and Bart didn’t want to say anything. He was hoping to jump out of the car as soon as they got home and run and lock himself in the bathroom.
As they pulled into the garage, Bart tried to make his run for it but for once in his life, Homer acted quickly and grabbed Bart.
“Where do you think you are going boy? I have had it with your crap, and since your mother isn’t home to stop me, we are going to this right,” Homer said as he walked Bart upstairs and into his bedroom. Homer let him go as they got into the room and started undoing his belt, “I told you I would beat you good if you did anything again, now drop your pants”.
Bart watched as Homer pulled his belt out of the loops and knew that he was serious. Bart reached down and unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall to the floor. Hoping to be able to leave his underwear on, but he could tell by Homer’s look that it was out of the question. Bart reached down and fiddled with the elastic band for a minute, and dropped his underwear too… Read the rest of this entry »
She was trapped in the dark alleyway like a rat at a dead end in a maze. On one side towered a hard and cold stone wall, surely the foundations of some corporation which only purpose was to feed on the poor people of New York and milk them for every cent they’re worth. A legal criminal organisation like so many. But such a potential organisation was the last of her worries as the three thugs honed in on her, wielding chains and lead pipes.
She turned to face them, the fear in her eyes absolute. At age twenty-two, the lady was already a hottie and had the brains to go with the body to boot. When she had moved to the big city, her parents had warned her about being alone at night. But she had only known the safe haven of her hometown and had let innocence get the best of her. Now her purse was the least of her worries as the thugs lewdly licked their lips in anticipation. They were the kings of the night and knew no hero would come to save the damsel in distress.
Out of desperation, she threw her purse at them, which the right thug easily caught. “Here! It’s all I have! Please, leave me alone!” But they only laughed.
“Not before we get our fun,” the bandit replied as he threw the purse behind his shoulder. It would never touch the ground.
Numerous things then happened at once. The young woman crouched, trying to protect herself. The thugs took only one step further and all three were kicked to the side. Surprised, they found themselves face to face with giant, man-sized turtles, all four ready for action with the purple bandana wearing one holding the purse in his three fingered hand. But the criminals had heard of the legends and soon they were back on their feet, weapons drawn and ready to strike. Read the rest of this entry »
Barts friday night at his aunts house
Whats a boy to do
Last friday Bart spent the night fucking his aunt Selma and Patty Bouvier his mothers older sisters and he would never have even thought of such a thing under normal circumstances but for what had happened the week before with his sister Lisa and his best friend milhouse. What happened was so wild and crazy he still couldn’t quite believe it had really happened. Once again his mother was sending him back to spend the night with them and his sister maggie. when he was younger they would give him money for singing too them but now they where paying him for satisfying their perverted love for him. For as soon as maggie had been bathed and feed on first selma’s right tit and then on patty’s left breast which had a strange affect on Bart’s cock he knew that he would be in for a wild night again just like last week he thought to himself. Bart cast his mind back to last week when it had all begun first fucking his aunt selma then fucking his aunt patty when she had just happened to walk in on the two of them in mid thrust and about to cum.Bart’s aunt wasn’t the only one in an embarrassing position here he was rushing into something illegal what was his aunt patty going to say at what she had just saw, dick in hand so to speak and selma riding her nephew like a bucking bronco, Bart would say this for his aunt patty she sure was some classy lady as she certainly handled the situation with far more cool and aplomb than he did. She acted like she was sitting in his mother’s living room drinking tea and making small talk instead of standing at his bedroom door watching her sister selma lying naked on their queen size bed. All she said was “Don’t I get a hug as well Bart ? But Barts aunt patty had no intention of making things that easy for him so as her arms went around his neck and as she pulled him down on the bed on top of her her laughter filled the room. Releasing the hold she had on Barts neck and instead using one hand to press his hand all the more firmly about her breast. Bart then sat up but made no effort to actually get off the bed. Aunt patty or no aunt patty as his body was beginning to respond to her charms and the heady scent of her perfume. She just pulled him to her again and tried to cradle Bart’s head on her boobs. She was breathing pretty hard and he couldn’t help noticing that her nipples stood out an inch or more from the caramel-colored areolas that topped her heavy breasts. Reaching out for Bart his aunt started to stroke his cock which was now starting to regain it hard thick length. His aunt patty gave him a knowing little smile when she felt how aroused Bart was. In a tone that was obviously meant to soothe and relax him she crooned “Who’s to know Bart? There’s no sense in spending the night alone is there? This is just between you, me and your aunt selma.” Bart’s aunt patty’s bush was soaking wet with her juices just from watching him and selma fucking and as he moved his head down to her creamy thigh Bart was on the verge of burying his face in her crotch when a restraining palm to his forehead stopped him cold. His aunt patty started fisted Barts pulsing cock in her hand then leaning over his lap she engulfed Barts whole erection in the warm wetness of her sucking mouth. Barts cock head bumped against the back of patty’s throat as his aunt pushed her lips down and down until they touched the crinkle of Bart’s pubic hair. He stroked her long soft hair and her creamy back and shoulders savoring all the delicious sensations her experienced lips and tongue were providing him. At last patty’s fingers tantalized Bart’s balls as the first contraction of his ball sack sent a huge glob of cock cream to splatter against the back of his aunt’s throat. Read the rest of this entry »
The following friday when lisa got home from school she was looking forward to a night of fun with Bart and Milhouse. What she got was something completely different. When she arrived marge led lisa into the living room where homer was sitting on the couch. He smiled at her when she walked in. “Hello lisa” he said. “You too dad” lisa said. “Why don’t you sit down on the couch lisa” marge said so lisa sat down on the couch. Something didn’t seem quite right about this situation. “So where are Bart and maggie?” she asked. “Oh they’re spending the night at your aunt Selma and Patty’s” marge said sitting down on the couch next to lisa. “So why did you ask if i would babysit again? “Oh we do lisa” homer said. Lisa looked at him “But first” marge said “we want to talk about last week when you fucked Bart and milhouse.” lisa’s eyes widened. ‘Oh my God!’ she thought. ‘They know about what happened last time. Lisa could picture herself in prison for having sex with a minor. Tears started to form at the corners of her eyes as she looked up at marge. Marge simply smiled then reached out and put her arm around lisa’s shoulder. “Don’t start thinking the worst lisa” marge said. “We’re not mad at you.” “Y-y-you’re not?” “Not at all” said homer now sitting on the other side of lisa. “As a matter of fact we’d like to thank you for introducing your brother bart to sex.” “Thank me?” “Sure. It’s not every brother that gets to lose his virginity to his sister lisa.” While saying this homer reached around and cupped lisa’s breast with his hand massaging it through her shirt. Marge was now massaging her other breast. “I’ve seen the way you look at your father. I’ll bet he can satisfy you a lot more than bart and milhouse could.” Lisa moaned as marge and homer fondled her breasts through her shirt. “Let’s get you naked,” marge said removing her hand from lisa’s breast and pulling up on her shirt. Lisa lifted her arms so that marge could pull her shirt off. Homer meanwhile had slid his hands down her sides to her waist and was busy unbuttoning lisa’s jeans. Marge tossed her shirt aside then dropped to her knees on the floor quickly removing lisa’s shoes and socks. Lisa then stood up so that homer could pull down her jeans. Once lisa was down to just her panties and bra marge and homer started kissing and caressing all over her body. Lisa moaned as homer ran his tongue along her neck while marge kissed her way up lisa’s leg to her crotch. “I can’t believe I’m doing this” lisa moaned. “You haven’t done anything yet” marge said standing up. “Let’s go to our bedroom” homer said. Homer took lisa by the hand leading her to his and marge’s bedroom. Once they were there lisa sat on the bed while homer and marge slowly undressed each other for her. lisa’s eyes were riveted on homer’s body as her mother slowly removed his clothes. She licked her lips as marge pulled down his underwear revealing his long thick stiff 10-inch prick. She’d had a boyfriend who’s dick had been big but as far as lisa was concerned it was not as big as her father’s prick. That combined with his flat stomach firm chest and strong arms and legs made this moment a dream come true for lisa. Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.
Tiffany continued running her hands over Rahne’s body. “I’m still getting used to the fur. I’ve never handled anything furry before, not like the other girls. Hydra didn’t supply its death machines with puppies or teddy bears.”
By now Peter had joined Scott’s group and the two of them fucked Tabitha, Peter in the front door and Scott in the back. Rogue continued humping Amara, who smacked Peter’s ass as he thrust into her crazy friend. As a show of appreciation for the double-pounding, Tabitha tossed boomballs into the pool, where they sent up geysers of water similar to shells fired from a destroyer.
Jean and Jubilee rolled over without uncoupling, putting the younger girl on top. Sam shoved his dick into Jubilee’s ass, while she continued to fuck Jean in the front door. At the same time, Storm had morphed and was now fucking Danielle’s ass, while Dani jerked herself off. Taking Storm up her ass was a little difficult for the Native American girl, as Storm’s dick was second only to Jean’s in size, but she managed.
Kitty’s dick was hard, so Amanda sat on it and bounced up and down, panting in time with the downstroke. She placed her hands on Kitty’s tits, squeezing the nipples between her fingers.
“Oh, Amanda,” Kitty moaned. “That feels so good.” Her hands were on Amanda’s waist, urging her on.
Amanda didn’t hear her, lost in the sensation. She continued slamming down on Kitty, impaling herself with the dick. It freaked her out that Kitty’s was bigger than Kurt’s, though of course she knew better than to bring that up around him.
Kurt and Tiffany were still fucking Rahne, but now in a standing position. Tiffany was startled to feel someone lubing up her asshole, preparing for entry. She didn’t turn around, just speculated on who it was. She didn’t sniff the air to get his scent, as that would make it too easy. The finger was kinda big, so it was one of the older guys. It turned out the dick was fairly big too, for one of the guys, though she had had enough action back there by now that she could take it. She waited until the dick was inside her, then she resumed with Rahne, alternately pushing forward into the wolf girl, then backing onto the unknown dick.
The guy’s hands were on her waist and she looked down at them. As expected, they were pretty big, but the amount of hair on the back of them took her by surprise. It can’t be! she thought suddenly. She did take a sniff then, and the scent was one she was familiar with, more so than any other. She looked back at him. “Logan, what in the hell are you doing?”
Logan grinned. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“But we’re like brother and sister! Sort of.”
“It’s more than that. We’re almost identical twins. We would have been if Hydra hadn’t fucked up the Y-chromosome. But that’s only an issue if there are offspring. I don’t think you’re likely to get pregnant this way.”
“Good point.” Tiffany faced forward and resumed humping.
“Sabretooth is always telling me to go fuck myself,” Logan said. “First time I ever took that asshole’s advice on anything.” Read the rest of this entry »
Bart Simpson couldn’t believe marge was going to let lisa be his and maggie’s babbysitter again especial after the last time she babbysat them. After all he was old enough to look after himself and he thought he didn’t need a babysitter! Just because his sister maggie was not old enuogh to look after herself and his mom and dad didn’t think he was old enough to watch her while they were gone. At least his best friend milhouse would be coming over.
With lisa to look after maggie they could be by themselves and not have to worry about her. As much as Bart hated having to have a babysitter he didn’t mind too much that it was lisa. As he knew that he would be able to do what he wanted to do as he knew he could wrap her around his finger without much trouble. Even though girls his own age were still kind of funny lisa was different. She was older and their was something different about her that he had just began to notice at least as far as bart was concerned.
Lisa was just walking in the front door when Bart saw milhouse walking up the sidewalk. He ran out the door to greet his friend. The two of them started talking and immediately went up to Bart’s bedroom.
“Your father and I should be back no later than eleven o’clock” marge told her. “Have maggie take her bath around 8.30 and she needs to be in bed by 9:00. You can let Bart and milhouse stay up till 10:30 since they’ll try and stay up that late regardless! Just then homerl walked in. He was dressed in a suit and lisa admired how well groomed he looked his blue eyes, his masculine body. Her pussy got wet just thinking about him. She stared at him sighing. Are you ready to go honey?” he asked turning to marge. “Of course I’ve been waiting on you like always” and they say that women take forever to get ready!” Homer just laughed and kissed her on the cheek. The couple walked to the door lisa walking them out to the car.
Maggie came walking down the hall from the livingroom to say goodbye. Marge gave her a big hug followed by homer then the two of them left closing the door behind them. Maggie and lisa went back into the livingroom. “So what do you want to do maggie?” lisa asked her. “I wanna watch Itchy & Scratchy maggie replied. “Okay” lisa said. So lisa went over to the tv and put in the Itchy & Scratchy video tape they had just got from the video shop today and switched on the tv Lisa and maggie then sat on the couch and began watching the video. About 15 minutes latter maggie was fast a sleep with her dummy in her mouth sucking away on it lost in a dream lisa thought. Read the rest of this entry »
From time to time, he would remove his lips from the shaft to stroke it a bit with his hands and lick the sack under it, but he always made sure to at least keep jerking Yoda off, and therefore himself. His hands didn’t suffice however and his head would always return to the uneven cock, bobbing his head with more haste every time, his lips as tight as he could make them, making Yoda squirm in delight as he felt his orgasm build up.
By now he was rocking his hips in motion with Mace’s bobbing, meeting the lips with more force every time. Even the boy was rocking his hips along his own rhythm, meeting only air but still feeling the incredible sensation. And then, with a large inhaling breath, the master released the full of his cum in the boy’s sweet mouth as he shot the long awaited jets of warm milk. Mace never removed his mouth, swallowing every jet as it was shot in his craving mouth and still pumping his head as he too was near the edge of his orgasm.
It didn’t take long before Mace shot his load on to the bed, which got him lifting his head off of Yoda’s cock and making the last squirt hit his bare chest. And then the moment was over and Yoda laid panting on the bed, Mace between his legs, a great grin stretching both their lips. He might not fully understand what had just happened, but he knew he liked it. The human boy gave him a few last tongue lashes for good measure, then returned near his mater, to his right, their nude bodies touching slightly.
“Very well you have done, my young student,” he said between pants. “But young is the evening and more training I shall give you.” Mace had his eyes closed now, perfectly comfortable and in harmony with the force of everything around him and especially his master. For a brief moment, physical contact between them was cut, but they always remained in contact through the force and Mace felt no nervousness or discomfort. Read the rest of this entry »
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