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Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution. Chapter 4. She’s Just So Transparent. Part 1.

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17th November 2010

Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution. Chapter 4. She’s Just So Transparent. Part 1.

Continue of “Kitty’s New York Adventure. X-Men: Evolution.xxx toon story.

Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution.

Chapter IV. She’s Just So Transparent. Part 1.

Kitty’s feelings were a little hurt. Despite the earlier sentiments that the X-Men were equal members of the superhero community, they were being treated like second class citizens. Even worse, the girls were being singled out. Sue had assigned them seating in the lecture hall that was separated from every one else. They were at least three rows higher than the other attendees. There was an actual gap that highlighted their back-of-the-bus status.

Still, it wasn’t that the program was that interesting anyway. Even though Reed Richards normally used this hall for presentations to other scientists, today it was basically status reports from the various groups and individual heroes. Accomplishments and projects and goals and lessons learned and such.

When it was the Professor’s turn, he talked about the search for new mutants, the plans to help them and protect them from an increasingly hostile population, and the ongoing efforts to thwart and/or contain the problem mutants.

Conversely, some of the presentations were fairly simple. Spider-girl just said she would continue to catch crooks and save people and shit. Not exactly in those words, of course.

The Avenger presentation was even more boring, at least when Iron Man got to the administrative part, such as talking about the bandwidth allocation on the Avenger communication satellites. The X-Men were keeping their share, which was all Kitty cared about. He stated that Stark Enterprises had just finished a couple of new sats, so once SHIELD launched them, all the groups would have a little better worldwide coverage.

Kitty noticed Sue at the side of the lecture hall, climbing the stairs to the higher seats. She had a sudden thrill when she realized that the Invisible Woman was coming toward them. Maybe she wasn’t isolating us at all, she thought excitedly. Maybe she just wanted us all together so she could sit with us!

Kitty’s happiness was short-lived, however. Just as Sue almost reached them, only a row or two to go, she suddenly stopped, then turned around and leaned against the wall, facing the podium. Now Kitty was even more depressed than before. Why did she do that? Come almost up to us, then deliberately turn her back? She’s making a statement about what she thinks of us. What did we do to piss her off? Kitty sighed mentally. At least I can look at her fine ass.

As Kitty looked at Sue’s back dejectedly, she suddenly realized that something was happening. Sue appeared to be slowly fading. Huh? Why is she turning invisible now? But after a second or two, Kitty realized that it wasn’t Sue that was fading, it was her uniform! Kitty could see Sue’s panties and bra strap now, faintly visible through the uniform. The uniform continued to fade until it completely disappeared. For all intents and purposes, Sue was standing there only in lingerie. No, that wasn’t quite right. It was the back of the uniform that was apparently missing. The front was fully visible as always. Kitty could see the sharp boundary. It looked like a cutout, as if Sue had taken sissors to the back of the uniform.

Kitty was totally flabbergasted. Sue wasn’t snubbing the x-girls, she was giving them a private show! No one else in the lecture hall, even if they had turned around and looked this way, could see anything out of the ordinary. The uniform was intact in front.

Sue turned her head around, not moving her body, and made a face at her audience. Kitty looked at her crew and everyone was transfixed. This explained why Sue had bunched all of them on one side of the lecture hall. She was putting on her display almost directly in front of them. It was pretty much impossible to miss.

As Kitty started to get damp from the sheer brazenness, the bra and panties started fading too. A few seconds later Sue was apparently butt nekkid in back. And what a butt it was. The luscious shape had been evident in panties, but now they could see every inch of it. Sue changed her position slightly, leaning against the wall with her hand rather than her shoulder so that she could spread her legs wider. She had been holding a notebook all along, but now she deliberately dropped her pen so that she could bend over and give them a full beaver shot.

Kitty couldn’t take it, spreading her legs and rubbing her pussy through her uniform. She was startled when Amara reached over and removed her hand from her pussy. Kitty looked at her with an embarrassed expression, but Amara merely put Kitty’s hand on her pussy and rubbed Kitty’s. The two teens gently stroked each other, not wanting to get too excited, while they looked at Sue’s shapely ass.

After the girls got a good look, Sue’s uniform returned to normal and the peep show was over. After waving at them, she went down to the front of the auditorium and out the exit. The breathing of the x-girls gradually returned to normal. Kitty and Amara eventually stopped playing with each other, performed one last pat, and kept their hands to themselves. The girls reluctantly returned their attention to the speaker, having heard absolutely nothing that was said for the last several minutes.

After a little while, Kitty detected a stirring amongst the girls. Something seemed to be happening a few seats down. She was in the seat fartherest from the aisle, so she had to lean forward a little to see past all the other girls.

Something was going on with Jubilee, who was in the aisle seat. She seemed to still be in a sexually excited state, even though Sue was long gone. Her eyes were closed and she was writhing around. Kitty assumed she was playing with herself through the uniform, thinking about Sue’s afterimage. Well, nothing wrong with that, as long as she kept quiet.

Kitty continued watching Jubilee, since what she was doing was far more interesting than the speaker. Apparently the other girls considered it the better presentation as well. After a short while, Kitty noticed some peculiarities of Jubilee’s body movement. Some body parts were moving in ways that didn’t seem natural. In particular, her tits were slowly moving up and down, yet her body was comparatively still. So what was making them move? And then Kitty noticed that the asian girl’s arms were on the armrests. So she wasn’t playing with herself after all.

Kitty suddenly realized what was going on. It was Sue! She hadn’t left after all. She had merely gone out the door, turned invisible, and come back in. And now she was ravaging Jubilee! Holy fuck! Kitty thought.

Apparently Sue had been feeling up Jubilee for several minutes before anyone caught on, because the teen appeared to be on the edge of orgasm. Then as Kitty watched, she showed the signs of actually having one. Jubilee didn’t make any noise, at least none that would carry more than a couple of rows, but her body movement hinted at getting off. Then she sat still, breathing hard.

The girls looked at each other in amazement. Then Rahne, who was sitting next to Jubilee, took on an even wilder expression. Apparently Sue was moving down the line of girls, because Rahne’s behavior soon replicated that of Jubilee. She was also being sexually stimulated by an unseen force.

The amazement turned to excitement as the girls waited their turn. They whispered to each other about what would soon happen. After Rahne got off, then Tiffany was next, followed by Jean, Rogue, and Amara.

Kitty’s excitement grew as the unseen sexual encounter grew ever closer to her. As the last in line, she was impatient, but on the other hand she got the most anticipation. And she got the most time to think. She decided to turn the tables on Sue, giving the Invisible Woman a little surprise of her own.

Kitty performed a genital morph, shifting the crotch of her uniform around to make room for the dong. After she got it settled, the outline was very visible under the thin cloth. She slowly stroked it to make it harder so that it would stand out even more, hoping that Sue would not notice prematurely and ruin the fun. Sue was still concentrating on Amara, however. At such proximity, Kitty could hear the whispered sex talk. Or she could at least tell the whispering was taking place.

to be continued…

Author is Jackrabbit

Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution.
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10th November 2010

Jimmy Neutron Porn Story. Chapter II.

Jimmy Neutron Porn Story. Chapter II.

Continue of “Jimmy Neutron Sex Story. Chapter I.

“Oh God Carl, that is amazing.” Jimmy said as Carl began the long, slow stokes with his toange and suction. Grabbing his head, Jimmy sped Carl up onto his Shaft, so much that His face was slapping Jimmy’s balls adding a sense of gratification to the motions.

Carl was getting into now, with the Motion he was exploring Jimmy’s cock with his tounge, wiping the sides and adding to Jimmy’s already building orgasm. Looking to the Side, Jimmy saw his Mother, still nude taking her shower. The timing couldn’t have been more Perfect for Jimmy as Carl sucked his cock. Carl was speeding up now, his dick harder then ever, calling to him to stroke it. Jimmy was picturing his Mother with those lips sucking his penis dry. On his knees, Carl sucked and sucked until he felt Jimmy draw his head in closer, shoving his cock down his throat. Carl felt a warm sensation go into his mouth.

“Oh God Carl” said Jimmy, still holding Carl’s head against him, emptying himself into Carl.

“That, That was awesome” he said, finally letting Carl go. Carl saw Jimmy’s Cock come out, covered with saliva and cum as it drooped down. Carl looked at his member, he had been stroking it the whole time waiting to feel Jimmy’s lips. Jimmy knew what now had to be done.

Looking at the screen, he saw his Mother just leaving the Shower.

“Before I start,  I’ve got to save this Video” he told Carl, “Good Idea Jimmy, play it back too, that way It will be like shes doing it!”

Jimmy did it, and then turned to Carl. Getting on his knees, he leaned in and began stroking Carl. Carl dick was not much, Jimmy was bigger but that was because of gene therapy. Science could do wonders.

Carl looked at the screen, which was showing Mrs. Neutron getting into the Shower, and washing herself. Carl felt the stokes, slowly speed up until he felt lips. It was like his penis was in some sort of pleasure lava. Tingling, he couldn’t help but look down and see Jimmy take his cock out of his mouth and suck on his ball sack.  Carl might have cum right their if he could, “OH holy shit Jimmy, that was nice.” he said. Jimmy nodded, sucked once more sending shivers and then went back to the shaft that was Carl. Sucking hard he worked himself into a rhythm, doing what Carl did. Using his tounge he worked around the tip of the penis as he went in and out. Carl had no masturbated in quite a while, resulting in him cuming fast. He felt the throws of an organism coming and like Jimmy had done, held his head up to his cock as he came into Jimmy’s mouth. Jimmy knew what was coming so he sucked as hard as he could while he jingled Carl’s balls with his free hand. Carl couldn’t take it and started pumping himself into Jimmy’s mouth, giving him the utmost satisfaction. Shooting his load, Jimmy took it all in his throat, still sucking. Read the rest of this entry »

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8th November 2010

Family Fun. Part 1

Family Fun
Part 1
Meg had always been a tom-boy though a pretty one. She had short brown hair, deep pink pouty lips, and stricking green eyes). She would run around in her younger brother’s old clothes constantly. Pants that were many sizes to big shirts that she could swim in but nothing to show off what was underneath. Her parents thought that maybe she’d grow out of this and choose more feminine clothes once she got to high school but no. She still wore the same old clothes every day even once she became a teenager.

No one would think it by just looking at her but under all those baggy clothes was a hot young teen body. She had perky tits topped off with large pink nipples a flat stomach a firm shapely ass and long sexy legs all waiting for the right guy to take notice of. One or two ever did usually at the beach over the summer but never one of her guy friends. They didn’t think of her as a girl really but just another one of the guys. Not the sexual beautiful girl she was. That all changed one hot summer day though…

“Come on guys! It’s too fucking hot to be out here!” Meg yelled “We’ve practiced for two hours. Can we call it quits now?”

“Yeah Meg’s right” Chris said to the rest of the team. He thought he was a hot very fit guy but was really about 5ft 10 inch tall with sandy blond hair and deep blue eyes but far too over weight. He knew he was hot as his mother had told him he was. He loved older women and had a reputation for sleeping with any one he got the chance to even his mother. “We’ll just get here early tomorrow and practice” he said heading towards the locker room. Followed by the other guys on the team.

Meg stayed outside waiting for the other guys to get in and get changed so she could change. Then she noticed Brian thier dog another one of the guys on her team he had short white hair and light brown eyes, he stood at about 4’10 and was a good looking dog. He was more out going than her bother though drinking and partying all the time. He was standing near the wall looking half dead. “Bri!” She yelled to him. “Brian! Wake up. Practice is over”

He looked over towards her shook his head to wake himself up then started walking towards the locker room. “It’s to hot to practice today” He said. “I just wanna go home and sleep.”

“Yeah, well you get your wish today. But tomorrow our lord and captain Chris wants us here early to get in another practice.”

O that’ll be a shit load of fun. How early?” Brian asked as they walked into the locker room. Meg changed in the bathroom rather than make a fuss about having her own room to change in. Read the rest of this entry »

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3rd November 2010

Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution. Chapter III. You Are Grounded, Young Lady. Part 2.

2nd part of “Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution. Chapter IIIxxx cartoon story.

Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution.

Chapter III. You Are Grounded, Young Lady. Part 2.

Once Rogue was in the new position, Tiffany and Amara resumed the tit-sucking, only they were under her now.

Kitty pulled backwards on Rogue’s thighs, driving herself inside as hard as she could. Rogue gurgled around Jean’s dick, which was quite a mouthful. She held herself up with one hand, using the other to squeeze Tiffany’s tit.

After a few minutes, the girls rotated. Now Tiffany was fucking Rogue and Amara was getting blown. Kitty and Jean took over tit duty.

“Why aren’t you levitating us, Jean?” Kitty asked between nipple licks.

Jean’s eyes widened. “Damn, I didn’t even think of it. I guess I’m disoriented by fucking in a strange place.” She lifted all five of the girls into the air, removing some of the restrictions on positioning that gravity imposed. “Would you like a double penetration, Rogue?”

“You bet. In fact, I’d like to have you in my pussy. I’ve always wondered what that donkey dong of yours felt like. I think I’m wet enough.”

“Sure.” Jean floated Rogue into a horizontal faceup position, then placed the head of her dick against Rogue’s pussy. “Are ya ready?” At Rogue’s nod, she started pushing it in. There was nothing to grip against other than Rogue herself, so it was easier to just use telekinesis to force them together. She used slow, easy pressure, allowing Rogue to take her a little at a time. Rogue had never had anyone inside her other than Amara. The latin girl wasn’t small compared to a guy, but all of the x-girls were significantly smaller than Jean. She had the biggest dick in the mansion. Attached to either sex.

“Uhhhhhhh,” Rogue groaned.

“Am I going too fast?”

“No, I’m fine, keep going.”

Jean kept up the pressure until she was in as far as she was going to go. “Okay, it’s in.”

“Wow, it feels like a telephone pole. Gimme a minute.”

Kitty giggled. “Welcome to the club. The club of Jean’s club.”

“Uhh,” Rogue said. “Are you gonna be able to hold onto your wad with that much pressure on you?”

“I’ve been though this before,” Jean said dryly. “I’ve gotten used to tight pussies.” She slowly started thrusting.

“Ohhhhhhhh,” Rogue moaned. After a few minutes, she had adjusted somewhat. “Okay, I want somebody in my ass now. Assuming there’s any room left inside my body.”

Jean rolled the two of them over into a head down, ass up position, then drifted Kitty toward Rogue’s inviting asshole. After a little more telekinetic manipulation, Kitty was in and Rogue was sucking Tiffany’s dick and jerking Amara. As they had been doing all along, the other girls handled Rogue as much as possible while they fucked her.

By this time Rogue was so dazed that she hardly knew where she was. She didn’t care where she was. All that mattered was the sensation flowing through her.

Jean rotated the girls several times, swapping Rogueholes. She put them in pretty much all combinations except herself in the ass. None of the girls wanted her up the tailpipe, much less a rookie.

Everyone was starting to get close. “I wanna try to cum with all of ya,” Rogue said. “One at a time. Everybody stop except…” She looked to see who was in her pussy at the moment. “Tiff.” She stopped sucking and jerking dicks, just gripped them in her hands. Kitty, the only other girl who was in her, stopped thrusting but didn’t pull out.

Gasping, Tiffany slammed as hard as she could, while Rogue moaned and writhed in the air. The two of them managed to cum pretty close together. Tiffany shot her load first, but kept thrusting. It was only a few seconds before Rogue had her own orgasm, her body rocking from the force of it. “Rrrrrrraaaagggggggghhhhhh!”

Rogue writhed in the air for a second or two. “Keep going,” she said urgently. Kitty took over, hammering Rogue’s asshole without mercy as Jean lowered a wiped-out Tiffany to the bed. Both her dick and Rogue’s pussy were leaking a huge quantity of cum, but Jean had already placed a telekinetic cum shield below the action to avoid messing up Sue’s bed.

Rogue assaulted her now-inactive pussy as Kitty reamed her ass like a crazy person. It was only another twenty seconds before Rogue came again, Kitty unloading into her ass right after. Jean dropped another used-up player to the bed as Rogue moved to the next one, jerking off Amara into her mouth. After more frenzied diddling she had a third orgasm just as Amara squealed and pumped cum down her throat. Rogue worked to keep up with the flow. After being drained, a lifeless Amara was sent to the showers.

Rogue couldn’t cum any more, so she concentrated on jerking Jean, using both hands. She got a sudden faceful of cum, then slowly shifted the spraying dick so that her entire front was coated, neck to tits.

Finally the entire group was lying on the bed in a zombie state.

“Thanks for that, guys,” Rogue said dreamily. “It was awesome.”

The other girls started to snuggle up against her, but she stopped them. “Wait, let’s see how the ground is doing.” She felt her new bracelet, finding that it was only slightly warm. “All right! It looks like it will take a lot of sex to overload it.”

Kitty grinned at her. “Which you will probably do.”

“Well, whaddya expect? You guys have been fucking each other for like forever. I’m playing catch up.”

Amara giggled. “We need some sort of ceremony to accept you into the ranks of the X-Sluts as a full member.”

Rogue looked at her fondly. “I think we just had it. By the way, I will miss the flaming orgasms.”

“I liked watching those,” Kitty said. “In a way, it’s a shame that you’re cured, Amara.”

“Actually, all it means is that the flareups aren’t involuntary any more. I can still cum flame any time you guys want a donkey show.”

Rogue put the sheet over her and then took off the bracelet. “Let’s rest and go again.”

Kitty shook her head. “Not right now. We didn’t come all the way to New York to spend the whole time fucking each other. I promise we’ll fuck you day and night after we get back home. Right now we have a shitload of new people to fuck. And now you do too.”

to be continued…

Author is Jackrabbit

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27th October 2010

Kimitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery Chapter IV. So Many Kims, So Little Time. Part 1.

Continue of “Kimitation is the Sincerest Form of Flatterysex toon story.

Kimitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

Chapter IV. So Many Kims, So Little Time. Part 1.

Kim just grinned. “C’mon.” She led the way back into the antechamber. “Before we go into the other door, let’s rest out here where there are chairs.”

Before sitting down, Tara went over to the left-hand door to see what was on the placard. Her eyes widened in confusion. The symbol appeared to be a combination of male and female. “What the fuck? Kim, what does this mean?”

“It means that you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

“C’mon, girl,” Monique grumbled. “Quit fucking with our heads. What is going on? I’m not going in there unless you spill it.”

Kim sighed. “Oh, all right. I would have liked to have seen the look on your faces, but I guess somebody might have fainted. Okay, here it is. Roughly half of the clones have dicks.”

Bonnie’s jaw dropped. “You mean Drakken fucked around with X and Y and made male versions of us? Everything the same except gender? You know, hair color, eye color, IQ, all that?”

“No, this set of clones is exactly like us. Except that they have dicks instead of pussies.”

“But, but, how could he do that? Why would he do that? These clones were supposed to work in whorehouses. How many guys would want to fuck a girl with a dick?”

“Well, don’t forget there are some weird motherfuckers out there. But I don’t think there would be enough of those to justify 50%. I personally think it was a fuckup in his cloning process.”

“Why didn’t you just ask him?”

“We did, but he wouldn’t tell us. He goes on and on about his plans when he has me suspended above a tank of sharks, but when I get loose and take him down he gets all pissy and clams up.” She sighed again. “So do you guys want to play with them or not? We can just go home if you don’t want to.”

“I don’t know,” Tara said. “Just when I thought this night couldn’t get any weirder…”

“What do you know about weird?” Bonnie wanted to know. “There isn’t a version of you running around with a swinging dick.”

“I want to at least see one of them,” Monique said.

The girls argued for another 15 minutes or so. Finally Kim said, “We need to do something if we’re gonna. If we keep farting around we’ll have to go home anyway. If I come home late Mom will punish me for real.”

“I’m going in with Kim,” Monique said. “If you guys don’t want to, you can go on back and we’ll take a taxi.”

Bonnie threw up her hands. “Oh, all right! But if I need therapy after this, I’m sending you guys the bill.”

“Calm down, Bonnie,” Kim said. “You’re more skittish than the clones. Okay, then. Before we go in, who do you guys want to play with? Another first-timer or one I’ve been doing for a while? The virgins get a bigger thrill out of it, as you just saw, but we have to spend time calming them down first. You don’t have to go through so much of that with the repeats. And we won’t have to do it through the bars. They are docile enough that we can just go into the cell.”

“Let’s do a repeat,” Tara said. “It was fun giving K45 her first orgasm, but if we play with veterans we may have time to do both a Kim and a Bonnie. I want to at least see both with a dick.”

Kim was thoughtful. “Why don’t we do both at once? In fact, I think we should have a full-blown orgy. I normally play with four clones at the same time, a triple-penetration and one to just cum on me. So that would be sixteen for all of us. I can have the computer move them into a holding area. There’s a series of tunnels from the cells to the research areas. The computer herds them along with mild shocks in the floor.”

The girls exhanged startled glances, then indicated agreement with the plan.

“How do you want to break it down? An even number of Kims and Bonnies for each of us?”

“No offense to either of you,” Monique said, “but I want to see what they are packing first.”

Everyone laughed at that. “Okay. I think you’ll be happy with either, but let’s have a look and then you can decide.”

Inside the corridor, Kim opened the door of the first Bonnie cell they passed. The other girls backed away, but Kim said, “Don’t worry. This is one of the tame ones.”

Bonnie-33 initially snarled like the other clone had done, but then she saw Kim and looked perplexed. “That’s right, it’s Kim, you remember me, don’t you?” At the sound of Kim’s voice, B33 finally made the connection and reached out for her. But not to attack her. Kim stepped forward and B33 just held her, pressing her head against Kim’s cheek and making happy noises.

“Wow, they can be affectionate,” Tara said.

“Yeah, but it takes a while. You have to be with them a bunch of times to get this kind of reaction.” She kissed B33, then looked at Monique. “Well?”

“Well what?”

“Is her tool adequate or not?”

“Shit, I forgot to look!” Monique took a close look at the clone’s dick. “Not bad at all. Can I see what it looks like hard?”

“Be my guest. She won’t mind.”

Monique licked Bonnie-33’s dick and stroked it lightly. She used her tongue all the way up and down. The dick started responding right away as its owner, still embracing Kim, made little noises of pleasure. Monique put it into her mouth and sucked on it slowly. She stuck her arms through the bars and squeezed B33’s ass. “Mmmmmm.” In a short time, the dick was completely rigid. “Yeah, this will work.”

“Okay, then, get up and let me put her back in the box.”

Monique looked up at Kim. “I shouldn’t get her hard and then walk away. I don’t give guys blue balls, and I won’t do it to her.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll see her again in a few minutes. She’s on the guest list for the orgy. She’ll have her chance to get off.”

“Let me at least get a good look at the dick before you put her up,” Bonnie said, dropping to her knees besides Monique. “After all, in a way, it’s my dick. I guess it’s what I would have had if there had been a Y chromosome.” She examined the dick, sucked it herself a couple of times, then sighed. “This feels so fucking strange. Yep, better schedule the therapy.”

She stood up and looked at B33’s face carefully. “This is the first time I’ve been able to see one of mine up close. The last time they were chasing me around and I didn’t want to get too close. I have an urge to comb her hair, but it would take forever with all the tangles.”

to be continued…

Author is Jackrabbit

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20th October 2010

Ed edd eddy. Chapter II. Ed edd eddy Porn Story.

2nd chapter of toon sex story “Ed edd eddy“.

Ed edd eddy. Chapter II.

DD was nearing his climax now, he wondered how all the porn stars he had seen did it. Speeding up since he had all day he made his final stand pushing her down further on Eds shaft and causing her to once more clamp down on it. Each slap of his balls DD was pushed Naz further into ed, until her pushed as hard as he could, “AAAAaaaaaaaAAAH!” he yelled, with Naz answering in a muffled scream as she felt hot liquid shoot deep inside her. She flashed to thoughts of having a child, how much she would have ot go through and then realized she was choking on a rather large cock. Finally reasing her she took her breath, “GODAMMIT, WHAT THE FUCK HAV-” was all she could yell before being sent back to the cock. DD kept thrusting as their was no better feeling then emptying your seed into a girl and putting ever drop inside. After some more light thrusting his dick was pulled out and then he pulled out a joint. Lighting it and breathing easy. Naz wished she was dead. She had feeling of an orgasm but it was gone now, only Eds cock remained. She wasent even moving her head as he forcefully pushed her dead up and down time after time. Her head was killing her, the sound of Eds balls hitting her chin echoed the room and she moved faster and faster. Finally after what seemed like hour Ed made his grunts. With a final thrust she was held and deep throated as she felt more hot liquid, this time great gobs fill her throat. Her eyes grew wide as it just kept coming. After more hours she was realeased and fell backward naked. Her cunt was dripping wet and a mixture of blood, semen and her own juices and she was coughing up what she could of Eds large seed. However most had to be swallowed. “YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!!!” she roared. No Ed was caring at this moment, as she laid on the ground sobbing. She was coming back down from her sexual high, noticing she was trapped as a bus had been moved where they came in. Remembering Sarah, she saw and then looked away.

Sarah was still out cold, but nearly naked. Eddy was enjoying his time with her, muttering curses and fingering her everywhere. He had been fucking her mouth for the last minute or so and saw the time was right to enter her. “No Eddy, don’t!” pleaded Naz, on the ground panting.

“Shut up Naz, your next.” he said, ripping Sarah’s pants fully off and admiring his toy.

Throwing the pants aside, he looked at his prize, and took his tool in hand. Sarah watched as Eddy Thrusted without a pause into Sarah. Sarah would probably have screamed too if she knew her hymen had just been torn but she laid in a deep sleep as eddy held himself inside her for a moment, admiring the warmness of this cold revenge. She laid beneath him sleeping soundly. Raising her up for deeper penetration, eddy began the long process of emptying his load into her. It was the least he could do.

“Oh my god Edd, you sisters just so little, its like a small sock of love or something.” Edd was much too busy however. Eddy was feeling like god now, before him a little girl along the lines of loli his older brother talked about lay before him, accepting his cock again and again each time she pushed into her. Their was a spot of blood but this is eddy I am describing, like he would even care.

Eddy loved to masturbate, and knew the tightness of his hand was something of a rarity. Here inside Sarah he found an even tighter space for his penis to fill. Accepting it willing or not, Eddy was a made man. “My god, Guys, you have to take a turn with her, this is amazing, way more amazing that time we fucked Edd.” Eddy said, still balls deep. Each thrust he put into her, it felt like he was going to explode. It was not long before this virgin fuck was organismic. Then Eddy noticed, “Whoa, guys huff she’s getting wet! Your bitch sister is wet Edd!” Eddy thrusted a few more times and emptied his load into the virgin hole, not giving a damn what-so-ever of what could happen.

“Well Sarah, I enjoyed it, did you?” Eddy asked with the smile of gigantic size.

“I want A turn!” Edd said, toppling over to his naked sister.

“Ok Double D, Switch?”

No Eddy, I will take a blow job thanks.” he said eying a crying Naz.

“Whatever” Eddy said, picking Naz off the ground. “uhhh, NOOOO! She yelled, wiggling, moving away from Eddy. “Cmon Naz, your ours for the night. Help me Double D”

Double D did as he was told and grabbed the flailing Naz and pushed her to the ground. Laying on top of her she was reaching and kicking as much as she could. “Open her legs up Double D, that’l shut her up.

“NOOOOO, PLEASE NO” she pleaded, trying to push off the ground but she was too weak. Eddy entered her with no trouble and her head shot up at the pleasure she received. She could never let them know however. Eddy was smitten

“Ok Naz, Time to open up” Double D said getting off her and letting Eddy smack her ass around as he entered and exited. “No, please, please….don’t”

A part of Double D probably cared, but his eyes were filled with red lines, leading her to suspect she had no hope. “OPEN” He said in a rather ruthless voice. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t but Double D did. He opened her mouth, and pushed himself inside her and fucked her head. She was being double fucked. She was fucked anyways, no one can hear her, shes cannot fight, and Sarah…

Sarah was being fucked by her Big brother Ed. The tight little space called her pussy was being stretched to unseen size as Ed plowed away, taking the feeling of his cock entering her as the best feeling in the world. Sarah laid motionless with her mouth wide wide open, dripping semen from whom ever had plowed her mouth. Ed was having the time of his life inside her.

“Oh man, Double D watch this!” Said Eddy, as he exited Naz’s Virgina much to her relief, and pushed forward to her other hole.

“MMMMMPHHHMHHPHPHH” Was all she could muster as Double D violently Face-fucked her. Naz could feel the cock slithering in and out of her asshole, turning her on in a Way Kevin never got close too. Then Naz did was she had been holding, she came.

“mmmmMMMMPSHA AAAAAH” She yelled, her body going rigid, slightly spasming.

“Oh, looks like Naz likes the Anal hole” said Double D.

“Hole or not, I’m cumming in it.” he said, and increased his efforts to Cum into her ass tenfold. Speeding up and plowing her harder causing Double D to reach the back of Naz’s throat. Naz was in shock at this point, barely moving.

After what seemed like another year in Double D’s pelvis, he came. And he didn’t stop.

“Oh GOD Eddy, the feelings!” he muttered, still pounding away at Naz’s now red face, his balls smacking her chin rather hard. Naz Could not breath at this point.

Double D couldn’t have stopped now, he was slow close, so near his discharge into this women who he had thought about so many times. After a bit, he did it, shooting into her throat as her eyes went black. All she remembered was a large hard object being jammed into her mouth.

The END!

Author is Vashinred

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13th October 2010

Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution. Chapter III. You Are Grounded, Young Lady. Part 1.

Continue of X-men porn story “Kitty’s New York Adventure. X-Men: Evolution. “.

Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution.

Chapter III. You Are Grounded, Young Lady. Part 1.

“A present?” Rogue echoed. “For me?”

“Sure,” Sue said. “Let’s do it now. The reception is almost over.” She took Rogue by the hand. “The rest of you come too.”

The group took the elevator to another floor. As they stepped out, Kitty realized in shock that they were in the FF’s private residence area. Sue led them into what appeared to be her own bedroom. After sitting the girls on the bed, she retrieved a silver bracelet from her dresser. “This was custom-made for you, Rogue. I’m sorry it’s not very Gothy, but we didn’t know that was your style. That’s my fault, though. Reed just did the tech part.”

Rogue looked surprised. “Tech part? Of a bracelet?”

“It’s way more than a bracelet. From what Professor Xavier says, it should have a pretty big impact on your life. He’s the one who asked us to make it. Well, mainly Reed, but I picked the style. Put it on.”

Bewildered, Rogue did so. “Now touch my face.” Rogue reached out her hand, but Sue stopped her. “Uh, uh. Without the glove.”

“I can’t do that.”

“You might be surprised. Take off your glove and touch me.”

Since Sue was so insistent, Rogue reluctantly did so. To her astonishment, nothing happened. She simply felt Sue’s face. No jolt, no absorption, no memory transfer, no power transfer. “What the…? The bracelet is doing this?”

“Yes. It’s temporarily nullifying your power. Reed said the best analogy is being grounded.”

Kitty giggled. “Usually being grounded is a bad thing.”

Sue smiled. “Not this time. It works with everyone, Rogue. Touch someone else.”

Rogue touched Kitty, then Jean. “Fuck me!”

“That’s actually possible now.”

Rogue was a little stunned. “So I just wear this all the time and I can be like a normal person? And take it off when I need to use my power?”

“No, that’s backwards. You can’t use it for long periods of time. The constant strain causes it to run hot and it will eventually burn your wrist. So most of the time you will need to continue with the gloves. But when you want human contact for a few hours, you can have it by putting on the ground. Like shaking hands at the reception. Or in the bedroom. You can have sex all night, but you have to break it up and let the ground cool in between.”

“God damn!” Rogue exclaimed. “I can live with that!”

“I thought you might. Since you won’t be wearing it that much, it doesn’t matter if it isn’t your style.”

“Piss on my style. I’d wear a fucking tuxedo with a tiara and bunny slippers if it meant I could touch people.”

Sue laughed at that picture. “Anyway, the girls are here. Give it a shakedown. Lie down on the bed.”

Rogue followed directions, lying in the middle of the bed. She was trembling with excitement as the x-girls surrounded her.

“I have to finish off the reception,” Sue said. “But I’ll check on you girls later.”

“Wait!” Rogue exclaimed. “I didn’t thank you!”

“You can do that later, Rogue. For right now, enjoy yourself.”

Kitty was disappointed when Sue left, but hopefully there would be an opportunity with her later. But the focus right now was Rogue. She was thrilled that her friend would finally have a chance for unrestricted sex.

Kitty started off the Roguefest by kissing her. After avoiding skin contact with Rogue for so long, it was disconcerting to seek it out. But as with Sue, nothing happened. It was just like kissing anyone else. Kitty deepened the kiss, using her tongue. Rogue’s inexperience was evident. She had never done this with anyone but Amara, and even that on a limited basis. Kitty looked forward to bringing her up to speed, especially enjoying the idea of a younger girl teaching an older one.

Jean pulled Rogue’s boots and socks off, then massaged her bare feet. Even that was a new experience. The other girls slowly undressed Rogue, lightly touching whatever was uncovered. The Goth girl writhed under all the unfamiliar sensation. “Ohhhhhhh, I love this!” She just laid there and let them do whatever they wanted to her, at the same time keeping her own hands in motion, handling whoever and whatever she could reach.

Amara sort of hung back. She and Rogue had been together many times, so she wanted to give the others a chance with her. However, it was a new experience to touch Rogue with impunity, even for her, so she lightly stroked a thigh and let the others concentrate on the really fun stuff.

By now Rogue was naked, and the other girls had finished undressing each other as well. Rogue had the second biggest pair of tits amongst the teen girls at the mansion, so everyone was curious how they felt.

Rogue elected to say fully female during this session, so that she could get the multiple orgasms. She didn’t want to waste any of this opportunity waiting to reload her rifle. Not to mention the possibility of double penetration. The other girls switched over to a dick, then played with it with one hand while fondling Rogue with the other. Or they played with each other’s dicks, but Rogue still got the other hand.

Rogue was in sensory overload, after going from virtually no physical contact straight into an orgy. Jean was kissing her, Tiffany and Amara were sucking her tits, and Kitty was eating her pussy. She fondled one of Jean’s tits as they kissed. In the same way that the younger girls had wanted to experience her own tits, she had been longing for Jean’s. “Let me suck it.” The phrase “more than a mouthful” definitely applied to Jean, but Rogue tried to get as much into her mouth as she could. Then Jean let her slobber up the other one, while squeezing the first.

Rogue rolled over into a doggy position, then Kitty shoved in her dick. At the same time, Jean presented her dick at the other end. Rogue took it in her mouth. As with the kissing, she was a little awkward. She hadn’t had as much experience sucking cocks as everyone else. If fact, she had only been doing it since the Rogue Wave, because she hadn’t been with anyone who had a dick before that. If Amara hadn’t acquired a dick, Rogue could never have done anything other than lesbian sex.

to be continued…

Author is Jackrabbit

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6th October 2010

XXX Disney Story: Snow White Soapy and Dopey. Chapter II.

Snow White  Soapy and Dopey. Chapter II.

Continue of Disney porn story “Snow White  Soapy and Dopey

Snow White viewed this big cock as a challenge. It was huge, she didn’t even know if it would fit inside her pussy. This was more like an arm than a finger. Something had come over her since she’d first set eyes on that thing. She didn’t know what it was, or why, but she just HAD to have EVERY last inch of it inside of her. She would make it fit and she would not be satisfied until she did.

Snow White rose herself up slightly and had to use both hands to thee trace to her womanhood. Dopey watched with a confused fascination. Snow White had to brace herself. She could feel the heat coming off the fat head as it tried to push itself into her tight slit. Her lips wouldn’t open and for a second she didn’t think she would ever get that cock into her pussy. Suddenly with an audible pop her lips opened and three inches of his meat suddenly rushed into her channel like a battering ram. Snow White gasped as she felt the huge invader stretched her insides. Dopey too gasped as he felt the tightness of her pussy wrap itself around his manhood. So hot an wet. It sent a powerful bolt of pleasure through him.

There was pain as her cunt struggled to cope with the intruder but she felt no desire to pull it out. She wasn’t sure why she was doing this. No virgin in their right mind would even CONSIDER taking something so huge for their first time. It looked like on a whim he could tear her in two. But the very thought of such an action only made her wetter and hornier than ever. She didn’t care for the pain anymore, she only wanted to fill herself with this monster.

“Go on Dopey. Thrust hard. Fill me with your manhood.” She said, in a lustful, and slightly begging tone. Dopey complied, and with one powerful thrust, he rammed the full eight inches of his fat cock into Snow White’s virginal cunt. She threw her head back and let out a breathless scream as her pussy wall felt like they were being torn open as they struggled to stretch and accommodate the massive pole of flesh that she had impaled herself upon.

Susan moaned deeply with both pain and pleasure as Dopey started to move. He pulled back slowly down to the last inch of his cock. He saw his massive shaft glistening with her juices. Snow White felt the emptiness in her as his cock almost left, his massive head threatened to pop out of her slit. Then the little man rammed it back in, harder than before. Snow white moaned deeply, almost screamed, with the pleasure. “Yes Dopey.” She cried out. “Take me. Make me cum.”

Encouraged by her moans Doapy began fucking Snow White hard with deep, powerful thrusts, each one eliciting a little squeal of ecstasy from her. He slowly built up his pace, grunting hard with every thrust, feeling the waves of pleasure building up. She was so hot, wet and tight he could feel himself being thrown closer and closer to his climax. Snow White writhed on the end of his cock. Her moans more like howls. She wrapped her legs around the little guy’s waist and pulled him close. She felt like she was going to explode with every explosive wave of ecstasy. Her cunt was stretched to the limit and dripping juices down onto the ground. Every nerve ending from her clit to her fingertips was on fire.

Dopey kept fucking Snow White, his pace was hard and fast. The woman lay back on the ground, unable to sit up under his powerful thrusts into her sex. She felt a great pressure building up in her belly. Dopey’s thrusts were getting erratic. His own climax was near. He felt his balls tightening and an almost sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He could stop now he was so close.

Snow white wrapped her hands around his head and pulled him onto one of her breasts. He bit it tightly and started sucking. Just what she’d wanted him to do. “Yes. Harder. Yes., More So close.” She moaned between breaths. She ground her hips in time with his thrustHe was slamming her so hard she couldn’t take it anymore. Her world exploded. She threw her head back and howled at the night sky as her powerful orgasm racked her body. She trembled and twitched violently. She was barely able to breath as stars flew in front of hr eyes.

Dopey groaned deeply as his climax took him. He felt his balls blow their load . Shooting out of his cock like a bullet. Snow White moaned sensually as she felt his hot cum spreading through her insides. He thrust his hips again and again, firing more and more cum into her. His load was so massive and it just kept coming. She writhed on the ground, holding him tightly as her climax continued to burn within her. Both of them shivered violently and groaned deeply as their never ending orgasms that set their bodies on fire. Their sex juices leaved out of Snow Whites tight cunt and spread between the two of them.

Finally the fire died and the two of them collapsed weak and dizzy from their mind-blowing ordeal. They both panted heavily, feeling each others hearts pounding through the others chest. Dopey rested his head between Snow White’s massive tits and listened to the rhythmic pounded. They were covered in each others sweat and juices. They both ground their hips a few more times, and felt aftershocks of their orgasms fade.

Snow White breathed deeply, feeling like she was unable to catch her breath. She felt such deep and warm satisfaction drifting down upon her. She smiled as she felt the heat of orgasmic afterglow flooding through her cells. She felt his cock shrinking inside her, growing soft and her pussy shrinking to keep it’s tight hold his organ. She didn’t want him to move. She just wanted to two of them to melt together into one being and share orgasmic ecstasy for the rest of eternity. With Dopey’s cock still inside her and his small body still in her arms and his head resting between her breasts, they both fell into a deep, restful, climax induced sleep.

From that second on; Dopey had become her favourite among all the little men in the house.

The END!

Author is Englishwitch

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29th September 2010

Kitty’s New York Adventure. X-Men: Evolution. Chapter II. The Baxter Building. Part 2.

Another cartoon porn story.

Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution.

Chapter II. The Baxter Building. Part 2.

The 2nd part of “Chapter II. The Baxter Building.

Kitty watched Johnny Storm carefully when Amara put on her display. Sure enough, he looked surprised when he saw her go into a full burn. Apparently Amara herself had also been looking forward to his reaction, because she teasingly yelled “flame on!” as she powered up. Her Magma power was radically different from his, though, so they would probably have a lot to talk about, comparing max temperatures and such. And the power of Firestar was different yet.

Rahne showed off werewolf mode and full wolf mode, Kurt bamfed around the room, Bobby made an ice sculpture.

There was nothing for Tiffany to do other than extend her claws. The group was familiar with Wolverine, however, so they got the idea, especially after the Professor explained that she was Wolverine. Sort of.

Rogue couldn’t really show her power without causing stress to someone, but it was easy enough to explain.

Now that the ice was broken, the X-kids mixed with the others. They were still nervous and hesitant, but at least they could function.

Trying to shake hands with Ben Grimm was interesting. Kitty wound up shaking with his finger instead. She-Hulk wasn’t that wide, but she was fucking tall. Kitty got a crick in her neck having to look up so far to see her face. Finally the huge green woman powered down to Jen Walters to make herself a little more accessible.

Talking to Spider-Girl was fun. Apparently she was a teen too, though a little older than Kitty. “Call me Mayday.”

Kitty giggled. “Is that what the villains yell when you smack them around?”

“Something like that. Y’know, it’s impressive to me that you have the balls to show your face when you use your powers. Especially the way people feel about mutants.”

I’ll have to SHOW you my balls later, Kitty thought. I can’t see your face, but you have a hell of a body.

But of course she didn’t say that out loud. “Originally nobody knew I even existed. Being introduced to my adoring public wasn’t really my idea. I have fucking Magneto to thank for that.” She grinned. “But webslinging around the city is what I think is cool. It’s not exactly flying, but it’s close.”

“Do you want to try it? I can give you a joy ride.”

“No shit? That would be awesome!”

“Sure. You guys will be here a couple of days. Plenty of time to give you a spider’s eye view of the city.”

Kitty continued making the rounds. Iron Man was unusual, but it was a little like talking to a less-fussy C3PO. It was weird not being able to see anything of the human inside. The Wasp was sexy, but not as much as Sue. Not far behind though.

Reminded of Sue, Kitty realized that she had gravitated back to the Invisible Woman several times during the course of the afternoon. But it wasn’t a mystery. Kitty just liked looking at her. And she was so fucking friendly. She was so friendly that Kitty was starting to get the feeling it was more than that. But then she chided herself for getting delusions of grandeur. Sure, she sneered at herself. One of the most glamorous and sexy women in the world is hot for YOU. Dream on.

Still, Sue did seem to be spending a lot of time with the x-girls. Obviously the bulk of that was her hostess role, welcoming the newcomers. But Kitty was getting the impression that Sue actually liked them, even though they were so far down in the superhero pecking order.

As Kitty came up, Sue was surrounded by Amara, Tiffany, Jean, and Rogue. Sue welcomed her to the group. “I was just talking about your uniforms. I was wondering why some of you have different uniforms and others wear the same one.”

“It’s only us flunkies that wear the same uniform,” Tiffany said.

Jean rolled her eyes. “Oh, Tiff, don’t start. You’ll be on the main team soon enough.”

“Nonetheless,” Sue said. “I like them. The variety is interesting. Ours are the same. Well, except for Ben, of course.”

“And you don’t fill yours out the same,” Kitty blurted.

Sue laughed. “Well, I’d hope not. But I’m glad you noticed.” The remark put her into a teasing mood. “I don’t think your ‘X’ belongs on your belt. I would have put it here.” With the tip of her forefinger, she delicately traced a “X” between Kitty’s tits.

“Oh!” Kitty exclaimed, though she managed to mostly suppress it so that the sound didn’t carry very far. Her back was to the main group, so no one had seen. She exchanged wild glances with the other girls.

“Don’t you like that location?” Sue asked innocently. “How about an off-center emblem?” This time the “X” was squarely on Kitty’s tit.

“Ohhhhhh,” Kitty moaned. “No, I, uh, think it would work better on the other side.” Sue obligingly stroked an “X” onto the other tit. “Mmmmmmmm. I like your uniform suggestions,” Kitty said shakily.

Kitty felt herself getting wet. She was glad that this wasn’t happening immediately after the Rogue Wave. In the early days, the girls had been plagued by involuntary genital morphs when getting sexually excited, though they had eventually learned how to more or less control their new equipment. If Sue Richards had been playing with her tits then, she would have suddenly had not only a dick but a boner.

Sue took Kitty by the shoulders and rotated the two of them so that they swapped positions. Now Sue had her back to most of the other people. “Do you have any ideas about where my emblem should go?”

With shaking hands, Kitty drew a closed “4” on Sue’s tit with her fingertip. Then she marked the other tit in a similar fashion. She exchanged glances with Amara, wondering if her own eyes were that wide. The other girls had similar expressions.

“Anywhere else?” Sue asked softly.

Kitty blinked. Where else could there be, except…?

Sue spread her legs a little, making it clear that the “except” was exactly what she meant. With her arms, she pulled Rogue and Jean up against her on either side to further restrict the view from outside the group.

Barely able to breathe, Kitty drew a “4” directly on Sue’s pussy. “Wait, I messed that up.” She “erased” the numeral by rubbing the pussy, drawing a gasp from both Sue and the observers, and redrew it.

Sue smiled at Kitty, a little breathlessly. “I like you girls. You’re playful and uninhibited. Not to mention dirty.”

Amara giggled. “The X-Sluts, that’s us.”

It took a few minutes for everyone to return to normal breathing. Just as they did so, Reed Richards approached the group. “Sue, have you given Rogue her present yet?”

to be continued…

Author is Jackrabbit

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22nd September 2010

Harry Potter sex story: Harry potter and the accidental casting. Chapter 4.

Harry Potter and the accidental casting. Chapter IV.

Continue of hot toon story “Harry potter and the accidental casting“.

Ginny jumped to her feet and rushed to the pupils’ bathroom and stuck her hands under the tap and rinsed thoroughly. After she was sure that her hands were clean Ginny reached for her robes. Just as she was about to pull them up, she hesitated. ‘Paralysing numbness to area will occur.’ Her breasts had been so painful lately, was a little relief too much to ask? They were still tingling as well and it was feeling so good, she really didn’t want it to end right now.

Ginny strolled back out to Hermione, drying her hands on her robes. She flexed her fingers, no paralysis and no numbness, she was ok. “Thanks for the warning.” She said as she climbed back onto the bed. Hermione nodded and tossed the jar back into Ginny’s open junk where it made a soft flump noise as it hit her clothes. “No problem.” She smiled.

They made a little small talk, shared a couple of jokes and discussed future events like Hermione’s up coming exams. She was worried and wasn’t convinced when Ginny said she’d pass easily.

About ten minutes into the conversation, Ginny’s breasts began to feel strangely cold. She ignored it and assumed that the numbing sensation on the warning label was merely beginning to kick in.

Suddenly Ginny screamed loudly and was thrown back onto the bed as a convulsion of agony shot through her body. Hermione’s hands shot to her face and she jumped around to Ginny’s side. “Ginny? What’s wrong?” She asked in a high panicky voice. Ginny thrashed and yelled in agony. It felt like a concrete block had been placed onto her chest. “I can’t breath.” She gasped out in agony.

Hermione was literally shaking, this was frighteningly familiar. She was about to run and find Madam Pomfrey. But she forgot how to use her legs when Ginny’s chest began to expand.

It was like her breasts had been plugged into an air pump and someone had let rip on full blast. In seconds Ginny had gone from C cup to D to E to F. The seams of her robes ribbed and exploded, no longer able to contain the expanding mams. DD, EE, FF, and growing beyond any known size.

Hermione sat dumbfounded as the rags of Ginny’s top fell away, revealing the pale, freckled skin of Ginny’s tits. Her nipples were rock hard and stood up half an inch long. Her breasts still continued to increase in size and there was practically nothing left of her robes now.

Ginny stared down at herself with wide eyes. She tried to sit up, but the weight of her massive mams held her down.  “What’s happening to me?” She cried. Hermione sat dumbfounded. Ginny was now the size of beach balls and were still expanding.

Ginny gasped and flayed her arms madly. “I can’t breath.” She gasped toward Hermione, her face was beginning to turn red and Hermione realised that the weight of the tits was squashing Ginny’s rib cage and stopping her getting air into her lungs.

Hermione jumped to her feet, grabbed Ginny’s arms and pulled hard. It was like trying to carry three people on your back, Ginny’s weight had increased so much. With a lot of hard work Hermione managed to get Ginny sitting up and kept a tight grip on her wrists otherwise Ginny would fall over again. Her tits were sitting on her lap and were actually hanging over her knees. They were slowing down and were coming to a stop. The bra needed to cover those things was in a size that didn’t exist.

Hermione fell back and stared. The large pale skinned tits were covered in freckles. Her nipples were over three inches long and rock hard, the pink around them were as big as saucers. They were impossibly large and reminded Hermione of beanbag chairs with nipples. They covered her entire thighs and hung over her knees and almost touched the floor. Just the very tips of Ginny’s shoes could be seen. If Hermione wrapped her arms around one, her fingertips would only just touch if she squeezed a little.

Hermione felt like her brain had been switched off. She just couldn’t process the information of two giant boobs attached to a small girl. Ginny breathed deeply, it was hard to take air into her lungs due to the size of the knockers, but enough was getting in. “What the hell happened.” She said looking down at herself. Hermione didn’t say a word, she seemed to have been shocked into forgetting how to form words. Ginny looked at her intensely. Her back was starting to hurt and if Hermione loosened her grip for a second she would fall back and suffocate.  “HERMIONE.” She screamed.

This snapped Hermione back into reality and she almost dropped Ginny. Manoeuvring herself around Hermione helped pull Ginny onto the bed and leaned the girl against the wall. Ginny sat with her legs straight and buried under her titan tits. The rags of her robes fell away and lay in tatters on the bed and floor. “What happened?” Ginny asked bewildered.

Hermione shrugged her shoulders and looked at the jar of moisturiser. “Did you put some of this on your chest?” she asked quietly, still staring at the label. A sense of déjà vu came over her but she couldn’t explain it. Ginny nodded. “Yes, but just a little.” She said quietly. Hermione clicked her fingers. “Of course. How could I have been so stupid?”  “What?” interrupted Ginny desperately, Hermione had an answer and she wanted to know.

Hermione stared at Ginny for a moment. The breasts jiggled slightly with every breath she took and Hermione felt a familiar stirring between her legs. She wanted to reach out and touch the engorged nipple, wondering vaguely what it would taste like. A mental snap of the fingers brought an end to that thinking. Ginny needed help. “When I was staying with you over the summer, Fred and George took me aside one day and asked for my help with some disposal of magical items. One of the jokes for their store.

“What they had done was take some moisturiser and enchant it with an engrowment charm. People would use it on their hands and a few minutes later their hands would grow four times bigger. They thought it was a hilarious idea. They had created over a dozen jars by the time they had figured out that people might put it in other areas. If a woman put it on her breasts, they would grow so large that she might suffocate. And if a man put it on his penis…well, you can imagine. They neither wanted a reputation for murder or a sex trade.” Hermione tossed the jar away back into Ginny’s trunk.

“We thought we had got them all, but it looks like a couple slipped through the net. When your mum packed your trunk she must’ve found the jar and put it in for you.”

to be continued…

Author is Englishwitch

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15th September 2010

Peter Pan Sex Story: Child-like curiosity. Chapter II.

Peter Pan: Child-like curiosity. Chapter II.

Continue of adult cartoon story “Peter Pan: Child-like curiosity. Chapter I“.

Peter’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. His eyes dropped from her face and he stared at her body. He felt weird. There was something stirring in his body as he looked at her body. The curves that were starting to develop, the apple sized breasts with her nipples, hard as glass and that pussy, hairless and dripping. He could see the juices running down her leg. He didn’t understand what he was looking at or what he was feeling, he just knew that he liked it.

His eyes widened and he looked almost afraid. Wendy noticed and was very concerned that she had frightened him. Peter’s eyes looked down at himself and Wendy followed where he was looking. Her own eyes widened.

Between his legs was a large bulge. A massive tent in his clothing. Peter felt the great pressure in his abdomen as his hard cock pressed against his clothing, trying to get free from its prison. Peter put his hands over it to hide it. Wendy stepped forward and gripped his arms gently.  “No.” She said gently. She pulled his hands away and revealed the bulge again. “no, don’t.”

She dropped to her knees and gripped his shorts in her hands tightly. She looked up at him and he stared down with the same expression of curiosity and wonder. He didn’t stop her, not one word of protest. Wendy gripped the shorts tightly and pulled them down toward the floor. She stared in wonder that the thing of beauty before her. His cock stood proudly to attention, an inch and a half thick and a powerful six and a half inches long. Thick veins throbbed along it’s massive shaft. The very sight of it made her pussy tingle and that fire rose up from her core and started to burn through her body once more. Her nipples wanted to be touched, they ached for attention and she no longer wanted to be the once to give it. Acting on instinct, she gripped the thick cock in her hand and felt along the shaft. It was warm, almost hot. The thick veins throbbed with his heartbeat, she could feel them in her fingers. It sent tiny tingles up into her body.

Peter groaned. He tilted his head back and his eyes half closed as thick waves of pleasure rose up through him as Wendy’s fingers felt along his cock. Wendy looked up at him and grabbed his shirt. “I want you….” She pulling him off his feet and down on top of her. “I want you!”

They start kissing ravenously. Not stopping. She clawed at his clothing and yanked at his shirt. She pulled it up and over his head, tossing it away, revealing his smooth skin. Wendy’s hands caressed his lithe form, the well developed muscles of his chest and back. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. Peter broke off the kiss and looked down at her. She was panting gently with a little sweat on her forehead and a blush on her face. Before now she had just been someone else that had come along to Nederland to play, but now she was so much more to him.

His hands started moving, exploring her body, gently feeling every inch of her skin and each curve. His fingers brushed over the soft rise of her breast and the hardness of her nipple. Wendy shivered with pleasure as he passed over the area. He carried on lower, feeling her silky flesh lower and lower down her body. He felt the gentle mound of her sex. So hot, so wet and so soft. He rubbed the very entrance of her lips and she trembled under his touch. He wanted her so badly, more than anything he had ever wanted in his entire life.

They stop and stared at each other. “Can I keep you?” Peter whispered, staring at Wendy’s elegant and beautiful body underneath him. “I’m yours forever…” Wendy replied lovingly.

He leaned forward and kissed her patiently on the lips. She returned the kiss with just as much excitement. This was making Peter horny. The feeling of touching and kissing her was too much for him. Already a thick drop of precum hung on the end of his cock.

Wendy spread her legs for him and slowly guided his cock toward her tight entrance. He rubbed his throbbing purple head up and down the lips of her twat. She moaned deeply as the hot cock brushed against her clit. She couldn’t stand this teasing she wanted him so badly.

He caressed her breast with one hand, pinching her hard nipple between his fingers. Wendy squealed and wrapped her legs around Peters waist, pulling him forward and driving his cock into her. She gasped, almost cried out at the sudden shock of pain that crashed through her body as the thick member rammed into her insides. Peter froze, seeing that she was in pain. He slowly moved himself backwards, intending to pull out. Wendy glared up at him and tightened her legs, stopping him cold.  “No.” She demanded. “Wait. It doesn’t hurt so much now.”

The two of them lay there for another minute, perfectly still and Peter’s hard cock still inside her. She loved to feel it there, despite the initial pain. She could feel the veins throbbing along it’s massive shaft, which felt a thousand times bigger now that it was rubbing again and stretching the walls of her cunt. “Now.” She whispered to him. “Try moving now.”

Gently Peter started to slowly push his cock further into her. Wendy moaned, feeling more of that massive meat stretching up through her pussy, expanding it to it viginal limits. She felt like another half an inch would tear her in two and she loved it all. Every last blessed centimetre.

Peter pulled out slowly until almost an inch was left inside her and then thrust forward, filling Wendy to the limit again. She moaned deeply as he started picking up speed. Each thrust was harder than the last and the pleasure built up inside her, crashing through every corner of her body. Peter’s thrusts grew faster and more frenzied. A fire burned through his very core and it’s intensity flared up with each pump of his cock inside Wendy’s tight virgin twat.  “God, Peter. YES.” She screamed loudly.

Peter started thrusting faster, a pressure was building inside him. The waves o pleasure was growing. He felt like he was going to explode. Wendy wriggled beneath him. With every thrust of his massive member her small breasts shook and bounced but also wave after wave of ever growing ecstasy built up inside her. She didn’t know what this was leading to be she was loving it.  “Ohhh, God Peter. Yes. Harder” She groaned. She tightened her legs, pulling him deeper into her.

He doubled his effort. He’d gone too far t stop now. Even if Captain Hook and his whole band of pirate’s descended upon them he wouldn’t stop. Wendy’s screams grew louder and deeper. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight against her body. She almost wanted the two of them to merge into one being.

Peter tossed his head back and groaned deeply, feeling his balls blast their load into her tight little cunt. Wendy groaned as she felt Peter’s hot cum spread through her insides, coating every inch of her pussy in his juices. It was so hot, almost boiling inside her. She arched her back and cried out, feeling the explosion of climax consume her entire body.

Peter thrust a few more times, feeling the weak aftershocks of post-climax. Wendy trembled and moaned softly beneath him. Her satisfied expression said it all. Peter fell, his body suddenly weak. He lay on top of Wendy, unable to find the strength or the will to move. Wendy didn’t care. Her legs fell from his waist to the floor but she kept her arms around him. She never wanted to let him go. “That…was…ama…zing.” She said between many breaths. She could feel the sweat over her entire body and a warm creamy feeling between her legs as Peter’s cock slowly softened and his cum started leaking out of her.  “It…was.” Peter agreed, equally out of breath. “That…was…a great…game.”

She stared up at him. Was everything they had just done a game to him? Was that all he could ever truly be? Just a little boy having fun.

Peter looked down at her and kissed her passionately on the lips. Wendy fell into his embrace and even moaned softly as she felt his hot lips on hers. Her hands started to wander again, feeling the toned young body of the boy. Peter’s hands were also starting to move, heading up her torso and to her soft, if small, tits.  “Want to play a little more?” Peter asked. His cock was soft for the moment, but his hands still had the energy to continue until it was ready to go back into action.

He pinched her hard nipple, sending pleasurable sparks through her. Her worries were instantly forgotten. “Yes.” She replied.

The END!

Author is Englishwitch

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14th September 2010

Harry Potter. Commonroom fingering

Harry was sitting in the common room reading the half-blood princes book as he often did on a Friday afternoon. He had found a spell that caught his attention in the margin of a love potion page. It was a spell for the same affect, he read the scribble
”potion takes long to make and tricky to administer, spell should have stronger affect, easy application but memory loss of time under affect”
Harry had grown very horny around all these beautiful young ladies day in day out had wanted, needed to just fuck one, maybe two. He thought this could be perfect..but as he read on the prince noted the spell as failure with the side affects being both wizard and victim having green lines around their necks that glowed when in proximity.
Dissapointed he closed the book and glanced around the room. He saw Ginny and Dean over in one corner snogging with their backs to the rest of the room and ginny was moving her arm up and down slowly while dean mapped her young womans body(mainly her boobs) with his hands. Hermione was a few desks from harry pretending to read an Acient Runes book, but really she was glaring at Harrys copy of advanced potions and hating the halflood prince. She raised her book enough to hide her face and wand hand, then harry felt he familiar pressure of intrution of someone trying to read his mind. He hated his Oclomency lessons with Snape, but he had learned some tricks. So he projected a all consuming thought back at his intruder knowing already it to be his brunette bookworm friend. With her concentration broken he reeled her into his fantasy……
………Harry and Ginny sitting by the fireplace at the burrow alone talking about how good Ron and Hermione would look as a couple dressed for bed. He was just in a lite buttoned shirt and a loose pair of pants over his trainers, she was in a lite gown that Mrs. Weasly probably only just considered acceptable. They were pondering how long her brother and Granger could hide romance before Mrs weasley would intrrveine when their hands touching reaching for the last one of mrs. Weasleys homemade cookies. They both drew back, but harry pulled up enough courage to slide back over and drape his arm on her shoulders. His eyes ran up stream from her long smooth legs, across her tight young private area, along her strong yet sexy flat stomach, pausing on her blossoming breasts, hard and aroused before sedaling on her angelic face. He stared into her hazel eyes a good minute to be sure his thoughts were welcome before he slid his other hand up and cupped her right breast as they sank to the earthen rug and shared their first kiss…
….Harry’s passionate thoughts overwellmed Hermione to the point where she was having a hard time ignoring her own hot wet body. She could feel harry’s arousal as if her own, her breasts damanded attention as did her pussy. But the strong willed Gryfandor kept her disapline…
….the kiss went on forever with their tongues dancing the tango their hands tore at each others garments, she quickly had his shirt of and was running her hands across his strong thick chest. He had his hands up inside her gown and was toying with her left nipple while lightly groping her right breast. She rolled them both over with her now on top and he removed her gown, and watched her body move as she lifed up her arms causing her breasts to rise up. He admired her well toned abs and sides accenting her beautiful humble breasts as the shadows from the fireplace danced across her skin…
…it was too much for her now! She needed to get out of site and satisfy her bodys cravings, harrys images and feelings were just too much…
….ginnny glanced down at the giant bulge ramming into her tight threw the clothe, ficsating her attention to it. Weith harrys help she got his trousers off and took a second to take in the buety off his nude male form.
His body was the perfect combination of hammered stenght, lean fitness and hansome looks. Looking at his chest and arms she knew he could protect her and her family. Looking at his legs and ass she knew they could walk anywhere together and that they could always bring him back to her. And she knew that she got a gift in life that this beautiful face would be hers to look at every morning for all her life.
She leaned forward to kiss him as they both removed her soft cotton trainers and placed a hand on each others gift for the other….
….Overcome by thew passionate imagry she gave into her bodies demands. Plunging her hand deep into her skirt ad lowers she borrowed her middle digit with her wet moist folds and tended to her garden while her other had dug within her robes to her bossum and vigourously handeld it…
….as harry kissed her kneck he glanced down her body to the prize waiting for him, a well groomed moist hot cavern between her sexy legs, a welcome mat was the only hair there, he was growing impatient!
She took a second to covet time looking down to see it again, the boilocal wand poking her thigh, how she thirst to have it deep within her channeling his affection into her, satisfying her every want and need…
…now the whole common room was mesmarized by the Prefect locked in ectacy, atisfing her self in a leather chair in the middle of the room moaning and gasping as she twitched in delight.
Ginny was the first to try and help her friend regain her modesty, but to no avail..this was going to happen and all the gryfandors were going to see….
….ginny sat up and tossed her hair giggling,she was really going to enjoy the next part she reached down and wrapped her fingers around the chosen ones chosen one as she placed her other hand affectionately on her lovers chest “time for the big show, Mr Potter” and plunged herself onto him…………..

Author is ginnyssecretlover

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8th September 2010

Sexy comics story: Kimitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery. Chapter 3. Part 2.

Sexy comics story: Kimitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

Chapter III. How Much is That Kim in the Window? Part 2.

The 2nd part of “Kimitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery  Chapter III. How Much is That Kim in the Window?

Suddenly there was a scream of rage and Kim-45 appeared, snarling and throwing her naked body against the bars while trying to grab Monique. In shock, Monique staggered backwards against Tara and stepped on the blonde girl’s foot with all her weight. When Tara cried out in pain, Kim-45 immediately stopped clawing the air and dropped her arms. She stood there against the bars with a confused look on her face for several seconds, then went into a rage again.

“That was weird,” Bonnie said. “What just happened?”

“It was the behavior inhibitor,” Kim responded. “Hearing Tara in pain shut her down temporarily, even though she didn’t directly cause it.”

“You’re right,” Bonnie said thoughtfully. “They are different from the old clones.”

Tara hadn’t seen the earlier Kimclones in person, just on the TV show, and she marvelled at how much this one resembled Kim. Of course, her hair was a mess, but you wouldn’t expect a mindless clone to worry about personal grooming. “She looks like she just stepped out of the shower.”

“Maybe she did. The automatic hosedown happens several times a day.”

The clone was still trying to grab someone, and made inarticulate sounds of rage over the fact that she could not reach. “Hold her arms,” Kim said. “I’ll take one wrist and you get the other. Now.”

Kim and Bonnie each latched onto one of K45’s wrists. Needless to say, this upset her even more, and she struggled to get her hands free, making sounds of intermixed anger and distress. But they managed to hold onto to her and she eventually quit fighting so hard, finally getting it through her almost empty head that she was wasting her time. She continued to snarl at them and made periodic attempts to break free, but for the most part she was quiescent.

Kim spoke to the clone in a soothing voice. “That’s better, baby girl. No one is going to hurt you. Monique, take this arm.” After the other girl did so, she said, “Ease off, you’re pulling her against the bars too hard. We don’t want to hurt her.”

Kim approached the cell slowly, again making calming sounds. The clone again tried to get her hands free and went into another frenzy of growling. Kim reached through the bars and stroked her gently on the neck. K45 tried to bite, but of course could not reach her own neck. Kim continued caressing her neck, getting her used to the idea of being touched. Then she started running her hands slowly and gently all over the clone’s naked body, gradually working her way into the intimate areas.

K45 appeared to be confused by these strange new sensations, but the sounds she was making were no longer angry in nature. Kim softly spoke to her again. “You like that, don’t you? Tara, come and take over. Just feel her up all over. But don’t make any sudden movements. Take it slow and gentle.”

Tara cautiously approached the cell and started handling K45 as the real Kim had done. She also continued the calming sweet talk, telling K45 what a good girl she was and so on. The clone was shaking a little as Tara gently squeezed the tits and stroked the nipples. Now K45 was making sounds more like a normal girl under the same stimulation.

K45 was not trying to get her hands free any more, concentrating more on the feelings going through her body. Kim slowly took the hand Bonnie was holding and placed it on Bonnie’s tit, closing the clone’s fingers around it. K45 seemed to like touching it, as her little sounds of pleasure increased. Taking Kim’s lead, Monique did the same with the hand she was holding, placing it on her own tit. Kim took off her top and bra, then transferred the hand on Bonnie to her own bare tit. K45’s eyes were closed now and she was breathing harder, making her seem even more like a normal girl.

By now Bonnie was topless too, so she took K45’s other hand away from Monique and pressed it on her tit. She manipulated the fingers to brush her nipples.

Monique stuck her face though the bars and started sucking K45’s tits, causing the clone to moan and rest her chin on one of the crossbars. Tara began rubbing her pussy, making the moaning louder. K45’s body started to writhe, and she opened her legs wider.

“Wow, that was handy,” Tara said. “I was wondering how I would get her legs open. I think I’ll lick her now. You said she was clean, right?”

“Sure. Do her. But if you finger her too, be careful of her cherry.”

Tara looked at Kim in surprise. “Does that really matter? I mean, it’s not as if she is saving herself for some guy. She doesn’t even know she has a cherry.”

“Just remember that she’s fully intact. She hasn’t ridden horses or bicycles and she hasn’t diddled herself. She’s like an 50s-style Ozzie and Harriet virgin who hasn’t done anything. It might hurt if you break her, or at least make her uncomfortable. It might distract her from sex and we could wind up fighting her again.”

“Good point. I’ll be careful.” Tara gently spread K45 open and made a tentative lick, then analyzed the taste. Just like Kim, she thought. Well, duh, Tara, she IS Kim. She started licking in earnest. With one hand she gently probed into the pussy. With the other, she unzipped her jeans, pushed her hand into her panties, and started playing with herself.

By now the other girls were diddling themselves as well, while still stimulating K45. The clone was now moaning nonstop and thrashing her head around, totally oblivious to anything other than the sensations flowing through her. Tara was licking and fingering her, Monique was sucking her tits, Bonnie was squeezing her hand between her own tits, Kim was rubbing K45’s other hand against her pussy.

“Wow,” Bonnie panted. “She’s really enjoying it.”

“Well, it is her first time. It’s kind of overwhelming for her.”

They continued on like that for several minutes. “I think she’s gonna cum,” Kim said. “Let’s try to cum with her.” Kim put K45’s hand on her shoulder, to avoid dropping it and walked up her arm to the bars. She put her own arm around her duplicate’s back in case she collapsed after cumming. Then she did herself feverishly.

Everyone came pretty close together, including K45, who screamed from the force of it. Her body spasmed several times. Then she started crying. Sure enough, she went limp and would have fallen down if Kim had not been holding her. After recovering from their own orgasms, the girls reached through the bars and eased K45 down to the floor, handing her off to each other at the crossbars.

The clone continued crying for a minute or two and then fell asleep.

“Is she okay?” Monique asked.

“Sure. They always do this the first time. It’s just a little intense to cum when you don’t even know what sex is.”

One of K45’s feet was sticking out of the bars. Kim pushed it back inside and then closed the outer door.

“That was fun,” Tara said. “Are we going to try a Bonnie now? After we rest a little?”

“I have no problem with it,” Bonnie said. “It’ll be a little weirder for me, but if Kim can handle it, so can I.”

“Okay, we can do a B-model,” Kim said, “but not one of these. This time we’re going through the other door so we can walk on the wild side.”

“Having sex with clones isn’t wild enough?”

to be continued…

Author is Jackrabbit

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1st September 2010

Adult Cartoon Story: Kitty’s New York Adventure. X-Men: Evolution. Chapter II. The Baxter Building. Part 1.

Kitty’s New York Adventure X-Men: Evolution.

Chapter II. The Baxter Building. Part 1.

Continue of adult cartoon story  “Kitty’s New York Adventure. X-Men: Evolution.  Chapter I. Are We There Yet? “.

They were close enough to New York now to see the buildings. Amara was at the controls of the Blackbird, under Jean’s supervision of course. Several of the junior team members and trainees had been able to take the controls for a brief period. New England to New York was too short a trip for much flight training. At least not in an aircraft capable of Mach 4.

Not everybody could fit on the SR-77 anyway. The remaining attendees from the mansion, mostly the adults, were following at a more sedate pace in the X-copter.

As the Blackbird approached the Baxter Building, world famous home of the Fantastic Four, Jean took the controls. “Sorry, Amara, you’re not quite ready for a rooftop landing.”

As the X-kids filed out of the Blackbird, they found a woman waiting for them at the end of the ramp. She wasn’t wearing any sort of uniform or costume, so Kitty assumed she was a normal. Support staff or something.

“Welcome, everyone,” the woman said. “You are the X-Men, right? My name is Margie, and I work in the Public Relations department of Stark Enterprises. We have been loaned to the FF for the purpose of coordinating this shindig. If you will all follow me, you can pick out your rooms. Your luggage will be brought down for you. If it doesn’t have identification on it, please mark it now. I have tags.”

Only a couple of the kids needed to add tags, so a few minutes later they were on a lower floor.

“I hope these rooms will be adequate,” Margie said. “They are really for storage and we hastily moved in beds and spruced them up a little. There are only a couple of bathrooms on this floor, but you are free to use those on other floors. We considered putting everyone in a hotel, but it will be a little more convenient for you not having to commute. You can just use elevators rather than taxis. If anyone would prefer to stay at a hotel, you may certainly do so.”

“I certainly don’t have a problem with the accommodations,” Jean said. “We’re here to meet super heroes, not to be pampered.”

The others murmured agreement.

Margie smiled. “All right. Pick out your rooms. Even though they aren’t luxurious, there are a lot of them, so nobody has to double up. When you’re settled, we’ll go back up for the mixer.” She grinned. “If you want to meet heroes, we’ve got some for ya.”

The X-kids scrambled around to select a room. While they would have had no problems doubling up, there was no reason to. At the mansion, having a private room didn’t mean you slept alone. It would be the same here, though they would have to be more discreet about it.

As they dispersed, Jean stopped them. “Wait!” She turned back to Margie. “For this mixer, do we wear our uniforms?”

“It’s up to you. Some of the others will be wearing them, but in many cases it is because they wear masks and can’t wear civvies without revealing their identities. If you don’t mind anyone seeing your face, you can dress either way.”

“Let’s wear them,” Kitty said. “That way we’ll look like we belong and are not just a bunch of kids on a field trip.”

After grabbing a room, the kids waited for their bags to arrive, but were too excited to unpack now. They extracted just enough of their belongings to change and freshen up, then re-congregated with Margie in the hall.

The Baxter Building didn’t have ballrooms, so the reception was being held in one of the huge research areas. All kinds of bizarre equipment had been pushed up against a far wall and there appeared to be some sort of force field to prevent anyone from coming in contact with it.

But Kitty didn’t pay much attention to the room. The occupants were far more interesting. Even though the x-kids were too intimidated to get very far into the room, the personalities were easy to identify from a distance. Especially the big ones, like the Thing and She-Hulk.

Kitty wanted to get a closer look, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She was afraid of saying something stupid and embarrassing herself in front of the most famous people in the world.

So the group just hovered there near the wall, at the party but not part of it.

Just as Kitty picked out the Professor in the distant group of people, Amara suddenly started punching Kitty in the ribs urgently. “Oh my god, look who’s coming!”

Kitty snapped her head in that direction and immediately felt sparks in the pit of her stomach. It was Sue Richards!

As Kitty had feared, the Invisible Woman was coming right toward them. Even though she was in panic, Kitty was stunned by how fucking gorgeous she was.

Sue stopped a few feet away, hands on hips and a chiding expression on her face. “C’mon now, what are all of you doing over here? The party’s over there.”

Sue took Kitty and Amara by the hand and pulled them away from the wall, then regarded the others with amusement. “The rest of you come too. Don’t make me use my force field to herd you.”

The group reluctantly detached themselves from the wall and followed as Sue almost dragged Kitty and Amara. Sue could feel Kitty trembling. “Will you please relax? They all want to meet you. From what we hear, you have every right to be here.”

Kitty’s heart almost stopped as they reached the assembled heroes. The Thing was even more imposing than she had expected, especially for someone her size. He was fucking huge.

Sue addressed the group. “Everybody, I would like to present the X-Men. Professor Xavier, would you introduce your charges?”

The Professor rolled over to join his team, then introduced them individually, including a brief display of each mutant’s power.

Kitty simply phased her arm through Jean’s body, waving her hand as the arm stuck out of Jean’s stomach. She got a thrill out of the look of surprise on their faces. Apparently they hadn’t seen that one.

Scott hesitated when it was his turn. “Uh, I can’t show you my power without breaking something.”

“Hit me with it,” Sue said. “I can shield myself.”

Scott was nervous about using his power against a friendly, but let her have it once assured the invisible shield was in place and could take the hit. The superheroes murmured at the display of destructive force.

Jean lifted everyone into the air a few feet, including herself, the Professor, and even the Thing.

to be continued…

Author is Jackrabbit

Continue of  “Kitty’s New York Adventure. X-Men: Evolution.  Chapter I. Are We There Yet? “.
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25th August 2010

Ben 10 sex story: Small problem. Chapter II.

Ben 10 sex story: Small problem. Chapter II.

Continue of  “Ben 10: Small problem. Chapter I“.

Ben saw his chance. If he could bombard her with enough compliments perhaps he could escape this without further injury. Taking a deep breath he launched himself into his rant. “Of course. They’re gorgeous. At my size they’re the size of grandpa’s Winnebago. They’re two enormous sexy balloons of flesh and just looking at them is getting me sexually aroused. Their size, their shape. The size and colour of those nipples and their hardness; they are the most perfect specimens of preteen mammary’s that could possibly exist.”

Gwen stared down at him, almost dumbfounded. She had never heard anyone say anything so beautiful about her body before. Ben had never paid her so many compliments in one go before. Even if they had been delivered under the threat of pain they still reached her and made a smile spread on her face. “Oh Ben. Thank you.”

She loosened the grip of her fist and shifted and changed it. She pulled him in close, pressing him between her breasts in an extremely weird mismatched hug, sing her hands instead of her arms to hold him close to her body. Ben could hardly breath as he was squashed between the two fleshy mountains. They were a lot more firm than they looked but still had a little give as he rubbed his hands over them. He was panicking, waving his arms around, trying to get Gwen’s attention. He did just that, but not in the way he wanted. The rubbing and pressure at the base of her young tits, and her body already aroused after her interrupted masturbation, new waves of pleasure began to build up inside her and her pussy jumped out of it’s pause mode and her desire to finger herself returned with new vigour.

Allowing her hand to find its way down to her moistening cunt, she closed her eyes and envisioned Ben laying on top of her, shirtless. His cool, strong hands sliding over her back, squeezing her ass tightly. As she slid two fingers into her tight snatch she imagined it was Ben pressing himself gently inside her. She was so hot and wet, the juice ran over her fingers.

She’d never fantasised about her cousin before but it was turning her on more than anything else she had ever pictured.  “GWENNNN!!!” His high cut through her fantasy and she remembered that she was pressing her cousin against her breasts. She pulled him back and stared down at him, strange thoughts were in her head and the pounding urges coming from her pussy weakened her ability to resist them. She pulled Ben away from her chest and gripped him tightly in her hand again.  “I’m not putting you down yet, dear cousin.” She said in a seductive voice. “Not until I’ve finished with you. And you’d better co-operate or I’ll tell Grandpa about you peeking on my in the shower and using your aliens to pull pranks again.”

Ben fell silent. Grandpa didn’t like him using his alien forms for personal gain and pranks. If he thought that Ben was peeking on Gwen in the shower he’d kill him. Gwen knew she’d won against him. Her smile spread on her face and gently lowered him down. Grey Matter was six inches tall, larger than any of her fingers and he would move, touching parts she would never reach.

Ben’s already large eyes grew wider as he realised what she was doing. Her dripping pussy drew closer. He could see the bulb of her clit. Using two fingers she spread her lips wide and he caught sight of the delicate pink folds of her insides. Her scent, it was so delightful.

Gwen moaned softly, sliding Ben into her tight cunt. She closed her eyes and had to lean against the wall to stop herself collapsing to the floor. He was spreading her so wide, his limbs were moving, so small and yet so strong, feeling, rubbing grabbing and touching her in places she never knew she could be touched. “oh God Ben. Oh Yes.” She gasped breathlessly. Her face felt hot, she couldn’t tell what was water from the shower and what was sweat.

She squeezed her breasts in her hands pinching her hard nipples between her fingers She moaned deeply. Lightning bolts of ecstasy shot up through her body.  “Ahh…Ben. God yes, just like that.” Ben was squirming hard, twisting and turning through her insides and sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing through her. Gwen rubbing hard on her nipples.

She palmed her breasts and gave them a hard squeeze; she bit her lower lip and groaned. She moved her hands in a circular motion massaging them hard. She wished it was Ben doing it for her. She squeezed her thighs together, Ben couldn’t escape from her now. There was nowhere for him to go but deeper inside. The heat that was spreading from her core to her hips to her waist was driving her wild. With each wave of orgasmic pleasure she squealed loudly, not caring if anyone could hear her through the walls of the hotel.

“Ahhh…Fuck.” Her legs gave way and she slid to the floor of the shower. She arched her back a little as she writhed around. Her hips thrust at the air, working with Ben’s movements, feeling the power of his twists and turns driving her orgasm towards her like a juggernaut. She pinched her nipples so hard she broke the skin and drops of blood leaked out. But it felt so good.

It was just the thought that it was Ben doing this to her that seemed to magnify the power of her growing ecstasy. “Oh what a dirty, dirty girl, you are, Gwen” she thought through the haze of pleasure. She writhed on the floor, feeling the hot water raining down over her flesh. She looked down between her legs. Tiny bumps rose and fell on her flesh as Ben squirmed through her. She through her head back as a fresh wave crashed through her. Only one thought entered her mind and it made her cry out on ecstasy. It was the thought of Ben, in human form doing this to her with his cock. His piercing green eyes staring into her own as they both drove each other toward their climax’s.

“Oh God-” She gasped. Ben felt like he was doing flips inside her cunt. “SHIT.” She cursed, as she felt her walls being pushed to their limits. “Oh GOD, BENNNN.”

She threw her head on the side, her face contorted with lust and want. She did not even see the juices that flowed out of her core. Bolts of pleasure shot through her body, sending her into complete ecstasy. She groaned loudly as her orgasm rocked her. It wouldn’t stop, it was like an earthquake in through every cell of her body. She didn’t know what Ben was doing to her but it was driving her insane.

She twitched wildly as the major power of the orgasm started fading. She couldn’t stop. There was more movement. Ben was twisting around inside her, moving around. What the hell was he doing?  “Gwen.” He was pushing his way out of her, she could feel her lips spreading. She gasped, moaned and cried out as he made his way out. There was a sudden feeling of emptiness that she didn’t like but the powerful feeling of satisfaction over her body made her feel a little better.

Ben and his tiny form stepped out and away from her. His body was covered in the slime of her juices and stared up at her with a very blank expression. He didn’t know what to think after what he had just been through. Gwen looked between her legs, at her tiny alien-formed cousin. There was a strange smile on her face, was of deep fulfilment. “OK.” She said breathlessly. Her face was flushed and her eyes were a little out of focus. “Now I’m finished with you.”  “Yeah.” Ben said, he sounded shocked to the core. His tiny hands were shaking as he walked away. He climbed out of the shower and onto the bathroom floor. “Yeah.” He muttered again. No matter how long he lived he didn’t think he would ever get over that. The horror, the disgust, the pure sickness of Gwen and her actions, but most of all, that fact that he actually found himself enjoying it towards the end.

The light on his back started to flash red. A second later he was human. There was a temptation to turn an look through the shower curtain at his thoroughly sated cousin. But he just wandered to the door and left her alone. Back in his human body and faced with a naked Gwen, he was no longer sure what he would do.

The END!

Author is Englishwitch

Ben 10: Small problem. Chapter I.
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