Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.
Amara was squeezing Rogue’s tits as she sucked. Kitty was envious, because Rogue was the only girl in the room who really had any. She was seventeen, so she was a little farther along in development than the rest of them. Kitty had always wanted to play with those tits, but never could. What Amara went through for that privilege just wasn’t worth it to her. But she was glad Rogue finally had someone she could be intimate with. And at least she could look at the tits, and watch Amara handle them.
Without breaking her rhythm, Kitty felt around the bed for the container of lube. With her other hand, she found Tiffany’s asshole and poked it.
“Oh!” Tiffany exclaimed. “You’ve never touched me there before.”
“Do you like it?” Kitty worked her finger all around the asshole, putting pressure on it, but not entering.
“I don’t know. Kinda. It feels different. You can go inside if you want to. Just take it easy.”
Kitty put lube on her little finger and probed again, then pushed on into the smaller girl’s asshole, at the same time resuming the blowjob. She worked the finger in and out, gradually going deeper, until the finger was all the way inside. Then she switched to a bigger, and of course longer, finger.
“That feels nice,” Tiffany said softly. “Between that and your mouth, you are really getting me hard. But just the finger is filling me up. I don’t know how you guys can do that with dicks.”
“Well, you do have to take it slow. And use a lot of lube, of course. You’ll find out, because soon you’re gonna be putting your dick in my ass.”
“Can’t wait. Just show me what to do. Hey, put some lube on my finger and I’ll put it in Amara’s asshole too.”
“You can use a couple of fingers with her. She’s had a little more action in there.” Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.
As always when Kitty was at the wheel, Jean was in white-knuckle mode. Riding with Kitty was far scarier than fighting supervillains. But as the gate to the mansion came into view, she began to think that she might survive this. She was so relieved that she didn’t say anything when Kitty phased the whole SUV through the gate. After all, the SUV was no big deal after phasing the X-jet through a mountain or one freight train through another.
Kitty parked in the garage, somehow managing not to destroy it, and handed Jean the keys. “Thanks for letting me practice, Jean. Be sure to tell me when you want to go anywhere else.” She grabbed her packages and jumped out, heading for the door to the inside. “Whoo hoo, I’m getting better.”
“Better at what?” Jean muttered to herself. “Making me a nervous wreck? I think I’ll just never leave the mansion again until she gets her real license.”
Kitty was on her way to Amara’s room when she heard footsteps behind her. “Kitty, wait up.”
“Oh, hi, Tiffany. I was just going to show Amara this new stuff. They had a sale at Teen Scene.”
“Can I see them too? It always helps me to learn what looks good and what doesn’t.”
“Sure. But you don’t need as much help as you used to. The last time we went to the mall, I hardly had to correct anything.”
Reaching her destination, Kitty knocked, but Amara was slow to answer. There was some rustling, then she heard, “who is it?”
“It’s me. And Tiffany.”
She heard some more noises, then Amara opened the door and pulled them inside.
“I was just dropping by,” Kitty said. “I wanted to show you this cute—” She broke off as she saw Rogue lying on the bed, wearing only a bra on top. “Oh, shit. You’ve got company. Hey, Rogue. We didn’t mean to disturb you guys.” Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.
The meeting was being held in one of the briefing rooms downstairs. The girls were chattering away, anxious to hear what the Professor was going to say. All of the angst from earlier was gone, the mood now light, almost jovial. They were no longer dealing with this issue alone, and they had total confidence that the Professor had solved the problem, or would soon do so.
Kitty had been astonished to find Danielle Moonstar at the meeting, who she hadn’t seen since Jubilee’s party several weeks ago. Even though she was not a resident, there was only reason she could be at this particular gathering. “Do you have the, uh, condition?”
But the professor was rolling into the room, so Danielle only had time for a quick nod. Everyone sat down.
“Good evening, ladies. I’ll make this brief, because there isn’t much to say. One, every one of you here has the condition.” He smiled. “But then, most of you already knew that. What was that name you gave it, Jean?”
“Mad Dong Disease.”
The Professor waited for the laughter to subside. “Two, it is likely permanent. Note that I just mean the capability, not whether it is manifested or not. Three, the inability to morph back to female during an erection will remain. It has to do with the blood accumulated in the organ during the erection, which has an impact on the reverse morph back to female. When it is just tissue, there is complete freedom to morph in both directions. This is just an inconvenience, of course. Four, the one you are most anxious to hear about, I am positive I can solve the involuntary morph problem. We will try normal human methods first, such as ordinary hypnosis. There is a good likelihood that these will be sufficient. If not, I will put a block directly in your minds, similar to the one for Tiffany’s claws. With your permission, of course. But the involuntary morphs will soon be a thing of the past, no matter how sexually aroused you get. I will set up a schedule to work with all of you on this.”
The girls breathed a collective sigh of relief and applauded.
“Oh, and speaking of Tiffany’s mental block, I am impressed by the great progress she has made in becoming a part of our family. If she continues to improve at this rate, I will be removing her block at a time not far in the future. That is all I have. I hope you are reassured by this news.” Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.
Kitty glanced through the fashion magazine that Jean had given her as she headed toward her room. As she rounded the corner, she noticed Tiffany coming toward her. The younger girl looked a lot different with her new blonde hair. The blue streaks made her look even less like a killing machine. Kiss our ass, Hydra! Kitty thought.
“Hi, Kitty,” Tiffany said. The greeting would have been a remarkable occurence even a few days ago.
Kitty returned it, complimenting her on the hair again, and continued on down the hall. Then she got a “what’s wrong with this picture” type of feeling, and looked back as Tiffany rounded the corner. The brief side view heightened her sense of not-quite-right and she hurried back the way she had come. “Tiffany, stop!!”
When Tiffany turned around, her worst fears were realized. The girl had a full hardon, clearly visible in the lightweight dress she was wearing. She wasn’t trying to hide it or anything. “Tiffany, what in the hell are you doing?”
“Huh? I was going to make a sandwich.”
“No, no, I mean what are you doing with that in plain sight?” She pointed to clarify what “that” was.
“Oh, that. I was going to ask you about that. I don’t know where it came from. But I was hungry and wanted the sandwich first.”
“Forget the fucking sandwich!” Kitty said. “C’mon, we have to get you out of sight.” She placed the magazine over the offending bulge. “Now hold that there. We’re going to my room, quick.”
Kitty hoped they wouldn’t meet anybody on the way, but of course they ran into Tabitha.
“Hey, guys, have you seen Amara?”
“No, I don’t know where she is,” Kitty said nervously.
“Thanks anyway. I’ll find her. Tiffany, you look great. Now I’m all pissed off that I’m not the only blonde around here.” Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.
“Give me a few minutes,” Amara said, “and then you can start up again.”
Kitty was still going strong, panting with each thrust. “I’m not gonna last much longer.”
“I want to taste Kitty’s cum,” Amara said suddenly. “Put me where she can cum in my mouth instead of in you. You already got some of her cum.”
Jean obliged by lowering Amara, at a head down angle, until her face was right above the pussy that Kitty was pounding feverishly. “Did you hear, Kitty? When you cum, pull out and let Amara have it.”
“Yeah, got it,” Kitty panted. “I’ll try.”
Kitty was getting close, a fact that was highly obvious to the other two girls. “Uhhhhhhh, I’m cumming!”
“Me, too!” Jean cried.
As requested, Kitty pulled out and thrust her hips upward, putting the dick in the vicinity of Amara’s mouth. The other girl clamped on just as Kitty squealed and the dick started to spew cum.
“Gmmmmppphf,” Amara said eloguently as her mouth filled with cum. She wasn’t quite able to keep up with the flow either, so some cum spilled over on Jean.
Kitty hung there suspended, wiped out, while Jean brought Amara over so that she could resume the blowjob. She soon had Amara moaning again, while a recovered Kitty spread her asscheeks and alternately licked her asshole and fingered it. Both girls handled Amara’s body.
Finally Amara gasped. “Put me down, Jean. I have to cum.”
Jean quickly lowered Amara to the floor, where she opened what appeared to be a closet and went inside. Less urgently, Jean brought Kitty and herself down to watch. They had seen the containment chamber in use before, but suspected it might be different this time and didn’t want to miss the show.
The chamber looked very much like a large shower stall with a full-width glass side. The material wasn’t actually glass, but it was equally transparent, so that Amara and her sex partners could at least see each other, even though they couldn’t touch. The chamber had an integral bench seat, similar to that of a sauna. Read the rest of this entry »
Harry Fucks Luna
By: Emptiness1
Note: This is after Harry comes back into Hogwarts through Aberforth’s Bar and into the Room of Requirement.
“Get under here,” Harry told Luna, pulling out the Invisibility Cloak and throwing it over both of them.
It melted away at his touch and they slipped outside. Harry glanced back and saw that it had resealed itself at once. They were standing in a dark corridor. Harry pulled Luna back into the shadows, fumbled in the pouch around his neck, and took out the Marauder’s Map. Holding it close to his nose he searched, and located his and Luna’s dots at last.
“We’re up on the fifth floor,” he whispered, watching filch moving away from them, a corridor ahead. “Come on, this way.”
They crept off.
“Yes, this is good,” Harry said while looking down at Luna’s dirty blonde hair.
“What do you mean?—I thought we were heading towards the statue of Ravenclaw” Said Luna confused as to what was going on.
“Well I have to admit I’ve had a crush on you for some time now. I’ve always found you very attracting.” Harry said quite uneasily.
“Wow really? Do you really mean that? What about Ginny and Neville?” Luna Said with a sound of wanting in her voice.
And at that moment Harry reached through Luna’s robes and into her panties to reach her wet pussy.
“You don’t seem to really care about Neville or Ginny Luna.” As a matter of fact, I think you want this as much as I do. Harry said with confidence in his voice. Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.
Jean was sitting up in bed reading. Occasionally she glanced at the clock, wondering when Kitty was going to show up. Finally there was a knock on the door. As Jean opened it, she said, “About time you got here. I was— Oh! Hi, Amara. Come on in, you two.”
The three of them sat on the bed. Jean smiled. “Uh, what can I do for you?”
“Same as before,” Kitty said. “I’m going to fuck you with my dick.”
Jean’s jaw dropped. “I thought you didn’t want anyone to know about that. I mean, I knew you guys were close, but…”
“And then,” Amara interrupted, “I’m going to fuck you with my dick.”
“What? You have one too?”
“We’ve been, like, comparing notes,” Kitty said, “and it seems like we’re both in the same boat.”
“Yeah, we both have the same problem. Sometimes we can’t make them go away.”
Jean looked at Amara with wide eyes. “That was what happened at the mall? When we thought you were sick?” At the other girl’s nod, she said, “I guess I need to run all the tests on you, too. Even if everything comes out the same, that would tell the Professor something. Yet there could be significant differences too, and that would be useful to know as well. But we can do that tomorrow.” She grinned. “Looks like I’m going to get even less sleep than I thought.”
“Ever since I found out about Kitty,” Amara said, “I’ve been wondering if it’s been happening to any of the other girls. I mean, if they think they’re the only ones, like we did, they aren’t gonna broadcast it.”
“That just occurred to me too,” Jean said, “but there’s no way to know unless they come forward and ask for help, like Kitty did. Or have an accident, like you almost did. I mean, I can’t just go up to Rogue, for instance, and say, ‘Hey, do you have your dick yet? I’m still waiting for mine.’ She would think I was insane.” Jean looked thoughtful. “I will check with Storm, though, to see if she’s heard about any weirdness. Some girls might have gone to her instead of me, though I think the Professor would have told me.”
“On the other hand,” Kitty said, “maybe you should call a girls-only meeting and just tell everyone what is going on. I mean, like, just say what is happening, not who it is happening to. We don’t know what is causing it. It might be spreading like a virus or something, and knowing about it could prevent all the girls from getting it.” Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.
“Wow,” Kitty said, “the mall is busy for a weeknight.”
“They’ve got some kind of promotion going,” Jean said. “A bunch of the stores are participating.”
“I love this mall,” Tabitha said. “I was heartbroken when you guys trashed it fighting the Brotherhood. It took them weeks to repair it.”
Jean sighed. “We trashed the mall and Wanda trashed us. She really caused most of the damage by making our powers go wild.” She pointed. “That stairway over there is the one Scott accidentally destroyed. Well, it’s the replacement, I mean.”
“Speaking of Scott,” Kitty said, “I thought you were going to spend time with him tonight.”
Jean grimaced. “I thought I was too, but there’s a football game on.”
Amara looked at her in surprise. “But you like sports. You went out for a bunch when you were at Bayville High.”
“I like playing sports myself, not watching overpaid gorillas do it.”
“So where are we going first?” Tabitha asked. “This is your show, X-23. Er, I mean Tiffany.”
X-23/Tiffany shrugged. “How should I know? I know as much about fashion as a water buffalo. I’ve never even been in a fucking mall before.” She looked at Kitty with a mildly annoyed expression. “When you said I should go to one, I didn’t know you meant tonight.”
“Well, then, you’re in our hands. I see a complete makeover in your future.”
Kitty giggled. “She can’t be made over if she was never made in the first place. We’re starting from scratch here. All she has is what you-know-which-organization-of-assholes made her wear.”
“Whoa,” Tabitha said. “A clean slate. Let’s do her up right. Clothes, makeup, new hair color, tattoos, piercings…”
“Let’s not get carried away,” Jean said. “We sure as hell shouldn’t do anything that can’t be undone. Let her get her bearings first, for Christ’s sake. Then if she wants stuff like that, she can decide for herself.” Read the rest of this entry »
Continue of A Little Rogue Goes a Long Way.
Kitty was starving, as she had missed breakfast. Since it was not a mealtime, she expected to find the kitchen table empty. But she was startled to find X-23 sitting there with a bowl of cereal. Kitty hesitated, then went on in. She poured her own bowl of cereal, then went over to the table. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”
X-23 glanced up with her usual scowl, then returned to her cereal. “Whatever.”
When X-23 had first arrived, everyone had been scared to death of her, since she was basically a killing machine in human form and angry at the world to boot. But they found out later that the Professor had agreed to let her stay as long as she allowed him to put a mental block on her. With the block in effect, she was incapable of unsheathing her adamantium claws inside the Institute, or anywhere on the grounds. The lone exception was the Danger Room, and even then only during an exercise.
Even though she wasn’t quite as dangerous with her claws disabled, most of the residents of the Institute still avoided her whenever possible, as she still retained her anti-social tendencies, and the only person she could relate to even remotely was Mr. Logan. Still, Kitty tried to reach out to her on occasion, such as when she invited X-23 to the Jubilee party. X-23 didn’t have a good time, of course, since she wasn’t capable of it, but at least she stayed in the corner and didn’t disrupt everyone else’s fun. It was sort of a symbolic victory that she was there.
Kitty sat there in silence, working on her cereal. Even if X-23 had been willing to talk, what was there to talk about? She just couldn’t relate to anyone else. Even Mr. Logan had had a childhood once. X-23 never had one.
At least X-23 had decent table manners. Kitty had been surprised by that, since her only purpose was killing, but then she was intended to be an assassin, so perhaps she had been trained to blend in with society, even though she wasn’t a part of it.
Finally Kitty thought of something to say. “Good work in the training session yesterday.”
X-23 looked at her with no expression. “Of course I was good. I was designed for it. I have no other purpose.” Read the rest of this entry »
Chapter1. A Not-So-Little Problem
Kitty sat in the living room glumly. The problem she was having seemed insurmountable, and the stress of trying to deal with it was starting to get to her. She had to do something, but she had no idea what. She didn’t really want to tell anyone. It was just too fucking embarrassing. But there was no way she could resolve it by herself.
The Professor was the logical choice, with maybe Dr. McCoy in second place, but she couldn’t tell a man about it. It would be hard enough with a woman. She was torn between going to Ororo or Jean. The former was the only adult female mutant, but Kitty was closer to the latter and had confided in her about other things. Just nothing as weird as this. After thinking abort it for a couple of hours, virtaully oblivious to the comings and goings of others, she finally decided on Jean. She sighed and went to look for her. After asking around, she found Jean in the library, working on the lecture she planned to give to the trainees later in the week.
Kitty hesitated, not wanting to disturb her, but she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to get up her nerve a second time. “Jean?”
“Hi, Kitty,” Jean said. “Haven’t seen much of you the last couple of days.”
“I’m, uh, kinda dealing with something. I was wondering if I can talk to you about it.”
“I’m a little busy. Can it wait for a couple of hours? Or is it urgent?”
Kitty bit her lip. “Well, I guess I wouldn’t call it urgent. Okay, I’ll find you later.” She turned to leave.
“Wait, Kitty.” Even without telepathy, she could tell that Kitty was disturbed about something. “Let’s talk now. I have a couple of days to work on this. Do you want to talk here or someplace private?”
“In private. Absolutely. No way do I want anyone else to hear this.”
Jean left her materials on the desk and took Kitty to her room, making sure she locked the door. Then the two of them lounged on the bed. “Okay, Kittycat, spill.”
Kitty didn’t know how to start. Finally, she said, “I’ve been having a little problem for a few weeks. Let’s see, I think it started somewhere around the time of Jubilee’s welcome-back party. I don’t remember it before that anyway.”
“What kind of problem? Personal? Sexual? Something to do with your mutant power?”
“All of the above,” Kitty said morosely. “I don’t think it has anything to do with my phasing power, but I’ve never heard of something like this happening to a normal. And all kinds of weird things have happened around here. Though usually not as weird as this.” Read the rest of this entry »
Link appeared in another part of the castle. It was another open sky garden, this time overlooking a bedroom with a heavy wooden door leading to it. He did not understand why he had been brought here. “What are you doing here?” he heard a voice say from the bedroom. Zelda appeared before him again by a window in the stone. “Should you not be on your way with my blessing?”
“I was brought here by Impa. I don’t understand why.”
Already Zelda understood better. At least if Impa had chosen to send him here, then there was a purpose to all of this.
“Come to my room,” she said, her tone now softer. I don’t know why you’re here, but I’m sure we’ll understand soon.” She opened the door leading in.
As he walked towards her, still in wonder from all the richness of the castle, part of the stone wall from the courtyard twisted, revealing a secret passageway from which a very disoriented Ganondorf appeared. Turning and seeing the intruder, Link swiftly drew sword and shield. In response, Ganondorf started invoking a ball of energy.
“Stop!” Zelda yelled before realising what she had said. But her words were unnecessary for the boy had already lowered his weapon and the Gerudo dissipated his attack. For a moment, they were all silent and still, feeling something deep and mystical in the air but unsure of how to act. Finally, Zelda understood as she looked at each of their triforce signs shining as never before. The princess knew what was to come, but how to explain to the two others… Read the rest of this entry »
As it is three Goddesses came down from the skies
Let not the duality of man and woman perplex you
For through three has creation been brought
And through three was a road drawn
A triforce created, given to the worthy
Two to caretakers, the remaining to a life giver
From power to courage and courage to wisdom
Light shall reveal the path of truth
Zelda stopped reading out loud and looked at the back of her hand, the triforce glowing intensely, proving that she truly was one of the worthy of legend, the life giver. She then turned to her mentor, the mysterious Impa who had secretly taken her to this hidden room, deep inside the princess’ own castle.
“That is what ales the people of Hyrule, the dark secret behind every precious few birth. It is the secret Lord Ganondorf of the Gerudo, wielder of the triforce of Power, seeks. For the woman of Gerudo are many and the man are one. Their extinction seems inevitable.”
“I still do not understand what all of this means,” Zelda replied, frustrated and shaking her head towards the marble tablet containing the scriptures. At seven years old, she had quite a character and if she had to hide it during her duties as a princess, Zelda had no retention as a scholar of Impa.
“Then I shall tell you. And once you learn, then your fate shall be sealed.”… Read the rest of this entry »
The night was warm and clear, lightened by a full moon, a lover’s moon. The forest was silent but for a few owl hoots. Somewhere in the treetops, a sole figure was standing guard to protect Knothole, the secret town of the Freedom Fighters, from any intruders. He was an orange twin tailed fox named Tails. He yawned. It had been a week since he had slept well. As he turned 13, Tails had become a full pledged freedom fighter, meaning more patrols, day and night, more raids on Robotropolis and the worst: less time for sex! The last sexual encounter he had was this morning a quickie with Sonic before going to bed, but he was too tired to really enjoy it. He sighed. It almost made him want to become a kid again. Almost. Tails looked around with his night vision goggles. Nothing in sight… as usual. As he turned however, the sound of moving leaves caught his attention. He looked down and indeed saw a bush shaking, yet there was no wind.
“Who is there?” Tails asked loudly.
From the bush came the small cries of a squirrel and Tails relaxed, “You can come out Shadz, I know it’s you.”
“How can you be so sure?” heard the fox.
“Squirrel cries is the oldest trick in the book and I know how much you like to use the oldies.”
A tall wolf came out of the bush. His white fur was of great contrast to the black night, as were his golden yellow eyes. Shadow Forsythe, or Shadz as Tails liked to call him, was a ronin, a lone wanderer with only Blackstar, his girlfriend and mate, by his side.
“I like the young ones much more then the oldies”, he responded with a hint of passion…. Read the rest of this entry »
It had been a few months since the first Festival, where the knothole residents had gotten together and mated through out the day like animals. Not that it was surprising, since they actually were animals. Since then, everything had been quite calm around Knothole, but sex was now a common sight as well as a common offering. The kids especially loved it, but after sometime of fucking and sucking and filled and being filled, they had gotten a bit bored of it and had turned to other occupations.This time around, the Knothole children were playing capture the flag in the great forest again. This time, the teams were Sally, Rotor and Antoine against Sonic, Tails and the newest member of the kid gang, a rabbit named Bunnie. No one knew much about Bunnie, as Julayla, who had found her in the ruins of the old Mobotropolis, refused to speak of her. They had of course accepted her into the gang with arms opened, especially Sally since it was the first girlfriend of her age she could actually speak to.
But now, they were not friends. They were foes and had to defend the all important flag against invaders. Sally, the team leader, decided to remain alone to guard her team’s flag. That usually would have been Rotor’s job, since he was a bit slower, but Sally could see he was tired of the guardian job and decided to give him a break. As for Antoine, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and so would reveal the location of the flag immediately. On the other side, Sonic was appointed as guardian, since Tails could find the opposite flag easier by flying and Bunnie had been a quite formidable opponent last time.
All was now green and silent. Bunnie heard the particular sound of Tails’ spinning tails as he flew overhead. A few more steps, then she heard distant talking, along the lines of: “Where are you my little flag? I’m going to get you. You know you can not run away from the best fighter in the world, Antoine D’Coolette!”. She hid in the bushes and waited. As loud as he was, she probably could have played drums as she passed by him and he still wouldn’t have noticed, but better not take the chance.
As the French fox neared him, she heard a distinct “Antoine, shut up! He have to remain hidden!” Rotor, a bit further then Antoine was, meaning she had the coast clear to begin searching. She waited, 1… 2… 3… then jumped out of the bushes and began frantically searching for the flag. Read the rest of this entry »
Brock didn’t keep it there, he moved it after a couple of minutes to a tighter spot, he awaiting ass. He got an immediate response as she shot up with pain, apparently she was a virgin there like Misty was. Excellent, two ass virgins in three days.
“AAAAAhhhhhhh! Put it back!” she cried but Brock found her ass a much needed haven for a second Orgasm. Once again beginning his ascension to orgasm by her pounded her ass, again, Literally.
Flowing into the Room Ash removed the covers and make sure it was Misty. Slowing down his movements he took care in not to wake her, just like before. Removing her pants meaning he wanted to cut right to the chase. He pulled them down and saw her gleaming ass in the moonlight of the window. Its innocent nature actually hid the most beautiful and lust after thing of the night, Mistys asshole. He go ready, laying her on her back a little more for a quick insert into the Vagina for lube then the real treat, Ass.
Slowly lowering himself, his rod realized what was about to happen and guided itself to Mistys sleeping self. He went in and felt her warm welcome which she couldn’t control. Moving his cock out, he went into her ass for the second time.
Penetrating with some resistance, he went for the gold. Not caring whether misty would wake up or not he pounded he ass yet again. Ripples came from the impact of going to far into her and so fast. He found her stirrings announcing. Read the rest of this entry »
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