New Teen Titans porn story!
Teen Titans. Tamaranian Health Care. Chapter 3
3rd part of XXX Teen Titans story “Tamaranian Health Care”
Entranced by the swaying orbs as she moved towards him, the Titan’s brain never really registered Starfire crawling toward him on her hands and knees until she practically sat on his belly and scooted back until his cock was pressed between the full checks of her gorgeous ass.
Wanting to lift his gaze away from her bosom, Starfire then used one of her slender fingers to reach under his chin before gently tilting Robin’s masked face up to look at her as she lent down and sealed their lips together in a sweet, genuine kiss. It lasted only a few seconds however and before the Boy Wonder could make a move to deepen the embrace; it was over.
Apart from her sheer beauty, something else Robin noticed about the princess as she made herself comfortable on her new seat was that she was a lot heavier then he had ever anticipated. Despite the fact that she was a tall and more than generously endowed woman, she also had a slender frame that would make any world famous super modal jealous. At a guess, Robin had thought she might weigh about ten stone at the most but he quickly realized he had been shooting about at least five short and once more; the phrase, “Not human,” echoed through his mind for the millionth time.
However, that thought was quickly lost as he looked up at her; he wasn’t sure how but even when she had had her mouth full with his cock, Starfire had managed to maintain an aura of pure innocence but at that moment she looked hot enough to melt lead.
“Ever since we first met Robin…” the princess whispered, squirming slightly in his lap to ensure she had his attention before continuing, “I’ve wanted to be this close to you Robin.” Read the rest of this entry »
New Teen Titans sex story!
Teen Titans. Tamaranian Health Care. Chapter 2
2nd part of Teen Titans porn story “Tamaranian Health Care”
Delighted to feel the mass weight of his manhood pressing against her, the Tamaranian girl couldn’t help but giggle gleefully at the thought of him wanting her before placing her hands just below his collarbones and using them for leverage to rub her hips against his. Sensing the burning heat of Starfire’s arousal rubbing against his, a deep moan reverberated through Robin’s throat and not even years of training under the Dark Knight could stop him from arching his hips in ecstasy.
Through out all the years that he’d known her, the boy wonder had never seen this side of the alien princess, this demanding and seductive temptress —but he defiantly wasn’t complaining about it after he’d almost grown accustomed to wanting the once apparently innocent beauty.
The sweet torment lasted only a few minutes however and a disappointment groan filtered through her lips as Robin made an attempt to take control of the situation by suddenly gripping her hips; stopping any movement on the princess’s part. However this only made her smile grow and before he could make a move, Starfire had lent down and captured his thin lips in another heated kiss.
Savouring the sweet taste of her lips once more, Robin was dimly aware of her slender hands as they slid across his shoulders; her feather-like touch sending shivers up his spine as his own hands slid beneath the fabric of her skirt to massage her bare thighs.
Moaning from the pleasurable sensation his roughened fingertips created as they gently squeezed the flesh of her full buttocks, Starfire broke the kiss but instead of pulling away; she dropped a kiss to his firm jaw and slowly swept her tongue up the curve of it.
Although she was neither accustomed to nor experienced in the art of ‘Making out’ as Beast Boy called this; Starfire could clearly remember the way her sister had used to talk about her excursions with the teenage males of their home world and she was more than ready to explore what she had learned with Robin. And as her soft lips slowly moved along the hard line of his chin; the princess’s delicate hands quickly undid the buttons of his shit before travelling back up his chest to push the cotton garment off of his shoulders and arms.
Leaning back slightly before discarding the top with a flick of her hand, Starfire then found that she was unable to move as she stared down at her handy work; her innocent mind disparity trying to comprehend how she had been able to so greatly underestimate how astonishing Robin really was. Read the rest of this entry »
New Teen Titans sex story!
Teen Titans. Tamaranian Health Care. Chapter 1
Robin was bored.
Shifting restlessly on the stiff mattress, The Boy Wonder tried to rotate himself around to look at the clock hanging on the medical wing wall while doing his best to ignore the dull, burning sensation in his right shoulder and lower side.
‘Damn, still ten minutes…’
Lying back against the unbelievably coarse fabric, Robin began to idly stare out the nearest window and watch the glowing sunset on Jump city. However, the sight was lost on the teen as his mind began re-playing the incident that had landed him in this God-forsaken bed for the better part of a month.
It had started as a regular morning for the Titians, Beast Boy and Cyborg arguing over what to have for breakfast, Raven sitting alone in a corner of the room, reading an ancient tome that looked like it had not been opened in over a century while he and Starfire discussed Earth customs. A normal morning for the group of heroes, or at least until the alarms sounded; informing them that a group of well-armed but unorganised men had held up the Jump City bank.
No matter how armed they may have been, the robbers did not stand a chance and were quickly rounded up. Finishing his opponent off with a sharp kick to the jaw, Robin had then been able to watch as Starfire advanced on who had appeared to be the gang’s leader. While larger and a little more muscular than his comrades, the sight of the alien teen approaching had appeared to be enough to put the fear of god into the villain and the robber suddenly dropped to his knees; begging her for mercy. However, from his position Robin had been able to see a different picture and had watched in horror as the man slowly reached for the grip of a very large pistol that he had concealed within his overcoat.
Fortunately for Starfire though, Robin had been able to push her out of the line of fire; just before the crook opened fire.
Everything after that was a bit of a blur for the Boy Wonder and the last thing he could remember before waking up in the medical wing two weeks later was a blaze of green light and a terrifying cry of furry that had rocked him to his very bones.
Suddenly the soft click of the door handle turning woke the teen from his thoughts. As light flooded into the dark infirmary, Robin lay back on the bed and narrowed her masked eyes into thin slits; acting as if he were asleep. Read the rest of this entry »
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